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On a side note, Geno kept holding onto my mouse as I attempted to download UnderTale on my computer...
An another side note, Ink and Error were jealous and tossed my downloading screen to off screen so I could play with them...
I am so loved

"Calli! I got the- oof," Sci trips as he runs into Nightmare's Castle, the vials he was carrying flew out of his hands.

Calli was quick on her feet and grabbed the box. All 14 were kept in the box as she stood proudly with it in her hands.

"Thank goodness you saved them," Sci sighed as he adjusted his glasses. "Those are the only ones I made."

"Just don't trip while having glass in your hands," Calli giggled.

"Is that to put us back??? Oh fuck yes nerd!" Dust cheered.

"They are labled to which one is needed. So for Red's example, he would drink the vial labled 'Red' and go back into his body, but everyone has to drink at the same time."

"Help me pass these out, will ya Red?"

"Anything to get me back in my body. I hate seeing Lust use it for.... Selfish deeds..." Dust shuttered.

"It's not that bad, he could be doing it with Horror and then we both would be in trouble," Killer said as he walked over with Horror.

"He's right you know," Calli pointed out as she handed Killer and Horror the 'Outer' and 'Killer' vials.

"I'm fucking done with life," Dust muttered as he grabbed himself the 'Red' vial and took the 'Classic' over to Lust.

"Looks like I get my smexy body back~" Red giggled as he bounded over.

"Tired of the body?" Calli laughed as she handed over the 'Lust' and 'Horror' vials.

"This body is a blast, but I can't necessarily be with my boo due to it," he shrugged and walked off.

"The myth is true!" Nightmare cheered as he ran towards Calli. "I get to be me again!"

"Chillax Drake," Calli laughed and handed him his vial.

"And I can chillax with you later," Drake says to Calli as he walks up behind her to grab the 'Dream' vial. As he grabs his vial, he kissed the top of Calli's head.

"That's just gross. Now I know how Red feels," Nightmare shook his head.

"Calm down, you will be back in your body soon and out of my brother's," Drake sighed.

"He just can't handle being in my awesomeness," Honey chuckled. "Too much?"

"Just a smidge," Dream replied and grabbed the 'Cross' and 'Nightmare' vials.

"I forget how self centered you can be," Classic laughed. "You are always secluded in your study."

"Very funny," Honey rolled his eyes.

Sci walked over from getting the stragglers: Error, Cross, and Papyrus. "These are the last ones!" Sci smiled.

"I'm glAd wE caN geT BacK tO noRmaL," Error sighed and recieved the 'Honey' vial.

"Nyeh heh heh! I can help out with spaghetti better after this!" Cross smiled and grabbed the 'Papyrus' vial.

"I'm sick of this body anyways," Error grumbled which earned him a swift elbow in the leg by Ink.

"Be nice!" Ink said as he passed the 'Error' vial. "You always complain and are the last to recieve anything!"

"At least I get something out of it."

"I suggest everyone sit down since I don't know exactly what will happen once you drink that. I didn't have the supplies to test it," Sci mentioned.

"Great, really safe nerd," Dust growled as he sat down with the others.

"It was either this or getting the soul extractor."

"I'll stick with this, thanks..." Classic groaned.

"Then drink up!" Sci laughed nervously.

Ink stood next to Calli and put an arm around her. "I have a good feeling about this," he smiled.

"As do I."

"Ugh! It's bitter!" Red complained.

"Nope, it's too sweet..." Honey said in discust.

"It tastes so fucking bad!" Papyrus groaned.

Outer fell to the ground with a thud. Shortly, Horror also collapsed with a groan.

"The place spinning to... Anyone... Else?" Killer mannaged to say before passing out.

Dust clutched his skull tightly and fell off the couch where he sat. Lust tried to reach and help out Dust but fell unconscious on top of him.

"I'm... down for... the count..." Red managed to say.

"Sleep is good at times," Classic agreed.

Sometime, Dream had already passed out on Honey, and Honey was out easily.

Drake was leaning against the side of the couch next to Nightmare. Error was laying on the coffee table and Papyrus was halfway off the couch.

Cross was the only one to seem somewhat normal with his scarf tucked around him like a blanket.

"Got the markers?"


"Let's do this before they wake up."

"You guys are childish. I'm so in!"

"You think they will be mad when they wake up?"

"Well, when Red finds out he has My Little Temmie on his face, he will flip."

"You are so mean Blue!"

"Mwehehe, I know!"

"Then you have my brothers with matching cat faces."

"I just was plain and wrote 'Nightmare was here' on Drake's face."

"Now that's sly."

"I think I went over board on Error... What do you think?"

"Oh my stars that is beautiful. You might wanna hide the souling when he wakes up."


"Didn't I mention it? Huh... Well, I'm carrying Error's child!"

"Good for you two."


"What? Why?"

"They are waking up!"


"Language!!!!! This story is supposed to be child friendly, Ink."

"Author~chan tries so hard..."

"Aren't we supposed to be hiding?"

"Oh yeah! Let's go!"

Undertale: The Third SiblingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora