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I can only name about six of the bad guys in this pic off the top of my head, there's three that I can't fully place

"Right behind there is the girls. I have to leave you here as I already have spent way too long away from my post." Cross looked back at Fresh and Drake. He nodded to them and went on his way.

Drake looked around before going towards the hidden jail cells. Although, Fresh held a hand on his shoulder. "We should go to the group and plan this out yo."

Drake shrugged him off. "You can go ahead, I need to reach the girls now before later."

"Yo, broski, I know that you want your friends back, but without a plan we aren't getting anywhere."

"If we wait, then Doodle might harm my family more than she already has." Drake went forward and dashed behind the wall waterfall before anything else was said.

The path lead him to a door, which he just teleported around. He walked down the new hallway into a room of cages. Shuffling of bodies was heard behind the bars in each room.

"Drake?" Came a soft voice.

"Careful, it might be a trick..."

"I don't know about you, but I can tell a real from a fake!"

"That's what you said when she did the same thing with Lust."

"That was different!"

Drake went closer to the cages where the skeletons were fighting. He felt pain in his soul to see the girls so beat up and weak. It made him angry to know that this was the effect of Doodle.

"I'm going to get you guys out," Drake stated to the others. He looked around for any keys to the cages. He saw them on the far wall. He went to grab the keys and saw Failsafe in a cell.

"YoU sH0u1dn't B3 hEr3. DooDlE w1ll kIll Y0u."

"She will have to try." Drake unlocked the cages, except no one exited their cage. "Come on guys, let's go."

"We.... can't. These collars will alert them if we leave."

"I'm not going to leave you all here either."

"Then go back and make a plan, I think we all would enjoy a little extra company~" A voice appeared behind Drake. His world then turned black.

💧* Hey, uh I'm in a situation...

🧣* What's going on Blue?

💧* I have found the Cell that has all of the Bad Sanses...

⭐* That's a good thing?

💧* Everyone here is seriously wounded.... Cross' seems fresh

🤖* Send me your location

🦄* Wouldn't do that broski, there's a bigger thing happenin'

⭐* When did you get a com?

🦄* My Geno brah

🧣* Anyways, we need to keep going... Make your way to my location if you can. Over and out.


"I don't like this, bro. Drake hasn't come back out and the unrad markings on Cross..."

"We are going to get them eventually. But we are close to the other Guests, we can save them at least."

Fresh was going to say something else when they heard fighting down a nearby hall. The two Sanses rushed to see what was going on. They managed to find Mecha against the wall in a defensive position with Bolts directly across from him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you continue any further," Bolts said softly as her arm reformed a blaster. Geno acted quickly and blocked the blast just in time. Mecha looked over to see the two other skeletons.

"Ya know broski, it's a bad idea to hurt my fam," Fresh smirked as his magic flared up behind his glasses.

Bolts had backed up with the reinforcements with Mecha. She then pressed a button on her arm. "I'm going to need help over here..."

💧* Someone come quick! We are under attack, Abyss' com just went out too!

🧣* Attempt to meet us halfway, we have Bolts over here

Geno looked over to Fresh and he nodded. Geno grabbed Mecha's arm and started down the hall towards Blue's tracker.

The two skidded to a halt as a familiar, spider-legged Sans blocked them. He grinned as he watched Mecha and Geno.

"Not a bad turn out. And here I thought the leader of the Star Sanses was much smarter than letting you two on the new dream team," Remourse sneered. "At least he kept one original on the team."

"I got him, Mecha, go help blue," Geno muttered to Mecha. He nodded and went off as Geno distracted the other Sans.

Mecha turned down many hallways until he found where Blue's tracker was. But nobody was there. He looked around, but couldn't find where the signal came from. That was until a portal opened up and Blue dropped into the room, beaten.

"Abyss's com is down, we're under attack!" Another Blue walked out from behind a pillar with a grin. He started laughing as his form seemed to melt into the shape of a Calli. "All so naive."

Portals opened around Stream as the other group members fell through. Her teammates then surrounded the small group.

"You know, you all are so pathetic!" Doodle laughed. "You think I was just going to let you lot ruin my plans?"

"Ugh... you aren't going to win," Abyss groaned out.

"I think I already have."

"Actually Doodle, he's right," Cipher stated. "I'm not going to let you control me anymore."

Doodle growled as Cipher pushed himself to the front of the crowd. "Kara, Chara, deal with these twirps as I deal with this traitor."

Doodle flung herself at Cipher, her arm forming a scythe made of ink. The Sans smirked as he dodged the attack. Stream rolled her eyes and glitches formed around Cipher, but Six growled and shot bones at her. Bolts and Scyther ran into the fight, only to get attacked by Remourse.

Chara stretched in Calli's body and smirked to the group of defeated Sanses. Drake walked out from the shadows with no expression.

"Ready to take out the trash Kara?"

"Stay out of my way before you become trash you filth," Drake growled.

How about it, I finally finished this chapter! And oh boy this is going to be fun!!!!

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