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I wish I can draw that ^^cute ;-; I once drew a Link Chibi but never again have I been able to draw something cute...

Dream POV
I rushed in to see Chara tie up Drake in strings, again the pure colour was now a deep red. I slashed at the strings like I have done countless times to Error.

The strings broke and I stood back up for another attack. I spinned my staff in front of me to the back to quickly ready it for my next attack.

Drake was one step ahead of me, but it seems that it wasn't exactly him. Reminds me a bit of an off brand Cross. He snapped his fingers and the next thing I knew, he was back to slashing at Chara and directed a Gaster Blaster at her head.

"This kid is reckless..." I muttered to myself, I rushed at them, going to attach Chara from behind. I saw Chara rip Drake off her. Did he bite her? WTF?

Red bones shot up from the walls and floor. Another usage of Calli's magic. I almost don't have enough time to dodge properly. Each wave had no timing, no pattern!

When I could, I made it closer. Once I was in position, I turned my staff into a bow. I readied an arrow and aimed it at her head.

Over her shoulder, I see Drake demolish the attack and charge at Chara. He was just enough of a distraction for my attack.

I shot a few arrows at Chara. She completely dodged my arrows and did that creapy head turn you only see in movies. A tenicle of hers reared for attack. On instinct, I dodged her attack due to years of fighting my brother.

Before I knew what was next, red strings pulled me down and into a portal. Chara stared at me with a wide sinister smile as I was pulled out in front of her and smacked right into Drake, sending us both into the wall.

Drake shook his head and teleported to behind Chara. She turned to him for an attack, but her soul turned blue. Drake moved his arm, slamming Chara against the ceiling and back to the floor.

Drake lunged at Chara and grabbed her soul, well Calli's soul, but same difference at the time. His hand glowed with magic and shoved his hand into Calli's soul. Who does that?

"You of all skeletons should know I'm like a snake, grabbing onto the weakest point," Chara laughed. She formed a chain sythe, similar to what Chain uses. She wipped it at Drake, aiming at his neck.

I was able to rush over fast enough to counter the attack. The chain wrapped itself around my arm. I kept my head low but the sythe managed to nick my cheek, and it did damage to my arm.

"Bash that fucking bitch in the face! I'm half fucking temped to fucking eat chara and have big sis deal with her!"

"You are a golden ray of sunshine aren't you?" I joked through gritted teeth before pulling on the chain. I then mannaged to pull out my bow once more and shot arrows at Chara.

She hissed in return, summoning a gaster blaster, shooting it at Drake and I. I heard some sort of snap behind me, but I didn't think much of it when I had to dodge the beam.

The light from the blast cleared. Cha- no, Calli was tuckered out. Her nightmare form disappeared and she collapsed to the ground.

I get up to find the house a total reck. Dust of innocent bystanders skattered on the snow outside. Drake stood up and was coughing. He saw his surroundings with a confused look on his face.

One by one, I saw the Callis from downstairs teleport to the upper level. "What happened?" Rose asked.

I stood up and stumbled to the side slightly, only to be caught by Chain. I flinched slightly when she touched my arm. I notice Galaxy picking up Calli.

"What the hell happened!?" Ruby asked.

"If you weren't so stubborn, you might have remembered Chara messing with your codes," Rose huffed.

"Where is Sans and Sci?" Chain asked.

"OuterTale, I took them there to be safe."

"I'll get them," Ruby teleported off.

Drake walked over to Calli with a blank look, he was lost. Her soul seemed that it could shatter any moment, and I can tell the others knew it to be true. It was being held together only by Drake's magic.

He held Calli's soul close to his chest. I heard Ruby coming back with Classic and Sci. Classic saw his sister and made his way over to her.

Some sort of pain spread through the Callis. Ruby clutched her chest and went down, only to be caught by Sci. Classic caught Calli as Galaxy glitched and fell. Even Chain faltered from whatever it was.

I couldn't do much for anyone, tears fell from my face when I saw Rose colapse with the rest of the girls. I saw Drake attempting to help the fractured soul in his hands. He tried to put Calli's soul into his own to preserve it.

Before he could hurt himself more, I used my magic to put him asleep, giving him good dreams dispite the recent events.

Calli managed somehow to wake up. Her gasp of life alerted us Sanses to pull our attention to her. Classic started crying more and he hugged Calli tighter.

"Wha-" She looked around, her face went straight to being distraught. "H-how?" She let off a series of coughs.

No one would say anything. She pried herself away from her brother and went over to Drake. Their souls still floating as one.

Calli POV

Dispite the pain I was in, I went over to Drake. His soul and mine were floating in the same spot. Dream was off to the side, obviously hurt and crying. Sci went over to my brother to help his battered state.

I lift Drake's head onto my lap, tears escaping me. This happened due to my hands. My weakness lead to this.

Suddenly, two buttons glowed in front of me:



What is this? Wha-

"Go ahead, reset." A voice said behind me, I turned to find only darkness. "Reset this back to a time of peace for everyone here."

I looked at the buttons. And I made my decision...

Reset 💙



"Then why don't I remember the Reset?"

"We don't even know who set off the Reset, but it seems that Drake just might know."

I've been thinking... I need to match Chain and Rose up with someone (and not together, they aren't that compatible lol)
What do you guys think?

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