Master becomes more serious. He's allowed Laxus to vent his feelings, but he knows that he has to step in and correct Laxus on some facts. The truth becomes harsh and like Master said to me the other day, he's not going to sugar coat it. What Ivan did, whatever he truly did that is only for Master to know about, must've been wrong and inexcusable.

"Even though he may be family, I cannot allow those who threaten the lives of their comrades to remain in the same guild. This is how our predecessors protected Fairy Tail and made it what it is today." Master Makarov explains.

"Then kick me out too! I'll join the guild my Dad started! We'll both take you down!" Laxus outbursts.

Master's eyes widen at the sudden revelation and even I am sat in shock. Laxus never said a word about Ivan starting a new guild. This makes me question how Ivan got in contact with Laxus, but it makes sense when he said he would be in touch.

Laxus finishes his argument, seeing no way to fix his bond with his grandfather. Master Makarov is trying to protect Laxus, but Laxus is in too deep in a lie that his father created, escape is proving more and more impossible.

Panicked by this news, Master Makarov tries to plead with Laxus.

Laxus turns his back on him as he is about to leave the room.

"You know where Ivan is? Please tell me, Laxus." Master begs.

"Nice try. Why do you care all of a sudden?" Laxus scoffs.

"Laxus, listen to me. Ivan left this guild in possession of information that could be detrimental to Fairy Tail. You have to tell me where he is." Master Makarov reasons.

Laxus continues facing away from Master Makarov, his hands in his pocket and his head lowered.

"That's rich, coming from the person who threw him out, maybe you should've thought twice before trying that move." Laxus mocks.

Laxus turns his head to look at Master Makarov. Master looks helpless and although he doesn't appear sad, I know that his heart must be hurting inside.

"I'm going to get stronger than you old man, not for my Dad, but for myself so I can become my own person." Laxus states before leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

I'm just speechless, I support Laxus because I love him, but I also care about Master Makarov because of everything he's done for me, I never imagined things would get this out of control.

I look at Master as tears are forming in his eyes. He walks towards the window and looks out at the town of Magnolia.

"I wanted him to join the Fantasia parade with me, but that won't happen anymore. I don't recognise him anymore, Freed." Master says with a broken voice, trying to hold back the tears for my sake.

"Master, please don't get upset. I don't quite understand him at the moment either, but if you give him some space then maybe he'll come round." I say optimistically.

"He won't, me and him, we're done. Ivan has well and truly torn us apart, I blame myself really, I should've taken Laxus' feelings into consideration." Master Makarov contemplates.

"What you did was right. You needed to do what was best for the guild, but you didn't know how Laxus felt, that's more his fault than yours." I explain.

"I don't know. I guess I just have to live with him like he's any other ordinary person. It breaks my heart, but I guess that's the way things have to be now." Master Makarov sighs.

I get up from the chair and leave Master Makarov on his own in the room so he has time to think and cry if he needs to. I wander outside the back of the guild hall feeling conflicted, how can I choose between my love and my guild?

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