Tides Turn

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"I'm going to give all of you a chance to tell me where 'Gentle' is before I kill you," Drake smirked.

"Why would we tell you, you already know." Geno glared at Drake as the taller leaned down to him.

"Actually, Geno, I don't know. You all locked him up."

"Then what do you want from him?" Abyss asked.

"I don't want anything from that comedian. Just to get rid of him." Drake made a quick cut on Geno's cheek with his claws before facing Chara. "Are you going to do anything but stand there?"

"I was enjoying the view of helpless Sanses."

"You are such a fool, Chara, do something useful for once!"

As Chara and Drake were bickering, Mecha managed to sneak an attack, blocking the two in. Drake tsked within as Chara started shouting.

"Run now!"


"You are dead to me Cipher!"

"Looks like someone is touchy~ What happened to our deal?"

Doodle growled as her arm covered in ink and formed a sword. She growled as her eyes changed to dark, sharp shapes. A smirk appeared on Ciphers face as his hands glowed with blue flame.

"As you know, you don't mess with a dream demon. I know everything~"

"Except to the entry of my brother's precious Doodle Sphere," Doodle mocked. She swung the sword at the Sans. He blocked but somehow still got a small cut on his arm.

"I'm so~ scarred." Bill snapped his fingers as the two of them ended up in a bubble.

"What was that for? You want me to kill you faster?" Doodle sneered.

"Nah, your little dog was about to interfere. We don't want that now do we?"

"Damnit!" Stream growled.

"Don't forget we are smarter than that," Six growled. "Nice touch on the clone." He pushed Stream against the wall with bones.

"You may be smart but I'm smarter, pest."

"You can try-" Six tumbled over as Remourse was swung into his side. Soon after, Scyther pounced onto Remouse and started attacking him with her 'scythe.'

"Start hacking Cipher's bubble, I'll keep Six busy." Bolts ran past with her blaster out, aimed at Six.


Geno, Mecha, Abyss, and Fresh-carrying Blue-ran down the hall. Drake and Chara were hot on their trails. That was until Geno tripped due to his chest wound.

"G-Geno!" Blue got out of Fresh's hold and rushed to his friend.

"You fools!" Chara laughed as she summoned an attack on the two skeletons. But suddenly, she stopped. Her eyes were wide and glitches surrounded her body.

"Oh what now!?" Drake groaned. The other skeletons had slowed due to the dropped off sanses.

"Gaahh!" Chara let out a painful scream has she sunk to the floor, the glitches started to consume her.

"This is what you get for taking over a glitch's body," Drake scoffed.

Calli's body was covered in glitches and any sound made by Chara was badly distorted. Geno and Blue managed to make it back to the other two skeletons as their eyes never left the situation.

Calli stood up as the glitches subsided. Her hand held her head as she leaned against the wall. A small mumble of 'idiots' escaped her mouth.

"Stop playing around Chara," Drake growled.

The glitches were now gone. In place of the Calli body they were used to was an older Calli. She kept leaning on the wall but almost fell over. Drake rushed to help her, his eyes wide at the sight.

"Thank you, Kara, but I can't let this continue anymore," Calli spoke softly. The Sanses took glances at each other. "Don't worry. I am nothing like my brother nor Doodle." She gave a kind glance and motioned to Drake that she could stand.

"What happened to Chara?" Mecha asked.

"She is put in a temporary imprisonment. She will be back in her own lot when we get back to her universe." Calli turned to Drake. "Now what to do with you..."

"Calli I-"

"Quiet," Calli sighed. "Just help me like I know you can do. You have better control than Drake. There are some girls we need to take care of, and don't kill them."

"Just like that!? I did not do this just for it to be this simple!" Geno shouted.

"It really isn't as I'm the reason my brother started this whole mess. Now let's work together before we have dust to deal with."

The Sanses looked to another. Fresh smiled and walked over with 'SWEET' on his sunglasses. Geno was skeptical, but eventually went ahead when the rest of the group followed the Calli.

The female skeleton snapped her fingers and the whole group teleported back to the main room. The bubble threatened to fracture as coding ate it up. Bolts blasted Six as Scyther sparred against Remourse. Calli muttered something to herself as she looked at the battle field. She then sighed and snapped her fingers once more. The other Callis fell into a space beside them.

"Owie... wait Calli?" Rose softly spoke. She then began to get up. "Calli!" Failsafe put an arm in front of Rose before she got much farther.

Calli began to tell her group what to do, and leave the bubble to her and Ghost. The skeletons got to work immediately.

All except Geno, he was skeptical of the new skeleton. This wasn't their Calli, who was this Calli? How does she know so much. He couldn't do much to help out the group due to his chest still being in pain, but he did go up to the Calli.

"Excuse me, but why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? Oh Geno, nice to see you. It's been what.......how many years ago was that?"

"What are you even going on about? It doesn't matter, I need answers now." Geno scoffed as he crossed his arms. Bad idea.

Calli sighed and turned to the Sans. She brought up a hand and started to heal the battle worn skeleton. "In due time... there is much discussion to be had old friend."

Roar!! I got a chapter done, I got a chapter done!! It's about time, too. Anyways~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is gonna be fun!

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