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"This color? Or this color?" Hitomi asked while looking at fitting a dress and staring at the Mirror. "Which one should i wear?"
"Gosh Hii, i have never seen you this cautious. Are you on a date?" Nako asked while braiding her hair.
"Eh?" Sakura who arrives said "Hii's having a boyfriend already?" Then pinches her cheeks.
"Its not totally a date unnie! and we're both girls!" Hitomi protested while blushing.
"But you're.." then Sakura pinches her nose "Blushing"
"Its all because of Pink Blusher.." Hitomi said.
Sakura just smirked on her.
"Alright, I am going out with Momo-unnie"
"Going out Momo-unnie? Again? I am getting jealous already" Chaewon who arrives on the scene with everyone said.
"Yeah, it seems that you love your Momo-unnie more than us" Eunbi said then pouted.
Hitomi's phone suddenly rings. She was about to pick up the phone but Chaeyeon stopped her.
"Answer our question first, Is it true that you loved your Momo-unnie more than us?"
All of them stared at Hitomi but Hii-chan is trying to look away.
"Uhmm. Can i answer my phone for a moment?"
"Give me her phone" Eunbi said. Chaeyeon gave the phone to Eunbi and answered the call.
"Hello this is Hitomi's mother speaking"
"This is her mother too, her original mother" The other line answered.
"Uhmm excuse me but i was the one tho took care of her--"
"When she was 16, now that she's 19, i'll be using my full account to have a custody over her"
"Am i watching a drama between two adoptive parents owning the rights on a child?" Yujin asked.
"Hii-chan, sometimes i want to ask you one thing.." Hyewon said.
"What is it unnie?"
"How to be you?"
Eunbi and Momo just keeps on arguing.
"You're just a leader, i am her mother, we're both japanese, remember!?"
Hitomi facepalmed.
Eunbi stops everyone suddenly locked their attention on Hitomi.
"I love you guys... you guys are my everything. *smiles* But there are some things that only she can teach me.. there's a lot.. *blushes then looks down* and there are some things that Momo unnie can understand But i never thought that you guys... will be sulking over it.." please don't feel bad about it.."
"Awe" they all said in unison then hugs her.
"Hii, i'm going to pick you up--"
"No unnie, i'm on my way!" Then she turns off her phone.
"I still havent finished you braid--"
"No time for that Nako-chi! Thank you!"
"Unnie, can i ask for a favor?" Yujin asked.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Can you buy me a cardboard and glitters?"
"For what?"
"Uhmm.. i am going to send a Picture greeting for my teacher! Its her birthday wait i'm going to get my--"
"No, just pay me when i get there! Momo-unnie is waiting, bye!" Then she rushed herself outside.
"That was quick" Wonyoung said.
"Yujin!" Nako called out then wears a savage shade.
"Its definitely the time" then wears another savage shade.
"This is new, Nakjin is up to something" Chaeyeon said.
"And what are you up to?" Eunbi asked.
"Going to watch Hii-chan of course" Yujin answered.
"Judging by the look on Yujin's eyes, she did something fishy and only Nako knows it"
"It is not! Do i always look--"
"Mischievous, yes"
"Now tell us, what did you guys do?"
Yujin breathes out "We set Hii on a date"
"You what!?" Chaewon angrily cried but Minju stops her.
"It was all Nako's idea! Not me!"
"But she's going out with Momo--"
"That was planned too.." Nako said. "Momo-unnie agreed with my plan so--"
"Where's my girl Hii-chum?!" Momo who arrives on the scene said wearing a spy glass.
"So you're a part of this?" Chaeyeon asked.
"What kind of mother are you?" Eunbi asked.
"I can't say "No" to Nako! Sorry guys!"
"Do we even have a choice?" Yena said. "Lets just follow them and see what will happen"
"I agree" Wonyoung said "By the way Yujin-ssi, to who did you refer her?"
"Uhmm, no one literally.."
"Let's go!"
Hitomi is looking at the clock without looking where she's crossing to.
"Shoot! i'm late! Momo-unnie is going to sulk again! I can still make i--"
Hitomi landed on someone, a guy, around 175 cm tall, has a chubby cheeks and innocent eyes.
Both of them stared at each other for a second before standing.
"Hey Kim Jaehwan is spotted with a girl!"
"Wait isn't she Hitomi--"
The guy wear a cap then holds Hitomi's hands and runs.
The guy just keeps on running while holding her hand.
"Uhmm, mister you can let go of me now.."
Both of them went straight to the cafe and tried to hide.
"Uhmm mister? Hope you're okay now. I am going to meet someone--"
"Stay here for a moment! The paparazzi might see you and asked you a lot of questions."
"Well, i'm the kind of person who knows how to keep my nose out of everyone's business" Hitomi answered. "I'm really late now, i am going to meet someone--"
"You know, hanging out with young ladies isn't my kind of stuff." The guy said in a very insulting way. Hitomi was shocked then she suddenly glares at the guy. "Excuse me? It was you who lumped me hete.."
