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Stone Pictures
*inserts icy by Itzy*
Nako Yabuki
Kwon Eun Bi
Sakura Miyawaki
Kim Minju
Also Starring
Kim Chaewon
Choi Yena
Ahn Yujin
Yuri Jo
Lee Chaeyon
Scene One
Chayeon: It's Nako~chi's big day!!
Nako: Ehh?
Yuri: Cum here muh bb cady~chi. *ze hugs nako*
Chayeon takes a photo of them.
*inserts Nako's awkward smile*
Nako: Today, is nothing special but kind of different. I am starting to attend a formal school and will be making my first step out of the house.. i mean my first stepping stone of becoming a normal human. Perhaps this is the reason why mama and Papa are gushing.
*inserts Yuri and Chayeon cuddling Nako*
Wonyoung: Yuri-chi isnt following the script.
Hii-chan: Well, She can't help herself with that *sighs*
Hyewon: I should be the one who's cuddling Nako~chu like that *sulks then pouts*
Hii-chan: You're trembling remember? and you're stuttering.
Hyewon *just pouting*
Hii-chan: I think Sakura-chan deserves to be Regina George instead of Eunbi-nee.
Wonyoung: But you know, she's more accurate with Karen since they're both.. you know.. Brain dea--.
*Hii-chan covered wonyoung's mouth*
Back to the scene
Nako: My name is Na--Cady Hebuki, i'm 16 who was homeschooled for the rest of my life so i have no clue about how school outside works.. So here i am, With my mama and papa who's driving me on my way to school..
Chayeon: You're going to luuuuuuuurv~it.
Yuri: You might be the smartest kid in the class..
Chayeon: Not just in the class honey, but also in the whole school!
*inserts Yena being pissed with Chayeon called Yuri "Honey"*
Yena: So she called her "Honey"? who gave her ther permission? *inserts firing up with anger*
Chaewon: Why am i dressed up like this? and my hair, why is it like this? it looks dumb.
Sakura:. Don't underestimate the fashion taste of Author~nim! Do i look cute?
Chaewon: Uhmm.. except for the fake breasts?
Sakura*ze touches it* oh this? i saw it at Author~nim's closet. I sneak out ya know.
(inserts Hii-chan and Hyewon covering Wonyoung's eyes while their eyes are closed
Wonyoung: I cant see, i cant see)
Sakura *rolling her fake breasts* according to my breasts, today is rainy day.
Eunb: But its summer, duh. Are you that dumb for real?
(Hii-chan: Uhmm, i think there's a little commotion that was going on here
Wonyoung: What happened, why is sakura-nee rolling her-- *Hii chan and Hyewon covered her eyes again* I cant see!!!*
Ahn Yujin: Nako~chi, Kawaiii!!! *whistles* You look hot in that red hair and jacket! Love it *ze sends flying kiss*
Eunbi: Ugh, why is Aaron Samuels cheering that new girl?
Minju: Hey, are you all following the script? The script says--
Eunbi: Darn that script, let's make our entrance already!? Aaron Samuels is rooting Cady? That's unforgivable! let's go girls..
(Hii-chan: I think Eunbi-nee is taking her role seriously.
Hyewon: This is trouble)
Eunbi and the girls *ze sits on the floor and eat* Hey you there, short stuff!
(Hii-chan, Hyewon and Wonyoung *ze facepalmed*
Hii-chan: Author-nim's going to kill us.
Wonyoung: We failed as a character again.
Hyewon: But atleast i'm still beautiful)
Nako: Are you calling me shorty, blonde?
Eunbi *stands up* are you calling me blonde, shorty?
Sakura: Hey mind having lunch with us. You know what you're pretty..
Nako *smiled* I am.. *ze do Beautiful eyes*
Eunbi *inserts Regina George's iconic face* Pretty annoying that is.
Sakura: Have a sit with us.
Minju: But she cant sit with us! she's too small!! Like look at her, does she looks like someone who has a father who invented toaster struddles?
Nako: do i look like a brain dead creature like you? *inserts eyebrows*
Chaewon: Omg, that new girl is a mean girl!
Yena: Couldnt care less as long as i'm too gay to function.
Nako just walk forward and saw Chaewon and Yena.
Nako: you two.. you look elegant and cool but those faces of yours, they're pathetic.
Chaewon *ze whispers* I think Nako's got carried away by her character too. This is bad.
Yena: She is more scarier than Hii-chan..
(Hii-chan: Hey!!
Wonyoung: But its true)
Chaewon: So you're another mean girl? another plastic that sums up the population of this planet.
Yena *whispers* Nice one.
(Hii-chan: Way to go ssamu! that was one heck of a comeback attack!
Wonyoung and Hyewon: Not you too)
Nako: I like how you speak garbage language.. Wanna be my friend?
