Where Were We?

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Can we just take a moment appreciate this fanart of Calli? I can't remember her Wattpad, but it's by Becky Binning on Twitter. Honestly, this is my favourite of her fanart she did of mine. So thank you!

"No!" Cipher stepped back and looked at his bubble. "That glitch is going to ruin everything!"

"You were never going to win Cipher," Doodle chuckled. She rushed Bill with her sword. With Bill's mental state, she managed to run her sword right through him. Cipher began to cough up blood as he sunk to his knees. "And now you never will." Doodle melted into a puddle and the ink swarmed him, threatening to suffocate his last breath.

Something grabbed onto Bill right before he was completely covered. Calli had pulled him out of Doodle's grasp using some of the magic OG Calli had to give. The ink splashed down and reformed Doodle. The bubble was gone,  but now there was a dying Sans.

"You! You've come to trap me like your brother did, aren't you," Doodle sneered.

Calli didn't pay any attention as she tried to heal some of Cipher's wounds. Doodle threw ink tendrils at the other in pure rage. In a quick flash, Calli matched every move using the Nightmare form provided. She summoned a familiar paintbrush to the other and painted up a cell, not summoning it until she could add specific coding onto the magics. The skeleton glared at her AU counterpart as Doodle screamed loudly, trying to break the bars. She would melt into ink and thrash herself against the walls a few times before forming back.

Calli moved to the side slightly as Scyther tried to cut her open with a blade. She fell to the ground as her leg gave out under her. Scyther quickly pinned the skeleton to the ground. Stream chuckled as she approached.

"You're too old for this, Jen. Give up and let the stronger ones do the work," Stream smirked.

Around them, Mecha had shut down some of Bolt's electronics, Abyss had Six trapped in many bones with Shell helping him not to teleport away, Fresh was smiling as he kept Remourse busy, and Rose was helping Ghost keep track of the injured. Blackhole was out numbered, but why were they so cocky?

In the time Stream was talking, Calli managed to summon strings. She grabbed hold of Stream and slammed her into Scyther, knocking both a few paces away. Geno rushed in to help out Calli from her place on the ground, but ended up hurting himself more due to his pain from earlier.

Stream and Scyther ran back towards the two skeletons, but strings began to block their path. Out from the side walks in Failsafe, she adjusted her glasses and then tied both of her teammates up, grabbing ahold of both of their souls.

"You can't do this to us! I've worked too hard for this!" Stream growled. Scyther thrashed around like a madwoman in a net. Doodle began rocking back and forth while hugging her knees in her little cage. Bolts was too broken down to do anything.

"Next time, don't-" Calli started to cough up blood. The crimson colour fell down her chin as she continued to cough.

"Ghost!" Geno called. "Someone get these Callis to the prison. Ghost! Get over here!"

Calli tried to calm her jagged breathing, but she couldn't stop her coughing fit. Geno was trying to tell her to stay awake as help was coming, but she couldn't keep up. She blacked out just as Ghost took her into her arms.

Slowly, the captives were released and the palace disappeared. The injured were treated and many apologies went to Blue. When the real Dust managed to get out of his cell, he was skeptical if Blue was even real. Doodle, Stream, Scyther, Bolts, Cipher, Remourse, and Six were sent to the AU prison to be there for a long time. Chara returned back to UnderTale and was stuck in the beginning room for her punishment.

Calli was out for days as her body had to patch up the many, many missing files. She was under strict surveillance just in case something were to happen. Gotta say, it wasn't a difficult task. Blue and Cross also ended up being in extra care due to their many injuries from Doodle. Dream and Classic made sure to watch over Calli, taking shifts between the two of them. They had both finished healing themselves, at least to the point they can move around.

Nightmare, Error, and the other gods slowly restored the Sanses and Papyri to their AUs. The Star Sanses and Bad Sanses had stayed to care for the rest of the injured and to figure out what to do with the imprisoned skeletons. Reaper and Geno also stayed back to help out.

"Tell me again what happened?" Killer asked. Nightmare groaned for the fifth time.

"Killer, if you ask that question one more time, I will throw you out a window," Error grumbled.


So yeah, everyone is trying to recouperate their thoughts. Dust sat on the couch, burying his face into Blue's back; Blue being on his lap. Horror snuggled against Lust, not wanting to lose the other. Error leaned against the wall next to Ink who was sitting in a chair. Nightmare was pacing the room as he was attempting to plan things out; Cross was in the care unit, napping with Geno watching over him. Dream was with Calli.

"Why not focus more at the problem we have and not what happened," Reaper sighed as he sat on the arm of the couch.

"We have much more going on now than before," Classic agreed from his spot on the floor. "I thought it was just about Gentle but..."

"Well brah, I'm sure it does deal with him," Fresh stated from the doorway. "Our broski, Geno, and Jen seemed to have a connection."

"My Geno did? He's never talked about her," Reaper stated.

"I believe the reason is either: one, he didn't want you to know, or two, he forgot all about it," Ink added. "If he did have a deep connection with her, he probably could tie loose ends for us."

"We just would have to see what he knows," Blue smiled.

Ah! I actually finished another chapter! Go me!!! Welp, time for me to work on more random chapters.... Also, I will soon be posting an art book of my random drawings, so you can check it out once

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