Episode 41: Aching For Saving

Start from the beginning

"Please, just listen to me Clara" Pan said as he rested his chin on my head. He began rocking back and forth to comfort me and honestly it did sort of help.

"You need to bring him back, please"

"I can't, there's no escape from dreamshade" Pan said. I buried my face in his chest and started crying even more.

"You did not kill Ronnie" he said gently.

"I am the one who killed him"

"It wasn't you"

"I am the one who left the path"

"You still didn't kill him"

"I am the one Hook hurt"

"Still not you"

"You had to kill a pirate to save me; it's all because of me"

"Yes Clara, yes" Pan said. I was in utter shock. What is he trying to do? Reverse psychology? Shouldn't this be the part where he tries to comfort me?

"Yes I killed to save you" he continued. I can feel my tears increasing by the second. Is he trying to make me cry more?

"And if it weren't for you none of this would have happened" he continued. Yup. He is definitely trying to make me cry even more.

"But if I didn't kill that pirate, you wouldn't be here, in my arms, alive. I would have lost you, I would have lost a treasure, and I don't regret it. I would do it again any time" he said gently. My tears increased more, not because of what he said, but because of the fact that if I hadn't been saved, Ronnie would be alive. Everything Pan said was heart whelming, but I would still rather die instead of Ronnie.

By now my eyes were completely shut from crying too hard and when I opened them, I noticed my hand was on Peter's chest, nails digging in deep. I quickly removed my hand and I noticed there were nail marks on his chest. Did he not feel anything?

"Sorry" I mumbled as I covered my face in his shirt.

"What for?" He asked confused. I felt his hold of me tighten and man did I feel safe.

"Digging my nails into your-"

"Hey" he whispered. "It's okay, I didn't feel it" he continued. In a matter of a second his lips met my forehead, placing a gentle kiss before letting go. I moved my face away from his shirt and I looked at him sniffing. I noticed there was pain in his eyes and he looked at me with sympathy. He raised his hand which eventually met my cheek, wiping away my tears.

Peter's POV:

"You need to rest" I said looking at her beautiful face.

"No I don't, I am not tired" she tried faking a smile.

"Clara, the last time you slept it was only for a couple of minutes, and too much has happened ever since. You.need.to.rest"

"Pan I am fine" she sniffed. She is so far from being fine. I could swear to you right now, if she stood up she would fall from exhaustion. I doubt her body has the slightest energy in it.

"Clara, if you don't sleep I will cast a spell on you that will make you pass out"

"NO" she shot up. What? Why doesn't she want to sleep? "I m-mean, you don't have to, I will sleep soon" she said biting her lower lip.

"Promise?" I said. Clara kept on looking at me not reacting. I noticed her lips quivered for a quick second. She hesitated for a while but she eventually nodded.

"Good" I said as I stood up. I extended my hand which she eventually took. I helped her up and we both walked to the door with my hand around her waist and her hand around my neck to help her keep steady. I knew Ronnie's body was still in camp so before opening the door, I snapped my fingers causing Ronnie's body to disappear.

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