Nizi Crackheads

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Mako: Sometimes i want us to be a Qwerty keyboard.
Maya: Why?
Mako: Because there is "u" and "i"
Nina: Unnie, 76 + 67?
Rio: 143.
Nina: Aishiteru yo *winks and kissed her hands*

Yuna: Yes Nina! that's my girl! Show em what i taught you! *then she looks desperately at Lia who's flirting with Yeji*
Mayuka: Sometimes i wish everyday is Science day
Rima: Why?
Mayuka: Cos i always want to be in "Lab" with you.
Rima *secretly staring at Mayuka*
Mayuka *notices*
Rima *staring at her*
Mayuka: How long have you been staring at me?
Rima: So you're looking at me too?
Miihi: Ayaka-unnie, are you single?
Ayaka: Yes
Miihi: Why?
Ayaka: Because my parents are strict, how about you? Are you single?
Miihi: Yep!
Ayaka: Why?
Miihi: 'Cos your parents are strict.
Mako: Maya are you single?
Maya: Well, i am still waiting for the right one, how about you?
Mako: I am still single.
Maya: Why?
Mako: Because you're still waiting for the right one.
Rio: Nina are you single?
Nina: No, i'm taken.
Rio: That's sad i--
Nina *holds her hands* You have taken my heart the moment i saw you
Riku: Uhmm guys, i'm single too.. does anyone cares?
Mako: You look like someone.
Maya: Mina?
Mako: No, prettier than that.
Maya: But Mina-unnie is the prettiest.
Mako: Much prettier than her.
Maya: Who?
Mako: You want to know?
Maya: Yes *looks straight into her eyes* who?
Mako *intertwined her hand on hers then lean her forhead* My future wife.

[and lately was blessed with seven kids]
Yuna: Hey *then pats Nina* You like her?
Nina *nods*
Yuna: Well let me teach you how *clear coughs* Lia-unnie, i have one left index finger for one wedding ring.
Nina: Uhmm okay! *went to Rio's*
Yuna: You go girl!
"What did you just say?"
Yuna *astonished* L-lia-unnie!? *blushed*
Nina *stares at Rio*
Rio*smiles* Hi Nina.
Nina: Rio-unnie *shows her hands* look at this..
Rio: Yes?
Nina *speaks gently* I have this hand *and holds Rio's*
Rio *blushes*
Nina *squeezed Rio's hand* To squeeze an individual who hates SKZ!
Rio: i-ittaii...
What do you like for a Man?
(Nizi girls version)

"Mako-chan, what do you like for a man?"

Mako: Someone who can buy me a dozens of lemons.

"Easy i---"

Mako: And eat it all without reaction
"Rio-unnie, what do you want for a guy?"
Rio: Well, someone who can eat egg dishes with me forever.
"I--i cannot do that!"
Rio: Who says it was you?
"Hey Maya"
"What do you like for a guy?"
"Are you still there?"

"Yes this is Mako. Maya is unavailable right now because we are dating"
"Hi Riku! What do you want for a guy?"
Riku: Someone whom i can break the bones and punch in the face when i am bored! And i am always bored! Whwre are you?
"Ayaka what do you like for a guy?"
Ayaka: I'm on a date with Nina, cyl.
"Jesus! How many girls does Nina dates?"
"Mayuka what do you like for a guy?"
Mayuka: I prefer Rima over a hundred guys, sorry.
"Rima what do you want for a guy?"
Rima: Someone who can rap..
"Well i can do --"
Rima: Mayuka's part in "Make You Happy"
"Jesus i---"
Rima: Nevermind, i'll just ask Mayuka for a date.
"Hello Miihi, what do you want for a guy?"
Miihi: Someone who has two eyes, nose and lips
"Well i---"
Miihi: and can give me TWICE as birthday present.
And finally .....
"Hello Nina! What do you like for a guy?"
Nina: Their younger sister.

Can you help me with our Math Assignment ft Nizi Girls.

