Training Begins

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"Ink do we really need to start with something so simple? I've been conjuring bone attacks for years," Calli complains as she attacks the wall infront of her once more with a bone.

"I know it seems a bit young, but I don't want you to stress your magic. That's why this is a warm up. Using magic that you use daily. Now again, but this time attack me instead of that wall. I'll keep it fair and not use Broomy or my paint."

"So only dodging? Simple enough to land a few hits." Ink chuckled as he set Broomy and his sash over by Dream.

"You forget, I am a God, technically. I'm stronger then you might think at first sight." Ink put a hand on his hip. "Time to show me what your father has taught you already."

*Ink has started a Fight continue?


Calli looked to the side where Dream, Blue, and Sans watched the training session, they each give her a thumbs up. She looked at Ink and smirked.

"I'm up for the challenge."

*Ink has started a Fight continue?*

*Yes 💙

"Just have to ease your way into it for today, we will touch up later." Ink turned to the sidelines. "Make sure to keep no-" Ink was cut off by Calli raising a few bones from the ground.

"Catching the opponent off guard, a good start."

"Just shut up and let me focus." Calli brought in bones from each side, but Ink dodged easily.

"Your opponent will not be so willing to cooperate with you."

Calli started a series of attacks, blue bones, white bones, and orange bones. Ink dodged them all the the same. When Calli thought she had an opening, Ink proved her wrong.

Calli let her right eye glow orange. She boxed Ink in with neon orange shields. She had the box close up and Ink smirked. A smoke bomb went off. And the box closed faster.

"Not too shabby," Ink sounded behind her. "Before you call hacks, that smoke bomb wasn't magic."

"Figured you had tricks up your sleave."

Calli sent more bones towords Ink's way, adding the shields in her lines of attack. Her attacks became metered. Some came fast, others had a slower pace. She realized it wasn't going anywhere and blue appeared in her right eye with the orange.

Five Gaster blasters surrounded Ink. "Five at once? Impressive to say the least." All of them fired and Five more fired right after.

"Don't loose sight of your enemy, you will only loose mania and Stamina. But you were able to fire those in a row, already showing you have more power than Classic." Ink stood behind Calli once more.

"Appreciate the praise, Ink, but my brother knows more than I-" A shield silently formed behind Ink.

"I completely understand most of my tactics-" Gasterblasters aim at Ink.

"But I have to be truthful-" bones block the sides and raise to not be jumped over.

"I'm still learning new magic." Calli runs at Ink, Gaster blasters closing in, the shield in place, bones trapping the Creator in. Calli uses shields to make platforms to climb and she raises another wall of bones, enclosing Ink. A golden light appears, glowing bright. Calli grabs ahold of a bow, jumps and shoots above.

As the golden light fades, the bones and shields disappear. Calli stands and looks behind her at Ink.

The whole time, Ink only conjured one bone. And that bone held a single golden arrow.

Calli looked over to the side. Sans and Blueberry were wide eyed, and Dream had a slight golden blush.

Ink looked at Calli with a smile. "Brilliantly done Calli! But I didn't think that was possible for someone other than Dream." Ink dropped his attack and the arrow fell with it. Ink picked up the arrow and tossed it between his hands. "That's some skill there kiddo."

Calli turned to Ink once more. He looked straight at her as she looked down at the bow in her hands. Her eye containing the orange and blue from earlier, but Ink saw a twinge of purple around the rim. 'Interesting'

"Come on let's get feedback from our observers." Ink tosses the arrow to Calli, who caught it with ease.

"Oh my stars Calli! That was amazing!" Blueberry ran up to the younger skeleton, tackling her in a hug.

"Yeah, well done sis. I didn't expect for that to come from ya," Sans praised.

"Can you do that again!? It was such a sight to behold!" Blue giggled.

"Yeah... And the light of my life," Dream breathes.

"What was that?" Calli asked Dream.

"Oh, I-I said that we should do archery sometime," Dream nervously smiled. Blue elbowed him in the ribs when he saw the golden blush on the God of Positivity.

"You still got training to do, like learning to be lighter on your feet." Ink put his paint and Broomy in the respectful spots on his outfit. "But seeing as though you have magic beyond my expectations, I have a few different tests for you. And seeing as how you can use that particular bow, I will set up a training course for you and Dream."

"Thanks Ink." Calli rubbed the back of her skull as she lets the bow and arrow disappear into her mania.

"This also might explain why Nightmare wanted her power," Blue grimly said. "Using Dream's magic is only the beginning."

✌ 👌♏︎♑︎♓︎■︎■︎♓︎■︎☝ ✋❄ ❄❒︎◆︎♏︎●︎●︎✡ ✋💧

🌈&💧: You like her, you like her!

🌟: Shut up! >\\\\<

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