11. 101 ways to fuck the naive out of you

Start from the beginning

He hears me in silence while I talk and nods to let me understand that he agrees with me.

"We have nothing against you, really... If we did we wouldn't invite you tonight."

"You didn't invite me because you like me. You invited Blair because you, or he, knew I wouldn't let her come here alone, and you will use this to cause some trouble." - I look him in the eyes and when he doesn't answer I chuckle a little. "See..."

I walk away from him. I really didn't have to be here. Searching for Blair through the crowd of people dancing and playing around I let out a breath when I can't find her anywhere. Now you see, Proof probably came over to distract me and they kidnapped her. I see Bizarre in the pool, but she is not there. I call his name a few times to ask him about her but he doesn't seem to hear me. He keeps chasing a girl around the pool laughing. I can ask Swity, Kuniva or Denaun but they are nowhere to be found either.

After going around the place at least 3 times I notice Dre coming out of the house with his arms around his wife. I walk over at them.

"Heyy!" - I fake a big smile and when his wife opens her arms I give her a hug. I met her once or twice in my life.

"How you feeling the party?" - Dre asks without letting go of his wife.

"It's a great party." - I keep my smile. "But I can't find my friend. She was with Bizarre and the boys." - I avoid saying Marshall's name.

"Oh, she went with the boys for more liquor." - his wife informs and I frown. "Stick with us until they are back."

I follow them at a group of people. I have seen some of them around Interscope studios. I say hi when they all smile at me like we are friends. Someone's arms wrap around my waist. I notice a "D" tattoo before he speaks.

"Are you looking for me?" - He whispers in my ear.

"You wish!" - I take myself away from him a little.

"I do wish." - He nods and looks at my glass of juice. "C'mon Heather, don't be a party pooper and drink something real."

"I don't drink!" - I look at him and grip my glass as if they will take it away from me.

"Now, that's a lie baby," - He grabs a bottle and pours alcohol in my glass.

"NO!" - I yell taking my glass away but now the orange juice is mixed with a good amount of alcohol. "Why would you do that?" - I feel upset because he is acting like we have a nice relationship in front of people who know about his and my father's frictions.

"C'mon baby, chill out a lil' learn to have fun, take a joke and maybe even give it back a lil' " - He shakes his arms - "you need to get the stick outta your ass."

He laughs and so do the other people, thing I don't appreciate at all. I don't like being laughed at, at all, and he was using me to be the clown of the party and make people laugh. I take a step closer to him.

"You wanna see a joke?" - I ask but don't wait for his answer, I bring my orange juice mixed with alcohol in front of us and throw it in his face hearing the liquid slap. "Look in the mirror."

A pair of "Ooo's" are heard. He cleans his face with his hand and laughs.

"Oh, we about to have fun then!" - He comes over at me again I take a step back but then I find myself thrown over his shoulder.

"What on earth are you doing?" - I scream and kick to make him let me down but he tightens his arm over my thighs.

"See I told you you should get the stick outta your ass." - he speaks "People with no-stick up in their asses say what the fuck!

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