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I had my headphones in as I walked down the hall of my high school. I squinted as the figures around me became unfocused and my eyes focused on the running figure coming straight towards me.


I pulled out my headphones as I opened my mouth to tell my best friend, Taylor, to stop running before she tripped over her own feet but before I could get it out, it was too late.

"And I—oop." I said as she flew towards the ground. I shook my head, sighing as I grabbed her book that fell on to the ground with her and added, "If you're not dead, then you're ok."

"Did anyone see?" She groaned, picking herself up. Her cheeks tinted red with embarrassment as she tried to look around to see if anyone saw her fall. A few people did, yet none asked if she was okay. I think I even saw a teacher tiptoe past her.

A chuckle came from behind her causing both of us to look up. One of the baseball players for our school was standing by his locker, a few meters away from us, he had an amused glint in his eyes as he stared at us. More so Taylor. He had dyed blonde hair with his dark roots starting to show, and ear piercings. I believe his name was Park Jimin. He transferred to our school two years ago, but I've only had two classes with him. I didn't know him too well. All I know is that he's from this part of town, but went to a private school before coming here.

"Oh dammit all. Out of all people, fucking Park Jimin saw me!" Taylor spoke lowly, standing up. "Hey if you're laughing at me, it's not very nice! You could've asked if I was okay." Her voice grew louder as she pointed at him.

"You can't get mad at him because you fell Taylor." I rolled my eyes, though I agreed with the last part of what she said.

He raised his hands up as if he was saying, you're right, my bad. A silly grin still on his face as he shook his head and turned back to his locker.

"I bet he thinks you're crazy now." I stated as I handed her back the textbook. "Now explain to me why you were running down the hallway?"

Her eyes lit up as she remembered, snapping her fingers as she started to bounce up and down. Yes, my best friend had so much energy that it amazes me sometimes. "Okay, Okay so remember that test I was telling you about that I had to take yesterday!!"

"You passed?" I raised my eyebrows, guessing her excitement.

"No, not at all." She grinned, widely.

I had no idea how she could say that with a smile on her face. She literally tried to study for 10 minutes to make sure she aced that test. 10 minutes may not seem like a lot to you, but trust me, in Taylor's world that's like a day worth of studying. She was actually pretty smart, but tended to focus on other things.

"BUUUUTTT, when I got my test back today, the teacher slapped it on my desk way too hard and it ended up making my pencil fall. So I reached to pick up my pencil and guess what? Someone else's hand was reaching for that pencil too!" She exclaimed.

"So somebody was trying to steal your pencil....?"

She slapped me softly on my shoulder as she let out a loud laugh. "No crazy! FUCKING MIN YOONGI was reaching to pick up MY pencil to give it back to MEEEE. This has to be fate, RENA I DON'T CARE ABOUT LIFE ANYMORE. THIS MEAN HE KNOWS I EXIST AND HE CARES ABOUT ME AND MAYBE HE'S NOT AS EVIL AS YOU THINK HE IS."

I immediately started walking away after I heard that name. The devil's name. Min Yoongi.

Taylor has an unrequited love towards him. I have no idea why. Ever since she transferred to our school three years ago, and laid eyes on him. She has been sprung. To me, He isn't all that. I admit he looked nice. But that's it. Since middle school he got on my last nerves. We didn't speak much but when we did, he always had some sarcastic remark to almost everything. I feel like he noticed that it got on my nerves so he'll deliberately say sarcastic remarks when he could. We always had at least one class every school year. I can't help but become the Arthur meme every time he spoke in class now. If he spoke, that is.

"For 1. I'm pretty sure he knows you exist. He sits next to you in that class. 2, I wish I could share your enthusiasm but it's Min Yoongi. All he does is whine and make disgruntled remarks. Who could be attracted to that? You know what. I sound like a debby downer. I wish you guys that best of love and hope you guys have a bunch of grumpy cat babies with red hair." I said, trying not to be that one depressing friend. "And I'll be happy to beat him with a baseball bat if he hurts you."

Taylor smiled at me, shaking her head. "Well your next class is with him. Try not to glare too hard at him. I have art next, hopefully Taehyung is there today so we can start on our project. I'll see you at lunch." She gave me a slight wave before heading in the opposite direction.

I instantly felt my spirit drop when she left. Her presence always gave me a slight energy boost. She gave me the positivity I tend to lack. I could be a moody person but I felt balance when she was around.

I sighed as I placed one of my earphones back in my ear and walked into my next class, history. I hated school, I hated classes. I hated being in a constructed, structured environment.

I sat down in my seat and pulled out my notebook. I probably had like two pages of notes in it, even though school had been going on for almost 4 months now. I hated paying attention. I tend to zone out during lectures.

"Rena, please tell me you did the homework last night."

I looked up from my phone to see Harry, a classmate of mine, with a desperate look on his face. "Please please please please."

I noticed a blob of cheese was on his cheek, I squinted at it to make sure it was actually cheese.

"Ummm.. I get that I'm extremely good looking but right now isn't the time to be checking me out. I really need to copy the homework." Harry stated, tapping a finger on my desk, gaining my attention back to him.

Before I could burst his spirit and ego, a hand came from behind me, pointing up at Harry. "Did you intentionally try to miss your mouth or?" That deep voice. Freaking Min Yoongi. Why was he sitting behind me today? He usually sat in the back so he could sleep.

Harry's hands immediately flew to his face as he dashed away, probably to the little mirror he likes to carry around in his bag.
Darn it, I didn't get the chance to tell him I didn't do the homework either.

"Alright, Settle down everyone."

The teacher finally decided to do her job, She stood up from her desk with a piece of paper in her. "Alright, everyone look behind you. The person that is behind you will be your partner for the project I will explain to you. It's a month long project and will be worth 5% of your overall grade."

"Excuse you." I had to work with Yoongi? Like lazy Yoongi? The Yoongi who got on my nerves just by speaking?

The class grew quiet and I realized that I had said those words out loud.

I was a master at playing things off so I pointed at her feet. "Your shoes are untied." I said, not missing a beat.

She blinked at me and looked down, confused. She had on converse highs. I hated converse highs. "Um thank you." She shrugged, letting my weirdness go.

"Wow. She didn't even stop to think that her shoes were already tied." Yoongi muttered sarcastically, shaking his head. "Nice one, Rena."

My fist instinctively balled up at his voice. "Could you just not talk.. like at all? That'll be great."

He let out a dark chuckle, leaning towards my desk. "For the whole month of our project? Okay. count me in."

I might've set myself up for that.

But still..

Freaking Min Yoongi.

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