Meeting an Old Friend

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(A continuation of the previous Story)
"Hey guys!" Wonyoung greeted. then shaked Eunbi's hands. "Didn't expect a superstar to be here."
"I just happened to.." Eunbi replied. "But look how grown up you are now!!"
"Well.." then wonyoung scratched her head then looked at Yujin who just seemed to calmed down.
"You okay now?" She asked.
"Yeah" Yujin replied while faking a smile.
"It was a surprise to see you here guys."
"Hey Chaewon, Hi~chan" Yujin greeted. "What a coincidence."
Looking at Chaewon can make everyone feel different because of how she turned up to. Her aura has become more mature and she didn't have that Youthful look anymore, she aged a lot similar to Hitomi who aged and become a little fatter. "And it was also a surprise to see you here." Hitomi said then shaked eunbi's hands. "I am a big fan of yours."
Then Eunbi shaked hands with Chaewon. "Well me too."
"You guys are flattering me. We have been together before you know" then chuckled.
"Well, today is different now. You have paved your own way of becoming a superstar and make a name of your own." Hitomi said. "And i never thought that we will meet you now as a fan." Chaewon added.
Eunbi blushed out of flattery. "W-well.." then she fidgeted her fingers..
"Eunbi didn't change a thing!" Wonyoung said then laughed. "Wonyoung chan! Why are you treating a celebrity like that!" Hitomi said.
"Yeah right Wonyoung! You should shake hands with her as well!" Chaewon added. "Honestly guys, she's right. I haven't changed a thing. I am still the old eunbi, Your mother Eunbi. You guys are embarassing me--"
"Hi-chan, take a photo of us!" Chaewon cried.
"On it!" Then she takes a bunch of photos of them with different pose while eunbi is kind of Awkward and Embarassed for her former bandmates to treat her like royalty.
"Chae~chan, it's my turn!"
Yujin just watched what they're all doing and was surprised to see the both of them.
"A lot of things has happened.. I never even expect Hitomi and Chaewon to change not just in appearance but also in attitude. Both become more matured and Hi~chan became more loud, outspoken, jollier and approchable.. Reminds me of someone.."
Both of them noticed Yujin. "Look how big you now Yujin!" Hitomi said. "Well she's already big you dummy!" Then chaewon look behind Yujin and saw Chayeon who is buying a drink.
"Chayeon!!" Both of them cried.
Chayeon noticed them and run to their direction. "Hey guys!"
"Another celebrity! Let's take a photo!"
The two of them takes a selfie with Chayeon and Chayeon just smiled awkwardly.
"Good to see you here guys and didn't expect to see a diva here."
"Not you too." Eunbi said out of embarassment.
"This is totally a coincidence!" Wonyoung said in disbelief. "I just invited Yujin to cheer her up.. Oh my gosh, this has brought me into a deeper nostalgia!" then look at Hitomi and Chaewon's direction. "You guys i can't believe that you both looked like an old hag! Chaewon used to be so obsessed with Vampires and now she has turned herself to one." Wonyoung laughed but chaewon pinched her. "That's because i spend my all night making lesson plan and recording grades you silly!"
"And Hitomi seemed to be immune on taking care of people." Chayeon added.
"Well it was kind of a profession." Hitomi said while blushing because of flattery. "Never even expect for you guys to be here. I'm glad that i decided to come and see Wonyoung i mean, its been a long time and a lot of things has happened." Yujin said.
"Yeah, i didn't really expect it too. I just want to cheer Yujin since she's kind of down these past few years." Wonyoung said.
"Wait a second, you guys.. is this for real? Look sweetie, It's like the fate has brought us here!"
"Yeah, and they have brought a superstar along with them."
"P-please, stop flattering me.. you all.." Eunbi just said.
"Yena? Yuri?" Yujin said while looking at them with surprise.
"What's with that look Yujin? You seemed like you just saw a ghost!?" Yuri asked then pinched her.
"Congratulations you guys." Wonyoung greeted.
