V. My Girlfriend's Best friend

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I did not go to work. I need to support Jennie during hard times. She doesn't have to text me or let me know. After I dropped Joohyun at her company I went straight to the hospital.

Her husband was moved to a private room that was her last update. I already asked the nurses for the room number. I knocked but no one answered. The door was slightly open. The woman inside is not Jennie. She might not hear my knocks. Her eyes are swollen from crying and she looks so worried. She might be his sister. Kai's head is wrapped with a bandage. He's still not waking up after the surgery. Jennie informed me that her husband might not wake up anytime soon. He is in a comatose state. I really felt bad for Jennie and her kids.

"Excuse me, have you seen Jennie?" she immediately wiped her tears away. She seemed a bit guilty for crying or just embarrassed.

"She gets some stuff from the house, that was the nurse said when I asked who is with him. She left without anyone looking after him"
She answered with a bit of irritation. Oh, her sister-in-law must be upset about her brother being left alone in the hospital. I took out my handkerchief and offered it to her.

"Here take this."

She looked up, even her cheeks are swollen from crying she is quite a visual herself. But she doesn't look like her brother.

"Thank you. Are you Jennie's friend?"

"Yes, I am. I did not bother to text her. I thought she will be around. My name is Lisa." I extended my hand for a proper introduction and she accepted it.

"I am Krystal. Kai's friend. I was not able to go here, yesterday since the news just broke today." So she's not an immediate family member but a friend of his.

"I am so sorry to hear that. But let just hope for the best. I believe he is a strong guy and he will surpass this for his loved ones."

"He should. I need to go back to work. Just don't tell Jennie that I dropped by. I don't want to bother her. We are not really close." She instructed me.
"And please don't leave Kai alone."
I nodded in agreement.

"I understood. Okay, I will just stay here until Jennie arrived."

It was odd that she wanted me not to let Jennie know about her visit. But I was not in any position to pry whatever her deal with Jennie. They might not close even she's her husband's friend. A very close friend somehow.

It was already lunchtime when Jennie arrived at the hospital. She was accompanied by an old woman.

"Hey, Lili what brings you here?" She asked. "By the way she is Kai's mother. Mom this is Lisa my long-lost best friend."

"Hi dear, thank you for accompanying my son. Why I didn't see you at their wedding?"

"Yeah, I was really far from home. I just returned." I casually replied.

"Jennie dear, it is already lunch I think your best friend must be hungry so go and have lunch with her. Afterward please go home and take some rest. I cannot stand it if you get sick too." The old woman said with concern. I am really glad that her mother-in-law is kind to her. Jennie really has gotten herself into a perfect marriage.

"Mom, it's okay. I can come back here after having lunch."

"Please don't argue with me. Don't give me a headache, Jen. You two go now." She shooed us away.

"Okay, Mom. Please update me if there is any development."She kissed her goodbye then went to kiss her husband as well.

"Jennie, you take care, okay?"

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