Christmas Special! Pt. 1

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If not obvi, this is based off the famous Christmas Party hosted by Geno!

"Hey everyone! It's finally ready! Cristmas Spaghetti!" Paps shouts his joy.

"All other spaghetti's are just-"

"Impasta's!" Calli interupted Sans.

"Papyrus... It looks amaizing. Thank you..." Geno praised the middle brother. He seems to only be nice like that since he lost his own Paps.

"Of course alternate brother!"

"Damn. Look at you. Looks like you've been to literal hell and back."

"Red, you shouldn't-"

"Thanks for the reminder."

"Fine... Ignore me!" Calli mutters and goes over to hug blue.

"Hello Calli! Long time no see!"

"Its only been a few weeks Blue."

"That's still a long time! And don't tell anyone, but Dust is planning something for our christmas date! He actually got some free time this holiday!"

"Good for you guys. If you need help, let me know ok?"

"Will do!"

"Urk!....." Calli and Blue looked at Red who really looked freaked out.

"Ah hahaha... Man don't look so Chilled to the bone."

"Holy crap his fuckn skull is melting and still doing puns. What a badass," Red said in disbelief.

"That's Red for ya," Blue sighed.

"You would think that they have met before... I guess not."

We ate our speghetti, and I think its the best Paps has done for Holiday Speghetti.

"Mwehehe! This is really good Papyrus!"

"Why thank you Blue, glad you like it."

"Welp! I'm going to get some eggnog before Sans gets to it." Calli gets up from her seat but Blueberry stops her.

"Eh hehe I wouldn't suggest that for you... Stick with the Ketchup and Mustard ok?"

"Ok, what did you do?"

"Oh nothing~"

"Desided on a prank?"


"Brought whiskey to the party?"


"Spiked the nog?"


"Hoping for possible ships?"

"Oh stars yes!" Calli patted Blue's shoulder.

"Don't do anything dumb ok?"

"Alright! I the Magnificent Sans won't do anything dumb!" Calli chuckled and went towords the kitchen. "Yet," Blue muttered.

"Sans!! You were in the kitchen?? I've been looking everywhere for you!!" Sci walked over to Classic. Calli seemed intrigued and watched a distance away.

"Sans Classic here. Sup Science me, you look unhappy." Calli suppressed a chuckle at her brother's choice of words.

"Yeah. Someone spiked the eggnog and I didnt know." Calli looked at Blue, who had a smirk on his face. "And sure we could discuss the logistics of how magic skeletons become drunk, but is this really the time? I hardly think so."

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