"Because i need to but seriously, you might look a little mature but you're still too young for you"
"Well.." Then hitomi raised an eyebrow. "Hanging out with men isn't my kind of stuff either"
The guy was just scrolling on his phone.
"Are you even listening?"
"So your name is Hitomi Honda, one of iz*One's best dancers, former Akb idolc knows a little of Judo, a cheerleader and you play basketball.."
"With my brother---"
"Who is also a man.
"But its different when with you."
"You should have said, "I don't hang out with guys who isn't my relative" Hitomi gets a little annoyed.
"That's what girls usually say when they lose the argument"
"Don't get me started boy!"
"Boy? Is that an insult?"
"A compliment perhaps, take it or leave it."
"Oh okay girl."
"Excuse me? I'm 19?"
"I'm 25"
"You're acting like a brat."
"Same goes to you."
*sighs* "Why am i stuck here with you?"
Meanwhile ..
Little did Hii-chan know that Yujin and the others starts following her. Now they're watching her. * "Hii-chan is so hard to get. She'll never get herself a boyfriend if she keeps on acting like that." Yujin said while watching behind the bushes.
On the other side, Nako
Nako was trying to peak in on the bushes.. "But aren't they a look a little--
"Similar, i thought of that too." Momo said.
On the other side..
"The fact that they share the same amount of snarkiness and savageness." Yuri said.
"They're not going to work out, i swear." Yena said then waves her hair.
"How can you tell? You're not a love guru. How much do you know about it?" Chaeyeon asked.
"Well" Yena said then wipes her nose. "Hello? I'm the dating expert, Master of Dating"
Sakura snotted her nose "Yeah but pussy in Marriage. Why don't you just leave us here and elope with Yuri?"
Both of Yuri and Yena blushed.
On the other side..
Chaewon, Minju and Eunbi are watching her.
"That guy always acts fresh on Hii-chan, i don't like him!" Minju said.
"I swear, i'm going to kill Yujin for sending Hitoma on a date!" Chaewon angrily said then bites her Handkerchief.
"That's where my mom and Dad started"
*Two kimz suddenly glared at Eunbi*
"And they divorced after." she added then nervously laughed.
Chaewon steps up from the bushes.
"Hey, where are you going?" Minju asked.
"Going to end this Dating stuff before it ends into divorce!"
"Divorce? But they hasnt even started yet."
Back at the cafe..
Jaehwan was staring at her while secretly watching her fancams.
"Not gonna lie, she's good.. yet she's shy.."
Hitomi is texting Momo while checking the time.
"She's shy but she has a personality.. She maybe younger but.." then stares at Hitomi again "She's my kind of girl"
Yujin and the other secretly meet on the other side of the cafeteria beside the cafe where Jaehwan and Hitomi are staying.
"Wait a second" Nako said "He's not the guy!"
"What do you mean Nako?" Chaeyeon asked.
"That wasn't the guy!? Nako-chi, are you serious?" Yujin panicked.
"That wasn't her brother!?" Momo asked.
"Her brother?" Yujin asked. "What do you mean?"
"Now i'm confused" Yena said.
"Me too" Yuri added.
"Okay, i promised Hii-chan's brother that he's going to meet Hii today" Nako explained. "In secrecy. So i asked Yujin to ask Hii to buy her something on a bookstore where he was supposed to meet hii, i never told Yujin about the plan because she might spoil it"
"You don't trust me?"
"I asked Momo-unnie to help out cos Hii-chan can never say no to Momo-unnie. We want to surprise hii-chan and to ease her little nerves that is growing inside of her" Nako looks down.
"I want to do something for Hii and make her smile" Momo said then looks down. "So i went along with the plan." When we saw Hii running, i thought it was already him.."
"So all of this were just to meet her brother. Why didn't you tell us Nako?" Eunbi asked.
"Yeah were supposed to be the first person whom you can tell before others" Chaeyeon said then sulking.
"Wait, the guy, he's making a move!" Then minju raised both of her eyebrows.
On the Cafeteria..
"Hey.." the guy called.
"Has anyone already told you that you're cute?"
"Every akb and wiz*one says that. Everyday.."
"Uhmm.. how about.. you're pretty?"
"Am i?"
"Yes.." then he stares at Hii-chan "You are pretty"
Hitomi smiled "Sorry but Minju never fails to remind me that. She can say it more better than you"
Minju claps then laughs.
"Haha! That's my girl!"
"Well.. i forgot to introduce myself i'm--"
"Hey Hii-chum!"
"Momo-unnie!" Hitomi stands up with excitement then approaches her. "I have been waiting for you! How did--"
"No time to explain" then Momo puts a blindfold on her eyes. "Lets Go!"
"The guy said."
"You can meet her anytime soon! Gotta go!" Momo cried then runs outside with Hitomi.
The guy just smiled. "Hitomi Honda, huh?" Then he walks outside.
"Unnie, where are you taking me?"
"Trust me.."
After a short walk, they finally reached their destination. Momo removes the blindfold on her eyes, Hitomi opened her eyes and wipes it.
"Hey" a familiar voice approaches.
Hitomi was in disbelief.
"How are you, Bbang-bbang?"
Hitomi's tears suddenly fell down as she hugs the person in front of her.
"Nii-san!" Then she hugs him tighter.
All of them just watch the scene and cries.
"I missed you nii! Onee, Mama, Papa, Pome!" Then she cries.
Her brother gently unties the hug and looks at her. "You've grown up.. its just.. a year ago.." A trace of worrying was shown on his face as he stop himself from crying. "Mama, Papa, Onee and me are worrying about you! About your massive loss!" Then sniffs and hugs Hitomi so tight "We cannot sleep! We're always thinking abour you! About what happened to you here! I have seen your Vlives, you're always quiet? You're always silent! I was so worried!" Then burst out into tears.
"I decided to travel here in Korea on my own because i don't want them to have a breakdown."
"Am i doing good nii?"
"Yes" then he hugs her tighter. "You are always doing good and you never fail to give out your best. Nii is so proud, all of us are so proud of you Bbang bbang!"
"I can't understand japanese" Yujin said while crying. "But this is a much better story than twilight" then wipes her tears.
Hitomi saw Momo alongside with Iz*One.
Hitomi smiled then she grabs her brother's hand to introduce him to them.
"This is my older brother, he's 7 years older than me."
Eunbi shakes his hand on the behalf of Iz*One members. "It was nice meeting you again"
Hitomi stares at Momo. "Nii, this is Momo-unnie, she has been a mentor and a big sister to me."
"A fellow japanese eh?" Her brother smiled then lowers his head on them "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!"
The girls did the same.
"Yoroshikune!" Momo replied.
"Thank you for taking care of my sister. For helping her and for always staying on her side"
All of them just smiled at him.
"Guess i better get going now" Momo said then starts walking away from them.
"Momo-unnie!" Hitomi said then stops her. "Please don't go!"
Momo smiled and gently lets go of her hand. "I still have a practice"
"Momo-unnie, remember the troubles that Hii-chan went through because of you" Nako suddenly said.
Everyone was shocked. Nako confronted Momo who was making her steps away from her.
"My job here is done Nako."
"Hii consider you as her family. She never say "No" to you"
Momo was just looking at her.
"Nako.." Eunbi just muttered.
Momo looks at Hitomi who was looking at her then smiled and pats Nako. "Alright little fella! But i am only here for Hii-chum!"
"We knew you were going to say that!" Chaeyeon said.
"Who wants some Jokbal? My treat!" Then puts her hands on Hii-chan's shoulders and starts walking. "Follow our lead slowpokes!"
"That Momo.. Isn't she a member of that fancy girl group "Twice"?" he asked. "She's pretty popular in Japan you know"
"Yep, one of the main dancers there" Sakura said. "She's popular everywhere"
"Bbang is a huge fan of that group and looking up on Sana, another member of Twice. She said that she wants to be like her someday" Then looks at Momo and Hitomi who was talking and laughing. "I cant believe that she is now hanging around with one of its members" then cries in joy. "I'm so happy that she met a lot of amazing people here"
"Well sir" Chaewon said. "There's a lot of people who loves hii-chan. If some Wiz*Ones cant love her, we're here. We'll never make her feel alone"
"We'll always provide a family that she can always count and rely on while you guys are not around. There's nothing to worry about." Eunbi said then smiles. "And then there's Momo who's keeping an eye on her."
"Well, not just me, the whole group!" Then pats Hitomi. "We're always here for you all, and for our Goddess of Beauty too!"
"U-unnie!!" Hitomi flustered.
"Didn't you call yourself that?" Momo teased. Hitomi just blushed while everyone was laughing.
"By the way Momo-unnie.."
"Thank you." Hitomi said then kissed Momo in cheeks. Momo subtlety blushed and smiled. "For everything"
"Hey!" Everyone protested.
"Well Hii, don't thank me. I am always willing to do everything for you. But rather thank them, who's looking up to you eversince. It was their idea to set you up here you know.."
"I can tell that they're super close. When Hii kissed someone it means the person is very important to her" Her brother said. "We taught her that when she was young"
All of them glared at Hitomi.
"Kiss us too Hii!" Eunbi cried then runs. Momo grabs hitomi's hands tighter then run away from them.
"Ble!" Momo sticks out her tongue.
"How could you Hii-chan, are we not important to you!?" Chaeyeon asked.
"Us too!" Chaewon cried "Hitomaaa!!!"
"Hey guys wait up!" His brother said who was trying to catch up with them.
Hitomi just smiled and fist bumps with Momo.
They all just chased each other like Tom and Jerry with Spike.

iz*One, ITZY, TWICE and NIZIU cracks and oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now