Yujin just stared at them while all of them are talking and having fun. "Looking at Yuri and Yena makes me feel jealous and sorry for myself. Perhaps i'll just tell them later.. but i lack of strength.. And i'm afraid that i might ruin this reunion.."
"Yujin? is that you?"
Yujin turned around. "S-sakura!? Hyewon!? M-Minju!? T-tell me i'm just dreaming!!!!" She cried.
"Hey guys." Chayeon greeted. "It was kind of bold to see you here."
"And we never even expect to see you guys roaming around here in seoul." Hitomi said. "Oh Hitomi, is that you already? and Chaewon? Dude, you guys changed a lot!" Hyewon said.
"Yeah, it was kind of hard to believe. And we have a lovely set of couple as a bonus." Minju added while looking at Yena and Yuri. "Hope you guys will come to our wedding at Virgin Islands." Yena invited. "Virgin islands? That far?"
"Can i go to your honeymoon?" Wonyoung asked. Both of them just pinched Wonyoung. "That was a very private thing you're talking about." Yena said.
"Yeah and Children are not supposed to pry about it." Yuri said. "But i'm already 21!" Wonyoung said.
"So hi~chan, you never really returned to Japan, aren't you?" Sakura asked.
"Well, i studied and found a job here.. tho i was kind of having a some sort of Cultural shock before.." Hitomi replied. "Me and Chaewon hangs around all the time just like the old days."
"Well she's right."
Yujin's stomach suddenly growls.
"Awe, Our Yujin is hungry.. Let's go find somewhere to eat.." Then Yuri looks around. "Is there a cafeteria here?"
"Over there!" then Yuri pointed at the old MilkTea shop where the both of them used to date.
And then
"Can't believe that this is now the cute and ladies's girl Chaewon." Hyewon commented then took a bite on her burger. "You look a little different now.." Minju said while still looking at Chaewon and Hitomi.
"When you guys are happy for how your life is turning for you, you wouldn't mind looking old or something" Chaewon said then smiled while eating a strawberry cake.
"Yeah like.. after the contract ended, we decided to live again as a normal being.. Beyond from what we used to before.. It was hard at first because people would think that you're only getting a good spot because you're a celebrity."
"Yeah. Fame isn't a bad thing tho but you must enjoy a good life that is beyond the media." Wonyoung said. "And i am going to be a lawyer soon!"
"That's good to hear.." Sakura said then smiled. "We are so happy for your decisions." Minju said.
"I was kind of surprised by their sudden change, even their own perspective and point of view has changed too. Back then the three of them only wants to perform like what we all want and give the fans our best to make them happy and satisified. but who would imagine that you guys will be taking a different path after this?" Eunbi said while sipping on her tea. "Just one more to go and we'll be complete again!" Chaeyon said.
"Speaking of which, How's Nako? like have you heard anything about her?" Eunbi asked. Yujin suddenly stopped from drinking.
"Nako~chan? Well the last time i heard is she quitted Akb48 and continued studying. She was such a busy person and the last time i saw her is she's wearing a college uniform and was already a four eyed nerd. She has become a scholar. It's been 4 years and i never saw her after that." Sakura said then she takes a sip on her drink. "But i heard that she's taking a part time at McDonalds's."
"That's kind of surprising since Nako really aspires to be an idol and she worked hard for it." Eunbi said.
"I kind of miss her you know." Hyewon said. "We used to hang out all the time back then alongside with Minju."
"Yeah, us too. Now i missed her."  Yena said. "I miss that kid."
"Nako~chi with glasses? She must look pretty cute there.." Chaewon said.
"One day we want to hang around with Nako as a group of hard working people!" Hitomi said.
"Just like Chaewon, Hitomi and Wonyoung, she stepped out from the life of media and choose to live a normal life... Away from what kind of life she grew up to.. I still.. can't believe that.. Things will end up in a good way.."
"And don't forget that you are a big celebrity Eunbi." Yuri reminded.
