Magic Gathering II Pt. 1

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Random cute ship above...

Calli lead the group through a portal to DanceTale. Sadly, her form wasn't fixed. But everyone is accustomed to it by now.

DanceTale was bustlin' with energy as Sanses and Papyri alike were dancing to the music that was playing.

Whispering from nearby groups suddenly were heard as the group of Callis walked in with Sans and Drake as well.

"You must be the Callis Ink told me about," Dance (is that his name?) stated. "Happy to meet some of the best skelegirls in the multiverse."

"Happy to be here as well!" Calli smiled.

"Feel free to look around then, don't forget to have fun," the Sans smiled back and walked off to check on another group before starting a dance off.

"Can we explore?" Rose asked. "It seems to be such a fun place!"

"Go ahead, I need to find the Star Sanses anyways," Calli laughed at her friend's enthusiasm.

"Don't get yourself killed!" Classic laughed.

Rose POV
I am so excited! I get to see my bro and some of his friends as well!

I ran off to a random direction, taking in all the sights and sounds. I saw my bro talking with a few other Sanses I couldn't fully make out, but I bet one of them is Horror!

I headed his way until I bumped into someone. "I-I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"Nothin' to it broski. Just watch where ya goin'."

I looked up at the Sans. He was a colourful skeleton with the word YOLO on his glasses. He had a smile on his face as he looked back at me. "Doin' alright?"

"Y-yeah," I said shyly. Why did I stutter? "S-Sorry about that Sans."

"It's chill. Call me Fresh by the way."

"I'm Rose."

"Let me help ya to your bro alright? Don't need ya runnin' into other peeps now don't we?"

I nodded as the embarrassment of running into someone was bright on my face.

Calli POV
Everyone's stares are so prominate in this form. It's like if Error's sis was tangled up with the wrong crew. She seams very nice to me.

"Calli! Over here!" Ink called from a short distance away. I walked over to the group. The group consisted of Ink, Error, Blue, Dream, and Dust.

As I walked over the others looked at me and froze. It felt uncomfortable as I couldn't tell their thoughts.

"Nice to see you Calli," Ink gave me a hug. "Did the other girls make it to?"

"Yeah, we just showed up a bit ago," I smiled as best I could.

"I sEe thAt yoU cOuldN'T fiX yOur fOrM," Error sighed.

"I might just need another reboot."

"Why does Calli look like Error's sister?" Blue questioned Ink.

"Well... I rebooted and I ended up in Doodle's form, then Error tried to fix it and now I'm in this form. It's not like I could help it."

Dream looked at me sadly. I slight ping was felt in my soul as I saw his sad look. We haven't even seen each other in a while.

"Dream-" I got bombarded with a hug. At least he can tell it's actually me.

"This looks so wrong, deputy of Blackhole with the God of Positivity. They are like... On opposing teams," Dust complained.

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