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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I did not put any title just X to represent many things, I will try to reveal as much as possible. This chapter is extra meaningful to me. Thank you so much for reading...

Flashback.... 2012


A few weeks ago, my parents introduced me to my fiancé. The guy is not so bad at all but I don't really see him interested in getting married anytime soon. We're in the same boat right now. But we agreed to get to know each another first. He asked me out for a date that's why I ended up here in Hongdae. He's 40 minutes late.

I enjoyed my time alone, not so sure if Kai ditched me already or whatnot. I remember how my best friend and I try a lot of foods here that we both got food poisoned. Lisa acted tough that day. She was more worried about me more than for herself.

Remembering high school days

The nurse was almost done checking my dextrose. She had been scolding Lisa several times for coming back and forth to my bed. She made a lot of excuses just to be able to check if I am alright.

The nurse wrote something on the clipboard then faced Lisa with an arched brow. The 7th time she scolded her. "Miss Manoban, I understand you are worried about your girlfriend, but you need to get some rest as well. Your guardian will be here soon."

I saw how Lisa blushed, but she did not budge. The curtain was not totally close so from my bed I could see them talking. She was too focus talking to the nurse. She pouted like a poor puppy. I am trying to keep myself from bursting into laugh. She's so hard headed. I already told her I am feeling alright. Her condition looked worst than mine.

"I'm sorry, I just felt responsible for all of this. If I did not invite her then this won't happen." She confessed to the nurse.

The nurse felt soft for Lisa. "Ms. Manoban, I understand that your intention is to have a good date with your girlfriend, it was an accident and no one is blaming you. Ms. Kim is getting better and you should also so that you can go home together, okay?"

Lisa didn't correct the nurse. Everyone thought that we're girlfriends and just had a simple date at Hongdae.

The idea is not bad, she is my best friend of course. And if it's to keep her single so those boys and girls can finally stop bugging her then I am okay with it. She has a lot of suitors and good thing she is not interested in getting into a relationship yet. Not yet, everyone is too young, I guess. I already asked her if she likes girls, she said NO. I felt relieved at the same time sad. I don't know either as to why I felt disappointed. The coast isn't clear yet. I thought one of these days she will say yes to her avid suitor, Hanbin. I just heard from Seulgi that he got basted. Well, Lisa deserves someone better than him. I always pray that she'll find a perfect boyfriend but not too soon. We are fine being singles, so I hate the idea of just imagining Lisa having a boyfriend. Her time is already divided, she has dance troupe. This already occupied most of her schedule. The reason we got out today is that she is trying to make it up with me. I am not even mad that we ended up at the hospital. I enjoy the moment knowing how concerned Lisa was about me. I love that kind of feeling when someone cares for you deeply.

The nurse finally give in and let her in, the beds here are separated by curtains. And she stays in a different room. She looks so tired.

As I recalled earlier when we were roaming around Hongdae Lisa and I tried various street foods. I then felt dizzy and vomited so Lisa rushed me to the nearest hospital. Her face was really panic-stricken. I told the nurses at the emergency room to check Lisa as well because she was vomiting too before we got here. Even she's sick she still looks beautiful in my eyes. As she passed through the curtain she then smiled brightly and all giddy upon seeing me on my bed. As if she was not poisoned too.

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