All of them just talked about their life. They seemed to have fun while Yujin was just staring at nowhere while trying to keep herself away. "Yujin, i havent heard you talk for a bit." Sakura said. "M-ME? she asked. I'm not just in the right mood." She said while ate her fries.
Eunbi was just looking at her.
"Well, i have nothing to share.. since you all know that i am homeschooled and.. you know i graduated highschool.. and dropped out of college.. since them i am just helping my parents to run our family business.. You know.. I came from a family of tycoons.. so yeah."
"As a teacher and also a councilor i can tell that you need a little counseling." Chaewon said then holds Yujin's hands. "You can tell us, we are ears-open to whatever you need to talk about." then winks.
Yujin stands up and stared at them then breaths out. "W-well.. I w-went through a lot of crisis you know.." then she gulped. "As a young girl who faced the entertainment at the age of 15, i went through a different kind of crisis, especially in my own identity.."
"Identity crisis is a part of growing up you know." Hitomi commented. "It is a part of knowing yourself.. But for somehow, it's putting everyone into emotional turmoil and distress."
"Yeah. I have experienced that way back then." Wonyoung said.
Yujin just smiled and continued.
"Mine is different. At first, i have a crush on Minju, then to Hyewon.. Then after that, i thought that i'm into Chaewon then Chayeon.. and Sakura.. then to Yena.. it was kind of disgusting right? it was deviant.. I tried to sort things on my own.. Because you guys. you guys are my bandmates, my sisters, my friends.. my everything..
perhaps i was just growing up that time.. I do have boy crushes tho but for somehow i feel attracted to women too. I first experienced it way back when i was in 4th grade. I feel like.. I have a crush on a certain guy then it will fade away and will be into girls after... I keep the fact that i am like that and lock it on my closet. Thinking it would solve anything. Hiding that kind of terrible feeling inside the closet would perhaps resolve anything.. I thought it was all over.. Not until Nako~chan.." Her tears flows. Chaewon gave her a napkin and calming her down. "Back then, i thought that it was just the same.. but as the day goes by.. I am starting to fall into Nako~chan's kindness and cheerfulness. But i hide that fact because.. I dont want to ruin our group's reputation. We have come so far and i dont want to ruin it! When i saw Hi~chan back then, my mind suddenly thought it was Nako~chan! The way Hi~chan changed.. That jolly attitude of hers with a positive vibe reminds me of her.. As a matter of fact.. i envy Yuri and Yena's relationship! Yena and Yuri's relationship is out and open! And was loved.." She just cried. "I can never be happy! never be! i am so tired of hiding inside the closet! I want to bloom! Nako~chan.."
Chaewon just hugged her. They all hugged her after that.
"Aren't you guys upset? arent you guys mad? Tell me! Don't just hug me!" Yujin said.
"We been knew.." Hitomi said.
Yujin just gasped. They all let go of Yujin then take a sit. "Eversince.." Hitomi added. "We noticed it before, we even want to talk about it before but we dont want to faze you."
"We noticed that earlier than you thought. But we want you to discover it on your own rather than to tell you or keep ourselves away." Chaewon said.
"Your crush towards us? We know that, we noticed.. But i know that you were just growing up that time." Sakura said.
"We are all aware.. We noticed it, we saw it right before our eyes. We also don't want to confuse you and to make it worse." Minju said.
"And we loved you even more for that.."
"M-minju... Sakura.. Hi~chan..Chaewon.."
The other members just smiled at her.
"We do not have the rights to detest you by your Sexuality. You are Ahn Yujin, our friend, our sister, our hidden gem." Chayeon said.
Yujin just cried.
"Hush now."Wonyoung just said. "Thank you for opening up and sorry for not telling you about it."
"We're just waiting for you to tell us someday." Yena said. "And to be honest.. My relationship with Yuri didnt come easy and good at first. We have to make them feel like we're just a random ship in order for the public to think that we are doing those for Fanservice."
"Yeah, our parents didn't agree on our relationship first that they disown us. They think that this kind of relationship was deviant and an abomination.." Yuri said.
"I'm sorry guys.. for everything"
They all just smiled.