Yena: Are you too gay to function?
Nako: Do i look like a freak?
(Wonyoung accidentally opened the water sprinkler)
Sakura: I told you guys, its gonna rain! Now y'all should worship Oppai-sama by Author-nim! *rolling her breast*
(Hyewon and Hii-chan *ze covers Wonyoung's eyes)
Minju: That breast is sooo fetch!
Sakura: What is fetch again?
Minju: Uhmm. Its a single.. From iz*ONE. FetchTa..
Eunbi: Whatever. It aint gonna happen!!
Minju: Hey isnt that Aaron Samuels? *ze points at Yujin who's playing with the water*
Eunbi: UGH damn, Aaron Samuels is so hot.
*Yujin was about to run but she trips off*
Eunbi: Damn? that was a cool trip.. ahh Aaron Samuels..
(Hii-chan: I think they're all nuts. *facepalmed* i always knew that sticking with Author~nim's plan are drag.
Wonyoung: Adults are so annoying.
Hyewon *grinning* Eunbi! What the heck are you doing!? Are you trying to massacre Nako? *her eyes are flaring with anger*)
Yujin *saw Nako* Ahhhh *heart eyes* Cady ..
Eunbi: Come here Aaron my loves!! *comes to approach Yujin*
*Yujin run in a different way and was about to cuddle nako*
Sakura *ze saw Hii-chan* Look, that guy is cute!!
(Hii-chan and Wonyoung: Guy!???)
Minju: But isnt he your cousin?
(Hii-chan: He!?)
Sakura: He's not my cousin stupid.
Minju *confused face*
Sakura: He's my second cousin! *ze runs to Hii-chan* come here cutiepie.
Hii-chan: I don't know if it is homosexuality or incestry but i'm outta here! *ze runs* Sakura-nee, snap out of it! I'm hii-chan.
Sakura: Hello handsome.. *still chasing hii-chan*
Hii-chan *cries* Tasukete!!!
Wonyoung: Poor hii-chan.
Hyewon: Nako~chii!! * ze runs to nako and hugged her*
Yuri: Hey i am her mother!
Hyewon: No you're not!
Wonyoung *facepalmed* This is a drag. Author~nim, where are you?
Hyewon *ze reads another script* Watch where you're going fat ass!
Eunbi*death glare* did someone called me.. fatass!??
Hyewon: Oh i thought it was for Yuri.. Run!!! *ze runs*
Minju*sighs* I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. ...
Nako: Arent you cringing on what you are saying? just look at your hair, its so big and ugly!
Chaewon *whispered* Now i like her.
Yena: But she's still not too gay to function.
Minju: If only you knew how mean she really is... You'd know that I'm not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? Yeah! Two years ago she told me hoops earrings were *her* thing and I wasn't allowed to wear them any more. And then for Hannakuh my parents got this pair of really expensive white gold hoops and I had to pretend like I didn't even like them and... it was so sad. And you know she cheats on Aaron? Yes, every Thursday he thinks she's doing SAT prep but really she's hooking up with Shane Oman in the projection room above the auditorium! I never told anybody that because I am *such* a good friend!"
Eunbi *suddenly arrives* boo you ...
Hii-chan runs back after being chased by sakura.
Wonyoung: Hii-chan what is wnjanja?
Hii-chan: Wonyoung! where did you hear that!?
Wonyoung: Eunbi nee just said it awhile ago.
Sakura *appeared in a catwoman cosplay*
Minju: What are you wearing?
Sakura: I'm a mouse, duh.
Yena *ze calls nako* Hey short stuff come here.
Nako: Hah?
Yena: Be our friend, it seems that you're too gay to function.
Chaewon: Wow, Damian, you've truely out-gayed yourself.
Yena *holds Nako's hand* I can always feel that you're one hell of a gay.
Yujin *saw Yena holding nako's hand* Cady!? who is he!???? *went to their direction* is he your boyfriend.
Yena *ze pushes nako* You go Nako coco.
*Nako accidentally kissed Yujin in the lips*
Minju: Did aaron samuels just..
Sakura: Mouth to mouth Cady!?
Eunbi: She kissed him. She kissed him!!! Cady you *****
*Hii-chan covers Wonyoung's ears*
Yujin: N-nako~chi kissed me. *ze faints*
Eunbi *ze cries* I gave him everything! I was half a virgin when I met him. Cady, you'll pay for this!!
Nako *wiping her lips* that's gross. I swore not to kiss a girl after Akb.
All of them *gasps*
Minju: Is she...
Eunbi: Oh no.. you have a lesbian crush on me too just like Janis?
Yena: You have a lesbian crush on reg?
Chaewon: Excuse me?
Chaeyon: But regina looks nice.
