Sakura's Birthday Bash

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"Hello! konbanwa! Hitomi Honda here! It will be 9 days to go before kkura-chan's birthday! Me and Nako are planning a surprise for her. Kkura-chan has been a good role model to m me over the past years eversince i was a rookie. i remember when she said that "I am glad that you are surpassing me little by little". I'm glad that someone like Kkura-chan whom i have been looking up to for almost a year said those wonderful things to me. I want to repay the kindness and inspiration that she has given me but how? Kkura-chan isnt just a normal woman for us to admire.. she's the Goddess Sakura Miyawaki and i as someone who wants to be like her someday wants to give her a present that she'll never forget!"
"Don't forget about me. Hi there! My name is Nako Yabuki!"
"Nako~chan, don't appear on someone's podcast without telling me."
"Thats so selfish of you Hii-chan.."
Hitomi turns off the video camera.
"So what's the plan? have you thought about making an extravagant surprise?"
"Not yet. We dont even know if Kkura-nee chan will like it."
*sighs* "I guess i'll just have to record every details and.."
Hitomi's eyes suddenly widens. "I have an idea! Nako, i'll start with you!!"
Then she turned off her camera.
"Say something about Kkura. All the things you like about her or all the things that you hate about her.. also, your birthday wish for her!"
Nako suddenly blushed. "W-what if Kkura-chan wouldn't like it?"
"She'll like it, trust me. This wasnt the only plan that i have in mind! i better tell minna! Go, say something.."
"Uhmm.. Kkura-chan, Otanjoubi Omedetou.. annouu.. First of all, Sakura-chan, than you for being a mentor and an inspiration for us younger idols who's looking up to you. Thank you for being a good leader and a potraying big sister for us.. Sorry for not getting you anything.. ettou.. Sakura-chan, we always want to be here in every step you take.."
Hitomi turns off the camera. "That's perfect nako-chan! I'll go and get others."
*knock knock*
*ze opens the door*
"Konichiwa leader-nim! Next week will be Kkura-chan's birthday, what would be your message for her?"
"Hmm? Hii-chan, are you planning to do a surprise without telling us?" then pinched hii-chan's cheeks. "Oshiete."
"I hate it when she's speaking japanese. It sounds odd.."
Eunbi smiled in a creepy way. "Shoot! this is the part that i hate about Eunbi-nee.."
"Uhh.. yes, i am planning to do a party for her but for now, i want to garner all of your messages for her. after this, we're all gonna plan a surprise--"
"A surprise!? for me? Fantastic!"
"What it is, what it is? i'm excited" then claps.
"Sakura, didnt your parents taught you how to knock first before entering someone's household?" Eunbi asked.
"I was knocking but it seems that both of you are having a private conversation.. i didn't mean to pry tho.
"You should have told us that you're there sakura." Eunbi said.
"Come on now guys.. Just tell me what's the plan for my birthday.."
"It won't be a surprise if we tell you." Hitomi said.
Sakura just pouted. "Come on now sakura, don't sulk. We'll make the best birthday bash for you, ever.."
"Yeah." Hitomi said.
"And we still have 9 days left to wait.." Sakura said with excitement and exhiliration on her face. "What do you want for your birthday? what kind of concept?" Hitomi asked.
"Since you're a gamer then why not make it a game kind of party?"
"It's up to you guys.. Gotta go!" Sakura said then eloped.
"That was fast.."
"Sakura-chan looks okay today.. so what now.."
"I'm thinking hii-chan."
"Let's just record some messages for now and we'll think about that together."
Sakura went to Nako's room and kidnapped her. "Saku--"
Sakura taped her mouth and tied her.
Nako just murmured. Sakura secretly carried her outside then takes her to her room.
Sakura removed the tape..
"Eeeh" Nako cried. "Kkura-chan, why did you do that? you're so mean.." She whined.
"Tell me, what are they planning to do for my birthday!"
"Eunbi and Hitomi!? i heard that they are planning to do something for my birthday!"
"They do!? and didnt even tell me!? They're traitor!" She whined.
"You cannot make me believe with that kind of cheap acting Nako~chi. Tell me!" Then she shakes her shoulders. "Kkura-chan, you're scary!!"
"Just tell me!"
"But i don't know.." Then cried.
Sakura untied her then cried.
"Sakura-chan is mean! she's so mean! i hate her! Sakura-chan!"
"Nako stop! sorry!! I was just curious!"
"Kkura-chan i hate you!"
"H-hey, dont say that!"
Sakura's tears subtlety falls. "Sorry.. i just want to know what are they planning to do for my birthday. I didnt mean to hurt you. *then she kneeled* Sorry nako~chi. What can i do to be worthy of your forgiveness?"
"I forgive you."
"But i have abducted you! hurted you!"
"But you're sakura-chan, i cannot hate you. I love you kkura~chan!!" then she hugs sakura.
Sakura blushed then smiled. "You want to have a walk with me? Just for awhile.."
Nako nodded. The both of them went outside.
Little did they know, Chaewon and Yena are watching them.
"Have you seen that!?" Yena asked. "Sakura kidnapped our nako!?"
"But she didnt hurt her.."
"But she kidnapped her.. Under federal and state law, kidnapping is commonly defined as the taking of a person from one place to another against their will, or the confinement of a person to a controlled space. Some kidnapping laws require that the taking or confinement be for an unlawful purpose, such as extortion or the facilitation of another crime. Additionally, a parent without legal custody rights may be charged with kidnapping for taking their own child in certain circumstances."
"Wow yena, i didnt know that you know something about laws.."
Yena wiped her nose and acts pretentious again. "Well that's Yena the great for you!"
"You just heard it from Hii-chan" Chaewon facepalmed.
"You two, what are you doing?" Wonyoung who just passed by asked.
"Sakura kidnapped Nako!"
"Hah!" Wonyoung gasped. "Federal criminal code (18 U.S.C. Section 1201) makes kidnapping a serious felony offense, with prison sentences of 20 or more years, depending on prior convictions and the circumstances of the case. Federal law prosecutes international parental kidnapping under a different code!"
"Okay?" Chaewon just said.
"I am studying laws and watching that TV show Law and Order that's why i know some. and it helps me to improve my english speaking skills!"
"Whatever, let's follow Nako and Sakura.."
"Follow them?" Yujin who just passed by with Minju said. "What do you mean by following them Yena?"
"Sakura kidnapped Nako!" Yena said.
"She kidnapped Nako-chan!??? *ahem* Kidnapping. The crime of unlawfully seizing and carrying away a person by force or Fraud, or seizing and detaining a person against his or her will with an intent to carry that person away at a later time. ... Most state and federal kidnapping statutes define the term kidnapping vaguely, and courts fill in the details."
Chaewon just facepalmed. "Why am i stuck with these people?" She looked behind and saw Hii-chan and eunbi talking. Chaewon went to their direction. "Hii-chan, eunbi-nee!"
"Oh hey Chaewon!"
"Oh hey ssamu!!"
"What's up guys?" Chaewon asked.
"Well me and Hii-chan are planning a surprise for kkura-chan, wanna come?" Eunbi asked.
"But first i'm taking a video first.." Hitomi said then she focused her camera on Chaewon. "Say hi ssamu-chan! Who is sakura for you and what would be your message to her?"
Chaewon just smiled.
To be continued at March 18, 2020.p

iz*One, ITZY, TWICE and NIZIU cracks and oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now