"See Yujin? What matters to us is your happiness."
"But still.."
Their face suddenly changes again. "Yeah right, Nako."
"Yabuki-senpai, this is an old fashioned Tea house. Why did you take us here? Eh?" then the child looked around. "Where's Yabuki senpai, neh satoshi.. Have you seen her?"
"Well, she was just behind me awhile ago.."
"Yabuki!?" The eleven of them said in unison.
"Hey look Satoshi, these old ladies seemed to know Yabuki-senpai."
"Well she's an idol here. Perhaps they were a fan."
"W-what?" Chayeon said.
"O-old ladies!?" Minju said while stopping herself from hitting those two kids.
"Did he just called us.." Sakura said in disbelief.
"EHHH!??" All of them cried in unison.
"Let me at that boy! Let me at that boy!" Yena said as he was about to attack them but Chayeon and Hitomi are stopping her. "Let me go and let me at that boy!" She persisted.
"Geez, dont make a fuss here Yena.."
"Let me! She just called us old! He should just called Hitomi or Chaewon the old one since they're the old looking ones!"
"Who are you calling.."
"OLD!??" Both of Chaewon and Hitomi said in unison then hitted yena.
"Bunch of weird old people."
"You said sato~kun."
"GRR!! she's calling us old! let me at that boy!"
"My, my.. This place hasn't changed a bit."
"That voice.."
Then a petite four eyed young woman who's wearing a uniform from prestigous university and holding a book arrives.
"Neh Yabuki-senpai, you used to be a huge idol here right?"
"'Not really..." Then takes a sit far from theirs.
"Is she.." Minju asked in disbelief.
"N-Nako?" Sakura said in disbelief.
They just stared at the petite young woman.. or Nako - their former groupmate and a friend. She never aged but her face did changed a little, her aura has become more matured and she turned into a silent type.
"Why did you take us here senpai?"
"Well, this is where me and my old friends used to hang out. You know what.. This is where two of my friends dated in secrecy" then smiled. "My favorite menu here is Caramel Pudding."
"No doubt, she is nako." Yuri said.
"But what is she doing with those mannerless students?" Yena said.
"I cant believe that they considered me as an old too like i'm only 21!" Wonyoung. 
The girls just stared their former colleague who's reading a book and answering some papers.
"Nerd" Hyewon whispered.
Yujin was staring at her. "Is she really Nako~chan?"
The students noticed them staring at their teacher. "By the way Yabuki-senpai, those old ladies seemed to be familiar of you. They might be your biggest fans.."
"OLD LADY!?" Yena then went ballistic again. "LET ME AT THAT KID!"
Nako looked at their direction and smiled.
"They are the special people that i was talking about. Hey there, its been awhile" Nako formally greeted. None of them said a word.
Nako moved into their seat. "Shall i sit with you guys?" she asked.
"Nako?" Eunbi asked in disbelief. "Eunbi-nee right?" Nako asked then stared at Minju and Hyewon. "You guys are Minju-chan and Hyewon-nee."
Then she keeps on looking at them. "Chayeon-chi? You're in a good shape today."
"N-nako." Chayeon just muttered.
"Sakura-chan, Yuri and Yena chan.. Hi-chan, how are you? Oh, Chaewon-chan.." then she smiled. The aforesaid names that she just mentioned were just staring at her. "Wonyoung? Giant Maknae-san.. is that already you? How are you?"
Then finally..
"Yu~chan, it's been awhile." Then smiled.
No one said a word. "Glad to see you all here.." she said then went back into their seats and ordered a food. "Nako~chan.." Yujin muttered.
"For somehow, i still can't believe she's our Nako. she used to have that Jolly personality and approachable.." Wonyoung said.
"Her way of approaching us.. it seems odd to me." Hyewon said.
"And her aura.. Back then she was like "Oooh! You guys!! I miss you all!! How are you?". She was filled with positivity and good vibes but now.." Then sakura stared at her again who's eating with the students.

iz*One, ITZY, TWICE and NIZIU cracks and oneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя