XXI. Blume

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Jeongyeon wanted to meet up, and of all places, she chose here in the carnival. She told me I could use my free time, enjoying the place and its safer if there's a lot of people. I busied myself taking some photos. And in the sea of people, I know my eyes were not telling lies. I saw the most beautiful woman in the world. It must be fate that brought us here together. I couldn't help but smile. I don't think she saw me already. So I snapped stolen shots of her. I was checking the photos when I observed something odd in the background. There were men behind Joohyun. I thought it was just a coincidence. I looked around and checked every corner of the carnival.  These men are acting odd. They are like tracking someone. To check if I am not just being paranoid I then move to one place to another. But there's a kid who fell down in front of me so I helped her get up and looked for her mom first. She must be missing.

"Hey, watch out. Are you hurt?" But the girl just cried out more and unable to talk..

"Oh, baby, please don't cry. Where's your mom? Come here, let's look for her, okay?" I tried to use the cotton candy as a bait so she would stop from crying.

"Do you want some cotton candies? I'll buy you the pink one." I led her to the cotton candy parlor. Good thing her mom claimed her.

I observed that those men in black clothes are still following me wherever I go. I think I should go in a much higher place to see how many of them are following me. My steps are really fast right now. Joohyun is here too then she will be in great danger. I dialled Jeongyeon's number nervously.

"Jeongyeon, there are men following me. It creeps me out. Joohyun is here too. You need to get here now."

"Can you buy me sometime? I'm on my way. Make sure you'll be able to distract them."

"Why are they following me? What do they need from me?" I was having a panic attack. I'm not worried for myself but for Joohyun.

"Okay, just calm down. I am just few blocks away from the carnival's parking area. Go somewhere I can easily locate you."

I looked around and tried to think of any best spot. Somewhere Jeongyeon can easily see me. "Okay, I am riding the ferris wheel." I informed her.

"Got it, they can't really make any moves yet. They are not stupid to expose themselves. Just hang on, there"

After getting the ticket I hurried to get on the ferris wheel but the moment I stepped foot inside the booth, Joohyun joined me. What is she doing here? She can't be here. The situation gets worst. How can I ask her to leave this place right away when the ride just lifted us up? I am contemplating how to say it to her. I don't have the easy way. I really need to push her away so she would come to her senses and leave at once.

"Uhm, Lisa, aren't you going to say hi to me?" She shyly asked.

"Hey," I tried to smile. "I didn't know you're here. I should probably go elsewhere, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"2 weeks ago, you asked me to get out of your life, get out of your sight. I am doing my best to comply with your request."

"It's not-" she's about to say something but I cut her out.

"You don't have to be guilty, Irene. even how hard it is, I manage to breathe. I don't want you to feel bad about everything. It's really my fault. I've been lying to you."

"Please listen to me, Hon."

"No, you listen to me." I tried to be firmed so she would believe me.

"I lied to you. I am seeing someone. I already told you that the photos are real so I wont deny it. I've been cheating on you and I don't want to hurt you more."

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