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"The vibe at this table is awful." Kookie announced. "And why is Jimin sitting over there? Did he feel like sitting with his baseball buddies?"

Tae rolled his eyes and took a swig of his soda. "It doesn't matter."

Taylor sighed, and shook her head. "This is ridiculous."

"Yes, your boyfriend is ridiculous." Tae added. "What the fuck is his problem?"

Kookie's eyes widened as he took a sip of his tea.

Taylor blinked at Tae's aggression. "Watch your tone, Tae." Her voice had a warning tone to it. "I get it. He made all of us angry but don't take it out on me."

"Angry? No. He made your best friend have a panic attack. It took her longer than usual to calm down from, might I add." Tae kept going. His face hardened with disgust. "Fuck." He stood up, abruptly. "I need to get out of here before I flip this fucking table at him."

I swallowed hard as I watch Tae stalk out the cafeteria, passing up Marcella. She looked confused but kept walking to our table. "Everyone's a little off today, huh?"

Kookie whistled as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Tell me about it."

Taylor groaned and pinched her nose. She looked at me, sadness filling her face. "I can't control Jimin's actions or words, but I apologize for not checking up on you earlier. I was trying to keep Jimin and Yoongi from arguing. I think Jimin is upset that it doesn't seem like no one appreciates him. I think he might've been feeling lonely lately and now he's overreacting."

"Ahhh. That's why he left the groupchat." Kookie frowned. "Everyone likes Jimin. I don't get how he could feel that way."

Marcella nodded her head, agreeing. "He did complain a lot on Saturday saying he felt like no one pays any attention to him. I guess he felt like the friendships weren't reciprocated."

"I don't know what to say at this point." I spoke. "Jimin is the last thing on my mind at this moment. I'm more worried about Tae than anything."

"Sometimes I wonder if you're sure you don't love Taehyung." Taylor said, tilting her head to catch my expression. "Your emotions become quite tense when it comes to him."

I frowned. They didn't understand. It wasn't that. "17 years I've been on this earth, 14 of those years I've spent them with Kim Taehyung. Of course my emotions are intense when it comes to him." I stood up from the lunch table. "I need to go check up on him."

I found him by his locker, just leaning on it. He was so cliche sometimes. "Kim Taehyung, Jimin isn't worth being angry over. If I'm over it, you should be too." I spoke, causing his eyes to flicker over to me.

"I'm over it now." He admitted, a sheepish smile made its way on his face. "I felt like a fool after I left the cafeteria and didn't feel like showing my face after that. Taylor's not mad, is she?"

I shook my head. "Nah. You know it takes a lot for something completely stupid to get her mad."

"You're right." He agreed. Silence came over us. "You and I both know what Jimin said was true."

I stayed quiet, shrugging my shoulders.

"And we both don't want to speak about it." He added. "Or should I say acknowledge."

I continued for him. "Because we're both a little fucked up in the head."

"Yup." Tae and I said at the same time.

Taehyung was adopted. His adoptive parents are black and white, he was adopted at 3. When we first met, he got attached to me. He wouldn't stop crying and always kept telling me to not leave him, he cried the hardest whenever our parents came to pick us up. I didn't get attached to him until he stood up for me maybe a year later. My parents started distancing themselves from me and I started attaching myself more and more on to Taehyung.

So Far Away ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt