Chapter 18 : Unforeseen Circumstance

Start from the beginning

"Can we meet her?" Shivaay finally broke his silence.

"She is asleep, due to the medications." The doctor answered.

"Okay." Shivaay sighed walking out followed by Omkara.

They were greeted by Shivaay's worried parents. "what did the doctor say?" Pinky asked.

"She's okay now. Dr. Prasad will come and have a look." Shivaay answered while Omkara glanced at him thoughtfully. Shivaay met his gaze and a mutual understanding was established between the two.

"Where is Doctor prasad?" Sakti asked evidently worried.

"He should be here in some time. Forty minutes maybe." Omkara answered.

"Did you guys have dinner?" Shivaay asked his [arents, concerned.

"Yeah, we did. I packed some for you all. Go have dinner while the doctor comes." Pinky spoke. The brothers nodded.

* * *

Anika sat with the three brothers at a table for four in the cafeteria of the hospital. She had served the food in their plates but neither showed interest in eating. "Guys, eat." She finally vocalized. She met Shivaay's eyes. He nodded beginning to eat.

"Daadi will be okay right?" Rudra's question made the three look up.

"She will," Anika answered confidently. Rudra turned to her smiling while the two brothers nodded focusing on their food.

* * *

"Mumma, it's weird. I don't think he wants me here." Anika spoke into the mobile phone standing in the ladies' common washroom.

"Anika, just be there okay. He will be worried so it's natural for him t ignore your presence."

"I feel like an outsider. I am just standing silently on the side doing nothing. Are you sure I am not being a burden over them? I mean..I am not his wife, not yet."

"Anika, listen. You are supposed to be there, okay? You are a part of their family. I know you're not used to it all. But you should be there. As for everyone they are obviously worried about Daadi right now. You can't expect them to acknowledge your presence and make sure you are comfortable right? I know, Anu, it must be awkward and disheartening. I know you care for Daadi too. Just be there for them. Okay?"


"Did you all eat something?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Mom brought food from home." Anika answered looking at the tap that had been left slightly open. She stepped forward turning it off tightly.

Mrs. Talwar smiled sadly. It was weird to have her call someone else mom. She bit her lip. "Keep calling me okay?"

"Hmm. You take care." Anika replied ending the call.

Mrs.Talwar held the phone close to her heart. She looked around at her empty house and then at the plate of food before her. How would she deal with the permanent absence of her daughter from home if only this temporary absence was so disheartening? She sighed, switching on the tv. Anika was perhaps right, she had to find a new purpose in life.

* * *

"Open heart surgery for implanting a VAD- ventricular assistance device." The words echoed in Shivaay's ears as Dr. Prasad stated them.

"Her heart is weak right, so will she be able to cope up with an open heart surgery given her age?" Omkara asked thoughtfully.

"That's our only option." Dr. Prasad stated. "We can let her be how she is now. But the risk is too high. Either way, there is risk. Open heart surgery might be hard, but it can help if successful.

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