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"How do you live like this? Can't even be in the light too long yeesh!" Calli was laying on the couch in Nightmare's study.

"You learn to deal with it after a bit. The darkness isn't that bad."

"Nor is the light. You just have to find the happy medium to be content. Anyways, what are those things on your self there?"

"Shelf?" Nightmare looked where Calli was pointing. "Oh those are artifacts of mine. I collect random things and those are some that I collect."

"Interesting...." Calli was bored with everything. After a month of being captured and a day of being in her negative form, she really didn't care for much anymore.

"Calli, what if I could get you out. Like as a bit of free time so you aren't as couped up?"

"Where would you let me go?"

"OuterTale. It is a beautiful place after all and Outer is neutral when it comes to relaxation."

"Can we bring the gang? I think they would have fun under the stars."

"Anything for you my dear. I'll get things planned out, go and do something not in here."

"Fine," Calli muttered before walking out of the study.

"I-I'm going crazy Cross! I haven't talked with Lust since he went out to get Calli! He's always there and... And..." Horror started to sob into Cross's hoodie.

"Is... Everything alright?" Calli asked the two.

"Yeah, Horror is having a mental breakdown and we can't do anything about it."

"Great... Just fine and dandy."

"Oh I know!" Cross turned back to Horror. "Get to bed ok? I'll figure out where Lust went." Horror nodded and went off to his room.

"That poor soul, can't do anything without his boyfriend. Anyways, that look looks good on ya. Really... Nightmareish."

"Yeah, it is his magic after all. I just can't figure out how to get rid of it yet. It isn't as simple as Dream's bow. And trying to figure how to use it took longer then controling Error's strings."

"You will figure it out, or die trying."

"Thanks for the optimism... Anyways! I'm going to see how long it takes to tick off Killer, wanna join me?"

"Oh hell yes!!!"

"I can't do this anymore... I can't do this... I just can't," Lust was freaking out. Dust tried to settle him, but nothing worked.

"Come on bud, don't have to panic. How about we take everyone to Outertale? You can relax there right?" Lust nodded then sighed.

"This is the worst thing I have ever done... I can't handle this pressure... I'm a failure Dust."

"Don't say that. You have one of the most sadistic Sanses I know as a boyfriend, so you have to be doing something right."

"I guess so," Lust chuckled lightly.

"Let's go talk to the others about the idea ok?"


"This place is always beautiful," Calli sighed as she entered the star-filled AU.

"I'm glad you like it. OuterTale is special to all AUs. Outer even lets anyone chill here, no matter what they have done."

"He's a nice guy."

"I know this one spot that you would love to see, care to join me?" Nightmare held out his hand to Calli. She smiled and took it.

Nightmare pulled her along through some bushes and around some trees to a cliff-like spot.

"Wow," Calli breathed. As she looked, Calli could see millions of stars and Galaxies, both above and below where she stood.

"It's my favourite spot in this place. If you can't find me, I'm usually here."

"I can see why. It's a sight to behold."

The two skeletons stood there in silence. Calli studied the sky as Nightmare watched her face. For the first time, in a long time, he felt happy, truely happy.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Calli giggle. "You like the view there bud? Taking a picture would last longer."

A blush spread across Nightmare's cheeks like wildfire. He didn't mean to stare, he just was lost in thought. Yeah.... Lost in thought.

He then spotted something behind Calli. Not just something, someONES.

"Uhhh, Calli we need to hide!" Nightmare pulled Calli into the bushes.

"Thanks for inviting us guys! This was a great idea." Dream said while walking next to Ink, Classic, Drake, Papyrus, Honey, Blue, Dust, Red, Outer, and 'Calli'. Nightmare was more worried at the current situation in front of him.

"Nothing to it, it was Calli's and Dust's idea anyways."

"And you know my home is open to everyone," Outer pointed out.

Before Calli could say something, Nightmare wrapped a tenicle around her mouth. "Not a word 'till they leave ok?" Calli nods and uses her tenicles to pry Nightmare off.

"So how are you and Error, Ink?" Classic asks.

The creator blushes slightly. "We uh... We are good, happy as ever," he smiled.

"Do I sense something else going on?" Blue teased.

"Uh..... Maybe? But I can't tell you guys yet, I promised Error that I wouldn't."

"Right, but I understand. If I had someone I wouldn't want them to spill everything about us yet," Red added.

The group continued on their way. Calli walked out of her hiding place and stretched. "I can't believe you Nightmare. Well, I can but I can't."

"Eh heheh, what do you mean sweets?" Nightmare followed Calli out of hiding.

"Tricking my brothers and friends with a fake me while you sit there spoiling me with random crap and training my power up. You can be such an idiot."

"But I...."

"I know you are better then that. Even after a month I can tell you miss hanging around your brother and having fun away from the darkness that encases you." Call grabbed one of Nightmare's hands. "And I know you can do better at being a leader. Your team loves you, no need to torture them as you do."

"I- ugh... I can't help who I am Calli..."

She leaned her forehead on his, "I know you can. I know that you have before. Nothing can change what your original morals are, whether or not you want to follow them now, you still do."

"Nightmare...." Nightmare and Calli turn to see Cross standing behind a tree. He was crying and hurt. Cross ran off not even a second later.

"There is your calling, Nighty. Go help a fellow teammate," Calli urged. Nightmare nodded and ran off to find Cross.

Calli chuckled while watching the God of Negitivity run off. She turned back to the stars and layed down in that spot.

Undertale: The Third SiblingWhere stories live. Discover now