VII. She's Gay

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It has been 2 weeks since the accident. Krystal just arrived at the airport. She headed straight to the hospital. It was really hard for her to go on the business trip. She blamed herself for Kai's accident. If only she knew that he would get into an accident that night then she might ask him to stay. They just celebrated the good news. Kai brought a bouquet of roses and boxes of chocolate. He proposed to her that day. Happiness turned to sadness. Of course, Kai needed to be back for dinner as he promised to Jennie and the kids.

She got a call from Atty. Lee. He informs her that they need to hold the divorce of Kai and Jennie since Kai is not waking up until now. Her main priority is not to push the divorce but to see Kai awake. She could always wait for him just like before.

She was too occupied that she did not notice she's already nearby at the hospital lobby. She saw Jennie get out of the hospital. She wonders who is with Kai right now that his wife just left. She went to the other side of the hospital to avoid her. She knocked at the private room. A woman she met before opened the door. Jennie's friend.

"Hey, come in."

"Where did Jennie go?" She asked.

"Jennie will buy something for lunch. Long time no see." The girl is too friendly.

"You are Lisa, right?"

"Yes, good thing you do remember."

"I forgot to give back your handkerchief, thank you for the last time."

"Oh, no need to give it back. And you are welcome. Should I ask Jennie to buy extra?" Lisa inquired.

"No, need I will just see him briefly and leave right away. And I already mentioned to you that Jennie and I are not friends."

"I see, okay I give you some moment. I'll just go outside."

"Thanks, Lisa."


After Lisa got out of the room, I go beside Kai. He still looks handsome. I wonder what he is dreaming of? Atty. Lee updated me about his condition that he is recovering except he is still not waking up. What is taking you too long, babe? Please come back to me. I really miss you. I can't stop myself from crying. It is just too unfair for us. When we are finally making our small brave steps towards our plans, things like this happen.

I kissed him gently. Jennie might come back and I don't want to have a close encounter with her. I am a woman too. I feel what she feels right now. And I don't want her to know about my relationship with her husband.

I went out of the room and saw Lisa. She smiled at me like she was really glad to see me again. I wonder what is wrong with her. She seemed to be happy every time I see her.

"Oh, that was really fast." She commented

"Yeah, and why are you following me?"

"Here." she offered her handkerchief.
"Don't worry I have plenty you can take it and you don't have to return it to me. I just don't want your makeup to smudge." Lisa was grinning like stupid but it's cute. I felt somehow relieved that she was with me.

"Thanks, do you want me to collect all your hankies?"

"I don't want to see any girl crying. It makes me sad as well."

"Why do I have this feeling that you are hitting on me? Are you into girls?"

Lisa laughed so hard, "Wow, you are right and wrong at the same time." She pointed out. "Yes, I am into girls, No, I am not hitting on you." She smiled like an idiot.

My eyes widened. I did not expect her to be gay. She is really pretty, I thought she has a boyfriend. "What? No!"

She was puzzled by my reaction.
"What do you mean no? You really thought I am hitting on you?" She asked. We were both going to the parking lot.

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