She's kidnapped

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"Yeah, ye-" Chara starts, but then Calli was suddenly pulled backwards into a glitch in the air, blue strings pulling her away.

"Calli!" M.K. and Frisk shout.

"Frisk! We gotta save her!" M.K. shouts to Frisk in a panic after the glitch corrected itself.

"I don't know how! And it's not like I can use magic like monsters can."

"Well I definitely don't know how either!"

"Don't know what my children?" Someone comes up behind them and the children scream from being startled.


Calli looks around the whiteness around her. She was tied up in blue string on the ground. The floor around her was skattered with pieces of the same string and bones.

"I don't see anything but white," Chara mutters. "What's with the vibe of this place?"

"It's not a place I would expect to ever be in..." But Calli thought the place was familiar. "And I definitely know that I don't want to be here."

"Why HellO tHerE," A glitchy voice sounds behind the young Skeleton.

"Who's there?" Calli looks around the void frantically.

A skeleton teleports in front of Calli. He has a black skull with blue tear marks and red bones elsewhere. Glitches and 'Errors' litter his body. And even his clothes were dark. But he has a striking resemblance to a certain skeleton Chara and Calli knew well.

"What the crap Sans!?" Calli shouts.

"That isn't Sans," Chara told Calli in return.

The skeleton laughed a glitchy laugh before Calli blacked out.

"You shOuld kNow WheN to keEp yoUr mouTh sHut."


"You did what!?" Sans looks at the two children.

"We- We went into the ruins," Frisk starts.

"A-And Calli..." M.K. says next.

"It's alright children, just tell him what happened," Toriel said calmly.

"Someone t-took Calli," Frisk ends up saying. "W-we were just leaving, a-and something grabbed her."

"What grabbed her?" Sans asked.

"W-we don't know... Blue strings grabbed her a-and took her somewhere."

"Was there a portal like thing?" Sans asks.

Frisk and M.K. look at each other. "I believe so."

"It looked like a glitch in a computer program."

Damn it. Why would he want Calli? Sans thinks to himself. He then walks off into the forest

"Sans, wait! How are we going to save Calli?" M.K. asks.

Sans doesn't turn around. "There is no we." He continues on his way before teleporting off.

Doodle Sphere

"Why can't I figure this out!" Ink yelled as he threw up a bunch of papers. "How am I supposed to be the Creator and Protector if I can't figure out this simple thing..."

Maybe you should rest for a different time? A voice said to the frantic skeleton.

"I'm not going to rest, not yet. I can't rest."

Then talk to Classic, he has helped you before.

"True... But he wouldn't understand about this. He will go ballistic. Not just that, to know his Gaster still has a few tricks up his sleeve."

You don't know for sure until you tr-

A little beeping sound comes from Ink's pocket. He pulls out his phone and looked at it.

A message from Classic...

Classic: Yo bud, I need 2 talk 2 u meet me in the clearing

"Now isn't that special?" Ink sighs. He quickly responds back that he will be there and he then picks up his paint brush and opens a portal to UnderTale.

Ink walks through and he sees Classic pacing the clearing. Back and forth, back and forth. Multiple times over in the snow.

"What you page me for Classic?" Ink asks the fretting skeleton.

"There is just so much Ink..." Classic shakes his head and looks at Ink. "So much in these past few days."

"You don't normally deal with this. Last time you were, it was your first genocide route leading to the creation of Geno."

"There is this skeleton, Calli is her name" Ink freezes up hearing the name. The mysterious skeleton he helped out landed in UnderTale.

"She has delt with the same torture I went with Gaster, and I can tell it was my Gaster. She is my sister, Ink."

"Did something happen to her?" Ink asked nervously.

"Most definitely, Error took her."

"What? Why would he do such a thing?" Ink almost yelled.

"I don't know, but I'm sure as hell that I want to find out," Classic growls.

"I'm guessing you want to go to the Anti-void," Ink sighs.

Classic nodded, "I have to save her. I would do the same for Paps."

"Fine, I'll take you there. But if you remember, he doesn't take too kindly towards many people. Especially me."

Ink opens a portal with a wave of his brush. The colourfulness that is the portal shows a white space behind it. Ink shutters slightly, knowing what emptiness feels like.

He motions for Classic to go first. Once he was through, Ink entered the portal, closing it behind him.

But the place looked empty

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