"Hello Mako, can you help me with our math assignment?"
Mako: I was about to ask you the same question
Rio *ze sends a dark photo* see that photo over there?
"Its dark"
Rio: That's how my world turns into after Nina left me for Ayaka!
"I do understand but we have an assignment in math, can you help me?"
Rio: The fucc-what? We have an assignment?
"Maya, can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Maya: I'm on an actual Math Session with Mako, we're doing multiplication.
"Wait don't tell me---"
"Hey riku! Can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Riku: Can i kick your ass?
Riku: So no.
"What if i let you kick my ass or smash my face, would you help me?"
Riku: Still no, i don't even know how to count One to Ten.
"Ayaka, can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Ayaka: I can help you with financial assistance. That's also mathematics with accountancy and finance, You're welcome.
"Okay so where is it now? You're financial help?"
Ayaka: Its a prank! This is Nina! I am holding Ayaka-unnie's phone!
"Okay Hi Nina, where's Ayaka?"
Ayaka: Ordering our food, its our first date tonight.
"What the--"
"Mayuka? Can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Mayuka: That's easy, One plus One equals eleven. As simple as that.
"Rima, can you help me with our math assignment?"
Rima: Geez! Math is a grown ass subject already! Let it solve its own problem, duh?
"Miihi, can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Miihi: Have you seen Nina?
"Do i look like an Animal Welfare Center?"
Miihi: Do i look like a calculator?
"Golden Maknae!"
"Uri Maknae!"
Nina: Oh hey! What do you want?
"Uhmm.. can you help me with our Math Assignment?"
Nina: Sure! Math is my middlename!
"Uhmm i thought it was makino?"
Nina: -_-
Nina: Do you want my help or not?
"Sure! Sure! I'm on my way there!"
Nina: Make sure to bring some good ladies!
Mako *runs in amok*
Maya: Mako unnie, please take deep breaths and calm down so you can think straight.
Mako: How can I think straight when I'm gay?!
Maya: ...
Mako: and in love with you.
Rima: Mayuka-unnie, do you know what has to be done tonight?
Mayuka: hmm... laundry? Dishes?
Rima: No, you.
Mako: Alright kids! Flirting time is over!
Maya: Guys, what's the best thing you've had for breakfast in the morning?
Mako: Uhmm anything you cook for me is the best *winks*
Rio: Egg dishes
Rima: Noodles!
Nina: Rio's lips
Mako: Riku, you'll sing for my wedding day, Rio you'll be the maid of honor.. uhmmm.. Nina, you'll be the flower girl.. the rest of you will just sit there and eat after the ceremony.
Maya: Mako-unnie what about me? You didn't invite me? I thought i was special to you?
Mako: Maya, don't be silly! What are you talking about? You're my bride, remember?
Miihi *saw Nina crying*
Miihi: Nina are you crying?
Nina: No, i'm just allergic!
Miihi: To what?
Nina: Life
Riku: My love for you is everlasting
Mayuka: So is Rima.
Riku: I'll give you what beyond your expectations.
Mayuka: So is Rima
Riku: I can love you more than how you imagine.
Mayuka: So is Rima
Riku: I will die for you.
Mayuka: But Rima wants to live for me. Scram!
Riku *plots a suicide attempt*
Mako: Doctor! How's Rio?
Doctor: Well, she's going to be alright.
Mako: Oh thank God finally!
Doctor: But she broke a leg.
Mako: But i thought you said--
Doctor: It was a left leg so from now on, she's gonna be "all" right.
Kai: Yuna do you have a boyfriend?
Yuna: Huening i'm a lesbian.
Kai: What does that mean?
Yuna: I like girls.
Kai: Oh
Kai: I'm a lesbian too.
Yuna *facepalmed*

Nina *peeking* What does Yuna unnie is doing with that guy? and who is he?
Mako: Maya i'm hungry.
Maya: Well you can eat what my dad made for us.
Mako: What is it?
Maya: Me.

iz*One, ITZY, TWICE and NIZIU cracks and oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now