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Bambam threw a stone to distract the guards and waited for them to check where it came from. Mina gave her the locations prior to going to another coordinates that would lead her to Jennie's phone. She wanted to make sure that aside from the coordinates provided first by the transmitter where it stopped for awhile, she also needed to check for herself why Jennie's phone transferred to Daejeon?

On the other hand Bambam was also having second thoughts going here so they agreed to split up. The former NIS agent had no idea that Bambam would involved Lisa and Seulgi to this rescue operation.

He needed to secure the place so Lisa and Seulgi could get inside without trouble. Those two didn't have any weapons with them. He instructed them to park outside the subdivision and just sneak out. He carefully installed  the silencer on his pistol. And reloaded it with bullets. He was planning to use it later. For now he decided to use his physical strength with the roving guards outside the villa perimeter. He climbed aboard the wall and ducked down to spot those possible active survey lance cameras. He managed to put down four of the guards and looked for the main switch box.

Once he secured the cctv lines he went to open the gate. He already saw the two waving at him. He led them to the back side of the villa.

"Gosh who's place is this? Are you sure this is the right place we might got charged for trespassing." Seulgi kept her voice lower.

"This is the right address. Miss Myoui is certain about this but she needs to check Daejeon too." He explained while handing both of them the pistols with silencer already attached.

"Gosh, why did you let Shawee go alone?" Lisa complained. "What if Jennie is really there since her phone is there too? This could be a bait, Bam."

"Then we'll gonna know for sure." He assisted the two to put their gloves and gave Seulgi a bottle of meds. "Take this, you might need it later."

"What? I am not sick. This is not the right time to take vitamins." Seulgi obviously confused.

"Hey, don't ever drink that. That's death capsule. You'll die if you drink that. Use that only if you got no choice and if your opponent is too strong.
Have them bite it, so the effect would be instant."

"Yah, Bam why didn't you tell it earlier what if I really drink one of these. Jisoos I think I'll gonna die because of your recklessness." Seulgi complained.

"Hey, Chance. You okay? You are just staring at your gun. You need to focus,  alright? Just carefully point that to any suspicious person. Once you secured the target you know what to do. Don't forget to pull the trigger of course. Just use it if necessary. Here." He handed a pen to her.

"How am I supposed to use this pen?" Lisa asked.

"This has 60 shots on it. And quite deadly. If you think you need to have  close combat use it. We are trying to minimize the damage. This is a rogue mission we are not authorized to have this mission. Ms. Myoui is working alone she is no longer an agent. So it will be hard for her to clean up all the mess here." He explained to the two.

"But I thought you are from Special Ops?" Seulgi asked.

"Is he?" This made Lisa amazed upon her new discovery.

"I was. I don't work for anyone in the government. I will put justice on my own hands this time."

"Oh," The two said in chorus. They were both amused and really think Bambam is so cool.

"Seul, go to the left side. Chance take the right. I'll climb the balcony to access the 2nd floor." He instructed them.

The three moved in haste. Seulgi was having goosebumps. She could not believe herself she signed up for this. Of course she's all the way for her best friend but she didn't really expect that she's gonna kill people.

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