Drake vs. Kara?

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Ok, so my friend sent me this hot looking Error... Damn he's cute!

Mine *hugs Error*

Yes hIs, bUt I aM too uGly aNd sHorT fOr thAt

Not true!!! You are handsome in your own way and taller than me

That is why Error is my fav!!! Except the taller, I'm not as short as you


Anyways~ to the story!

Calli looked at everyone, now she see the damage done to both Drake and Dream. She felt so bad for everything. Even if it wasn't her.

Drake shifted uncomfortably in his spot. The story never was much of anything except for him loosing control.

"So what exactly happened out there?" Dream asked Drake as he settled himself on Calli's lap.

"Yeah? What did happen? If you lost control why?"

"I-" Drake clutched his shirt in one hand and his skull in the other.

"Drake!" Rose tried to find out what was wrong, but Drake pushed her off and stumbled away a few feet.

The door suddenly burst open and an older Sans rushes throug. "Where is it??"

"Geez, ever thought of knocking?" Nightmare said as he followed suit.

"Gentle, Drake isn't an 'it'," Calli stated.

"He was being controlled and I feel it's presence now," Gentle huffed and went over to Drake. "Everything strange about him, it isn't him."

"What do you mean it isn't him?" Rose asked, her voice had worry threaded in it.

Gentle sighed and turned to the group. "He is a living cage for Kara. It is what makes his soul red. His LV being high. His usage of blades."

Gentle looked back toward his son who was scratching at his skull roughly. "I thought I could control the demon that caused so much damage to me all those years ago but..."

"That explains why he was so reckless in his fighting..."

"I swear, he has a good heart." Gentle went back to tending Drake.

"Just a minute ago, he was freaking out like a lunatic," Nightmare chuckled.

"Not the time brother..." Dream sighed.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad."

"You aren't but the situation is."

"Could you two not fight? I understand that you two are brothers but now isn't the time to fight.... Why are you here again?" Calli asked.

"Ink called me up saying Gentle needed someone to take him here. And then he continued to complain how Error doesn't let him do anything now that he's pregnant. He's in such a paperjam currently."

"They are one of a kind, that's for sure."

"Until you add in the multiple multiverses," Dream shrugged.

"And you would know something of that?" Calli asked.

"I mean yeah, there are other versions of me. Like one where I am a small child. That is a fun AM (Alternate Multiverse)."

"I have so much to learn..." Calli sighed.

"No really? You haven't been present for years," Ruby grumbled.

As everyone was trying to figure things out, Gentle had calmed Kara and put her back into place. Drake was breathing heavily, now having back control of the demon.

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