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"We really got our butts handed to us broskis... A very unrad thing happened, and I'm unsure how to fix it. Doodle has taken the Calli's captive among many Sanses and Papyri.

"With the help of Abyss and Drake, we wouldn't have made it out of there alive. We have many hurt broskis here and Ink can't heal us all.

"Dust, Killer, Cross, and Horror are still under Steam's control; Calli being under Chara's. Error, Dream, Death, and Classic are badly hurt. Although, no one has been unalived... Yet.

But keep in mind mah radical readers. There wo-"

"Do you always talk to yourself Fresh?" Blue asked.

"Huh? Oh sorry broseph, just a bit sidetracked."

"Okay... I uh, made everyone tacos, if you would like to recover some health."

"Leave it for those who need it, don't worry about me brah."

"If you are sure..." Blue walked back to where the other Sanses are. He checked around for any reopened gashes.

"I hate this! Sitting here doing nothing as my brother is dying, my friends are captured, and having to sit here waiting till the rest of us die!" Nightmare grumbled.

"We can't do much right now as many of us aren't in the best condition," Outer explained. "And you aren't the only one who lost someone they loved."

"We all lost someone we cared for and great friends," Blue added.

"Blue! I thought Abyss told you to stay off that leg!"

"It's nothing serious. Just a minor wound."

"If a minor wound makes you limp then I don't want to see a critical one," Blackberry walked up behind them.

"Any wound can become critical with Blackhole's magic," Nightmare sighed. "Doodle has powerful teammates and specialists in certain aspects."

"That's why we would need strategy if we were to combat her again," Blackberry agreed.

"We can't do much until our wounded are healed. Speaking of which, I have to check on them. Hopefully Sci has found a way to work with Classic's soul without hurting it more," Outer sighed.

"Oh, it feels so good to stretch my own limbs again!" Stream smiled.

"Our containment was only temporary, but now that we are free what else do we do?" Bolts mentioned.

"You guys are just like children." Chara stated from Calli's body. "Don't forget that we have to capture Sans Classic before we can for sure rule the Multiverse. If he dies, we all die."

"Then let's capture him already!" Bill groaned. "I hate sitting around doing nothing. We have over half of the multiverse Papyri as hostages, the Callis are locked up, and the other team is badly injured."

"You can be patient," Stream sighed. "I want a good fight as much as the next skeleton, but Chara is right. If we don't have Classic, then we can't do anything really."

Sirens went off and the group was up and alert. They caught eye of four skeletons running through a hall.

"After them!" Chara shouted. "We can't let them escape!"

Bill and Stream teleported in front of the group as Chara, and Bolts hold up the rear. In the center, Dust, Killer, Cross, and Horror were trapped.

"Oh boys, can't be leaving so soon~" Chara sneered.

"You can't lock us up forever!" Dust growled.

Stream smirked as a light shined brightly. Cross and Killer screamed out in pain, but Horror and Dust managed to not get recoded.

The two ran off down a hallway that wasn't blocked off. Cross and Killer dashed after their comrades, knives in hand. The two slowed down as they came to the end of the hallway.

"Fuck..." Dust breathed. "Got enough magic yet Horror?"

"I should be able to whip something up..."

"If you two won't willingly come with us, I will have to make you," Stream growled. Cross and Killer slowly approached the two stranded Sanses. 

"Go!" Dust and Horror teleported.

"Find them! Tell Doodle that we have traitors among us..."

"Drake? You doing alright?" Abyss asked. Drake was by himself on a balcony, spacing off with a scowl on his face.

"Never better..."

"You did all you could. You were a major help in saving us and getting us to the Omega Timeline."

"You of all skeletons should know me by now. Someone hurts my family, and they will get the pain. Doodle had no right to do as she did." He slammed his fist on the banister. "I am not strong enough..."

Abyss sighed and walked towards his friend. "I know you blame yourself for not protecting her, but we cannot dwell on that." He sat up on the banister next to where Drake stood. Hesitantly, he laid his hand on the taller's. "You are strong, and you are a valuable asset to us."

Drake took Abyss in his arms in a tight hug. "You are a great friend, but I know what I must do." Drake ran off back into building.

"Drake! Wait!" Abyss chased after him.

Drake ran through hallways, looking for something--more like someone. He entered the main room and quickly spotted Nightmare. He then dragged the God out of the room.

"Drake? What the hell?"

When the two made it out side, Drake turned to Nightmare, "Take me to the tree."

"Tree? What are you pulling here."

"You know what tree I'm talking about."

"Fine, but why do you want to go there?"

"Nothing important." Nightmare crossed his arms. "Look, I want to save my Aunt and the other captured Skeletons."

"I want to save them too, but I can't let you use that as an escape route. It's way too dangerous."

"If you won't help me, then I will find them myself!" Drake turned away and slashed open a portal.

"Drake!" Abyss yelled. "Please! Don't go! I can't let you..."

"I'm just trying to save my family."

"I just don't want you hurt. I know we gave each other space, but I still have feelings for you." Drake kept looking at the portal, but he stopped in his tracks. "I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt..."

"I-.... I won't go... But I plan on getting them toni-" Drake was cut off as he heard sounds. He closed the portal and looked around. Nightmare and Abyss looked at each other, but jumped into a defensive position as two skeletons ran toward them.

"It's Dust," Nightmare stated before going to his comrade.

"But he isn't alone," Drake growled.


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