XXXVII. No Escape

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Being sent into too many missions made me the best version of myself. I led successful missions in the past so I am hopeful, I would be able to do it once again this time. Jeongyeon has so much faith in me. I just needed a better look on the actual bomb and once I classified it's type then I'll be able to figure the next steps.

Bambam and Momo secured the area for me so I will be able to have the time I needed to study the bomb. It is more complicated than I imagined. This type of bomb is not commonly use in any military mission. I am certain terrorists use this type of explosive devices. It is set up delicately inside the room. I followed the endless wire connecting to other rooms.

"Bam I need to check the other floors, I am afraid those wires are all interconnected."

His eyes grew in shock," The entire building is surrounded by bombs,"
he mumbled as he already read my thought too which made Momo turned to our direction.

"Why are you guys just talking there? Hurry up, I can no longer keep up, they are just too many and endless."

I smiled, I like this woman already, she's so straight forward, just my type.
If we are not in this kind of situation, I might already ask her number. Another thing she is working in NIS, that's so fucking cool.

"You alright, Jack?" Bam asked me.

"Yah, I got this, okay? I'll diffuse the bomb, let me just figure where is the main wire."

Bam rolled at the floor to avoid the flying bullets. He threw his gun since it's already out of bullet, he's doing one on one combat. I was about to stop what I am doing to help him since the opponent is trying to choke him.

"I am on it, just do what you must do."
Momo said and ran to Bambam, she strangled the enemy and made the enemy release Bam. They're fighting the enemies with their physical strength. It must be really exhausting.

On the other hand I located the wires, mostly twisted and I am having crisis which is which, my hands got so tensed up, I pulled out my tools, I got the cutter and ready to do the next step. Is it the red, black, pink or the purple one? Beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. I saw that Bambam and Momo are already struggling, one of their opponents had a knife. I could not focus, I heard Bambam's voice, when he was stabbed on his side. He punched the guy real hard and tried to remove the knife from his body. He looked at me,

"I'm fine Jack, mind your own business, we can still fight them." He then focus to the other enemies.

Momo was dragged by one of the men and smashed her face at the wall. I heard her screaming. I wanted to help them but I need to keep my focus.

"Which wire? Damn it, which one?" I shouted, even if I diffused the bomb successfully I am not sure if we are going to leave this place alive. My colleagues are badly beaten. I closed my eyes as I cut the purple wire. I smiled, I got the right one, the timer stopped. Then I heard a gun shot, Bam fell down on his knees.

He looked at me, grinning as if he didn't feel anything. "Not in a beat I ever doubted your skill. I know you're the best bomb expert out there." His eyes slowly closing.

"Bam!" I ran towards him but I was greeted by bullets, my body received them all like every damn bullet is welcome. I could not bear the pain, I crawled next to Bam. "You stupid, we can't be killed easily like this. We can't leave Jeongyeon alone, she would kill the two of us and that will be more terrifying."

I was not sure if I just imagined things but I saw him smile and heard Momo giggled.


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