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Abyss, Geno, Blue, and Mecha teleported behind a bush across the way from the palace. Ink guards and glitch bots patrolled the plaza.

"I can't get a good scan, Stream has too much of an interference," Mecha muttered.

"Can you at least locate the hostages?"

"Not unless we get closer."

"Here's the plan," Blue stated. "We sneak in and find Fresh. If we can, find the hostages and map out the area. We come back out before they know we were there and strategize for an optimal plan."

"Problem, we are kinda vulnerable out here. This is not our turf," Geno pointed out. "It will not be that easy. Stream probably already knows we are here."

"Actually, Stream is the Dust back at base," Blue stated.

"We just have to be careful. Don't forget to watch out for Cipher, Six, and Remourse," Abyss reminded.

"Remember, if you need to contact any of us, use the com I provided. Try not to use it as there are plenty of Skeletons here with the opportunity to decipher the coms," Mecha reminded.

"This way," Cross said quietly. "And stay low, we don't need your height to give away our cover."

"Alright, alright," Drake rolled his eyes. "Can we just get there already?"

Cross didn't answer. He continued to lead Drake through the many hallways of Doodle's Palace. In truth, the whole thing was probably conjured with the base of Doodle's ink and Stream's coding skills. Cross quickly lead Drake to hide behind a tapestry as voiced passed by. 

"You know, we could rule over the whole multiverse if Doodle let us round up the Sanses as well."

"You know how dumb that is Chara? You kill a Sans outside of their AU and the whole AU is down. Most of the skeletons working under her would kill at first sight."

"Kill joy..." The voices died down as the two went on through the hallways.

"I can't believe Chara is still here," Drake growled.

"Hey, some Charas aren't that bad... until they are the one to push Ink to start the whole X Event, even though that was partially my fault... But! We don't wanna talk about that," Cross chuckled nervously. 

"Ooookaaaay then... Let's go," Drake peaked around the tapestry to see if the coast was clear. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine Cross, you can go see out-" Drake had turned around to see YOLO glasses and a brightly coloured jacket. "Fresh?"

"Sup broskis!"

"Is there a reason why you are here?" Cross groaned. "I already am putting myself in danger with helping out Drake."

"Nah bro, just scoutin' ahead for mah brosephs to get a feel of this place."

"You brought a group!? You all need to turn back. They will capture you and.....b-break you...." Cross trailed off and looked to the side.

"Break me? Come on, dude. Doodle hasn't seen me fight yet."

"Then let's get going," Drake urged. "The sooner Doodle goes to hell, the better."

"You know Doodle, I've yet to see anything with my part of the deal," Cipher grew impatient with the wait.

"It will come. For now, you will be a good little Sans and do as I say. Now, I believe we have a few little dogs prowling the palace. See what you can find." Doodle had glared down Bill from her throne.

"I hope you know I'm not some pawn in your little game with your brother." He turned on his heel and exited the room. 'If it's a fight she wants it's a fight she'll get.'

Doodle smirked from on top of her throne. Ink spilled below her and she fell through her portal. She stepped out inside the chamber with the Callis and walked on through.

The girls rested in their cells, drained and magic-less. Some of the girls glared at Doodle as she walked through the cages to the one in rear. A special cage in back held a certain someone with her back to the door.

"You ready to play nice Failsafe? You know, you are lucky that I didn't just let Scyther get to you."

"You'v3 becom3 s1cK... wHy can'T yOu s3e thAt?" Failsafe spoke softly. "A$ stR0nG aS y○U aR3, yOu aRen't b3inG sm@rt."

"You wouldn't understand, you never did. Your brother loves you, mine took everything from me."

"Ye@h... ke3p Up witH thAt."

Doodle growled and walked off after slamming her fist against the door of the cell. Failsafe let out a sigh as she relaxed against the side of her cell.

"If it helps, I believe it is good for you to step up to her," Rose stated. "She just needs to see where she is hurting her friends."

"As soon as Ghost and Shell can get these collars off, we are all going to stand up to her," Galaxy added.

"You all are fucking insane... we aren't  getting out of here. Doodle is an asshole that doesn't care for anyone."

"If we don't do something soon, nobody will. We've been trapped here too long."

"We aren't as athletic as you are, Chain. We can't do much without our magic," Shell added.

As the girls chatted among themself, Ghost got up and looked out of the bars. Something got her attention. She knew there was something going on that was sneaking around, but who could be there to help them?

I feel bad as my writing has become slower recently. But I am working on this when I have the chance!!

So, I give to you a poem I had to memorize for school:

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou are more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed;
But thy enturnal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall death brag thou wonder'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breath, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


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