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"How in the-?" I stopped at the foot of my door, blinking at the tiny dog, sitting at my door. What was Tan doing all the way over here?

His ears perked up and his tiny head turned to look at me. He let out a small bark and zoomed as fast as his little legs could get to me and hopped on my leg.

"Tan, what are you doing at my house? you crazy pup." I said, picking him and he licked my chin. "Let's get you to Taehyung's place. I'm sure he's probably knocked out and don't know you're missing."

When I got to Taehyung's house, I figured out how Tan got out. His mom must've let out tan before she left and forgot that he was out there. I stepped into Tae's room and sure enough, he was knocked out in his bed.

I shook my head at the dork and decided to just let him sleep. I double checked to make sure the back door was locked and put tan in his kennel. I locked the bottom lock to Tae's house as I closed the door.

I sent a quick text to his phone to let him know that I had been over there and to make sure to lock his top lock.

As I walked back to my house, my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Yoongi. I wanted to answer, because truthfully, I was already missing him. But I was kinda scared to talk to him. I didn't want to say anything wrong and start a huge argument. I didn't want to have the "him leaving to country" conversation yet.

But I wanted to talk to him.

I sighed and answered the call, "Hello?"

"I'm outside your door." Why did he sound kind of sad? Wait, outside my door?

My heart immediately started beating fast as I noticed the figure in front of my house.

"Um I'm right behind you. Here I come." I answered, and hung up the phone.
He turned around and saw me, his face didn't smile like it usually did. It was scaring me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, when I got closer to him. "It's kinda late."

"I thought you were ignoring me. I thought you were letting me knock on your door and you were sitting there, ignoring me." He sighed with relief. He rubbed his face and shook his head. "I was going to break down your door and apologize for whatever I did."

I stared at him for a long, hard second. I covered my mouth and started to laugh. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"What's so funny?" Yoongi asked, scratching his cheek, confused. "I was really worried about you, Rena... Rena?"

I was now covering my face with my hands and tears were streaming down my face. My laughter had became tears.

"I'm sorry, give me a minute. Please." I managed to say. It was getting hard for me to shake this anxiety. I breathed deep and wiped my face. I exhaled and rubbed my eyes.
I straightened back up and finally looked in Yoongi's eyes.

"I know you're leaving to South Korea too." I said. "with everyone else."

His eyes didn't look away from me, but he frowned even more. "Is that why you've been acting weird? I was going to tell you. I didn't know how to bring it up because—."

"Because you were scared that I would freak out." I cut him off. I looked away from him but of course, he had to make me look back at him.

"This is a serious conversation. Don't look away while we're talking." He stated. "And I didn't think you were going to freak out. I know you're stronger than that. I was worried about myself."

I was the one confused now. "What do you mean?"

He pointed at me. "Because I'm kinda obsessed with you. I'm scared that once we're apart, I'm not going to be able to function without you near. You don't know this but I survived everyday in my darkest times because of the small interactions we would have. You always wondered why it seems like I aggravated you the most because you were right. I was depending on you and you didn't know it."

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