Magic Gathering II Pt. 2

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"Hey, don't forget we have a job to do here," Blue mentioned.

"Ready for another announcement?" Dream asked the Star Sanses.

"Yeah, sooner we get done here, the sooner I can nap," Ink joked.

"Is little PJ making you tired?" Calli giggled.

"He aLwaYs mAkEs HiM tiRed."

"We'll be back," Blue smiled and kissed Dust's cheek.

"I got your back, babe."

"You ready to go?" Dream smiled at Calli.

"Actually, I might stay here with Error. I don't want to alarm anyone due to my glitch."

Dream's smiled faltered a bit, but his eyelights showed his understanding. The three Star Sanses then made their way to their head post.

"He'$ aLwAy5 bE3n @ SpUnkY 0n3, haSn'T h3?"

"It's WhY cAllI lIkeS hiM," Error agreed.

"Wait... What the hell?"

"DuSt mEeT FaIlsaFe, mY sIstEr."

Failsafe nodded her head towards Dust in greeting as the other stood dumbfounded.

"But how? Isn't she still Calli?"

"th-TH1nK oF iT th1$ wAy... @5 mY c0d3 iS doM1nAt3, I cAn sPeak wItH tHe 0utSid3 wOrlD. I-I am @wAk3 WhIl3 th3 oTh3Г$ arE a©Tiv3. AlTh0uGh, I-1 @m nOt tHe 0nlY 0nE aCt1v3..." Failsafe became nervous while explaining the situation.

"HeY, yOu did GoOd," Error encouraged as he took out his sister'd glasses and put them on her face. "CoMe on, I knOw a GreAt spOt to waTch TheM."

~Inside Calli's Code~

"I-I caN't d0 tH1s Do0dl3! 1 jUsT g0T mY bГ0 bA©k an-"

"Shut up! You are my god damn second in command and I expect you to act like it! This plan is going through today, whether you like it or not."


"No "but"s, I have worked too hard for this to fail."

"Why not let me control Calli and get this done faster," Stream grumbled. "It's not like Source has any time to go to these events."

"I could start a massacre," Scyther chuckled.

"I'm down as long as my bros aren't there," Bolts added.

"None of you are doing anything until Six, Chara, Bill, and Remourse start their distraction. We capture the Star Sanses, get our own bodies, destroy my idiotic brother and rule over the Multiverse. Am I clear?"

"Yes Ma'am!"


"Y-y3s m@'Am..."


"Welcome everyone to another Magic Gathering. I would like to thank Dance for hosting it this time." Cheers came from the crowd.

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