Minju: No she's not! If only you knew how mean she really is... You'd know that I'm not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? Yeah! Two years ago she told me hoops earrings were *her* thing and I wasn't allowed to wear them any more. And then for Hannakuh my parents got this pair of really expensive white gold hoops and I had to pretend like I didn't even like them and... it was so sad. And you know she cheats on Aaron? Yes, every Thursday he thinks she's doing SAT prep but really she's hooking up with Shane Oman in the projection room above the auditorium! I never told anybody that because I am *such* a good friend!
Eunbi: So you're backstabbing me, eh Gretchen?
Minju: Oops, did you hear that? Sorry Regina but your days are already numbered!!
Eunbi: I eat death threats for breaksfast.
Sakura: Look guys! I can put my whole fist in my mouth! Wanna see?!
Minju: Hey karen did you know that Regina just called you a dumb /$:$:$/$$$:&/8/&
(Wonyoung: Author~nim really needs to be here. and you need to get your hands off my ears now.
Hii-chan: Let's go find Author~nim!
Chaeyon: Hey, i'm coming with you guys.. i cannot take the tension here anymore.
Hii-chan; Lets go!

Sakura: she said that?
Minju: Yeah!? are you still going to her party?
Sakura: I can't. *cough, cough* I'm sick."
Wonyoung, Chaeyon and Hii-chan went out to find Author~nim.
Hii-chan: Author~nim! where are you!?
Wonyoung: There she is!? Author~nim!
Author~nim: Oh hey kids, wasup?
Chaeyon: Author nim. There's a commotion in the HQ and we need your help to stop it!
Hii-chan: They're crazy!!
Wonyoung: What is--
(Hii-chan and Chaeyon covered her mouth)
At the HQ..
The three of them arrived at the HQ where the commotion was happening.
Hii-chan: Its all because of that stupid play! now they're out of control!!
Author~nim *pinched Hii-chan's ears* you saying something brat?
Hii-chan: Eeh Author~nim, you're scary.
Author~nim *breathes out* CAN YA ALL BE QUIET!?
*all of them stops*
Minju: Hey look, its Ms. Norbury, our underpaid math and music teacher!
Sakura: Isnt she the drug addict?
Author~nim: Excuse me?
Chaewon: Uhmm, mrs. Norbury--
Author~nim: Oh, hi. Did you wanna buy some drugs?
(Wonyoung, Hii-chan and Chaeyon: Facepalmed
Chaeyon: Nothing comes good with Author~nim being around)
Author~nim * i need to end this/ahem*
Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimised by Regina George.
*all of them.. ze raised hands*
*even yuri and hyewon*
Yuri: Hey, you're not a part of the show!
Hyewon: But she pulled my hair, duh.
Author~nim: Ok, so we're all here 'cause i let you watched meangirls and the characters went on to your head, right? Well, I don't know who gave you the permission--
Hii-chan: excuse me? it was all your idea--
Author~nim: Shut up! £m*ahem*
but you all have got to stop dissing each other and call you ajsjsjsjs and ajajajja. It just makes it OK for guys to call you ahsjjsa and ahshsjhaa Who here has ever been called a ansjsjsj?
Yena: My nanna takes her wig off when she is drunk.
Author~nim: Your nanna and I have that in common. *ze removes her wig and reveals her short hair*
Eunbi: Nice wig, what's it made out of?
Author~nim: Your mother's pubic hair.
Chaewon: Hey thats my line!!
Author~nim: Okay you pipl, step forward as you spill out your confessions.
Sakura: Mam, can i go first?
Author~nim: Have it your way Karen.
Sakura *steps forward* Gretchen, I'm sorry i laughed at you that time your voice accidentally cracked that it ruined the song Fiesta.. And i'm sorry for repeating it again.
Everyone*ze claps*
Minju *goes next*
*everyone stops clapping*
Minju: I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can't help it that I'm pretty.
Everyone: BOO!!!!
Hyewon: I'm sorry everyone. Can you all go back to the days when we are all normal highschool who only wants to have fun and stuff?
Yuri: And she aint even part of the show.
Author~nim *to yuri* And you aint even a part of this scene.
Yuri: But they wrecked my scene!
Nako: First of all, i'm not lesbian. Second, i'd rather date damian than regina george.
Yena: I love that gurl! she's just--
Chaewon: Too gay to function yeah right.
Author~nim: Anyone else?
Chaewon: God! I am so sorry Regina. Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big *lesbian* crush on you! Suck on *that*! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!" *everyone carried Chaewon* All hail God Janis!!
*The End*
Hii-chan: so the real mean girl is ssamu?
Chaeyon: The play didnt exactly go according to the script.. and it was messy.
Wonyoung: i have heard a lot of weird words again..

iz*One, ITZY, TWICE and NIZIU cracks and oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now