XLVIII. Cornered

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Wellington Hotel

Wendy's neck craned and wished the seminar would be finished earlier. She tried to focus about the discussion but her mind was not into it. She thought she saw a ghost. But she was quite unsure about it. She wanted to call Irene right away but she couldn't. It might only gave Irene a false hope. She knew too well that Lisa doesn't look Korean at all and there is a big chance that she may have doppler gangers or look alikes around the globe especially in Western country. She sighed like for the nth time already. She saw her inside the limousine together with her previous mentor but Lisa didn't go with him in the seminar. She just remained inside the car and it drove away.

"Thank you for all your time attending this seminar. I hope everyone learned something from us and we continue our good practices in our designated fields." The speaker was already saying his closing remarks. The rest of the doctors applauded him.

"Dear doctors enjoy the rest of the night." The speaker finally said.

It was her cue to dart to corner Dr. Myoui. She had questions to ask for him. They met few times already and they have a  good relationship. The known doctor was the very reason why she got into Gangnam Hospital. Without his recommendation she probably ended up doing her residency in a rural district hospital. He was also her mentor back then and she was treated like a daughter by this good doctor. During the days when she was under Dr. Myoui's supervision the good doctor talked a lot about her daughter who happened to be a black sheep in the family. He wanted her daughter to follow her foot steps but the latter didn't like to be a doctor or anything like her great father. He was very stressed out whenever he talked about her daughter.

"Excuse me, Dr. Myoui." She excused and the senior doctor and her daughter turned to her direction. The senior doctor smiled widely after recognizing who called him out.

"Oh, hi, Dr. Son I'm glad you're here. How was your residency? Maybe you are already a permanent resident right?"

"It's all good, thanks for asking Dr. Myoui. How about you? How have you been?"  She was interrupted by the doctor's daughter.

"Dad, I can't stay any longer. I need to get home. I promised Chance I'll eat dinner with her." The doctor's daughter asked permission.

"Sharon, why don't you stay just a bit longer?" He persuaded his daughter and looked to the young doctor in front of her. "I am so sorry Dr. Son, by the way this is my daughter, Sharon. Sharon this is Dr. Son Wendy. She's from Gangnam Hospital and really well known for her excellence in the field."

She extended her hand to the doctor's daughter,  "Nice, meeting you. Just call me Wendy."

"Same here, but I can't stay any longer. I am sorry Dr. Son, I mean Wendy, please enjoy the night." She then kissed her father and walked out from the place. Both Wendy and Dr. Myoui eyes just followed Sharon until she finally went out the room.

"I'm sorry, she's just worried about her girlfriend."

"Oh, girlfriend?"

"Not really but I know my daughter well and I think she's been liking her friend since day one." He said very amused.

"I see, by the way Dr. Myoui I saw you earlier when you arrived. I saw a woman aside from your daughter Sharon and she really looked someone I know in Korea."

"Are you referring the other lady inside the limo, is it Chance?"


"Yeah, she's my adopted daughter. But she never went to Korea, after moving out from Japan she stays here in America for long."

"I haven't heard about her."

"Because compared to Sharon, Chance is really a good daughter and she obeys me. That's why I never talked about her." He smiled warmly. "Do you want to know her? She's kinda aloof she has a rare condition of blindness but she's a nice girl. I would love the two of you to become friends. She doesn't have friends around other than Sharon and her nurse."

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