Pastel Rangers

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AGSHDHWBSWJ My friend helped me out with Mike and his brides maids- Behold this beautiful pic ^^

Also, there is a little message from me at the end.

-Vera, Martha room-

Acrobat: -Enters room- I'm here Vera!
Embalmer: ..Shes not here.
Seer: She went to get Victor.
Embalmer: Victor the postman.
Cord: -Laying on bed fixing her nails-
Acrobat: Oh! Hey Martha!
Cord: Pretend I'm not here, I'm just getting ready for your wedding myself.
Acrobat: Oh, okay!
Perfumer: -Takes Victor with her inside room- Guys! There is Stitches Over Victors mouth! He isn't able to talk like this!
Seer: Why would he have stitches? Victor dosen't have the need for that?
Acrobat: Oh no! What happened Victor?
Postman: -Writes letter-
Embalmer: ...Yeah. what happened Victor the postman?
Postman: -Looks at Aesop- ....
Perfumer: Victor..?
Postman: -Gives Vera letter-
Perfumer: "I put them there myself. I just dont feel like speaking right now." ... okay Victor. If that's what you prefere.
Postman: -Nods-
Embalmer: Sounds about right.
Perfumer: Anyway.. I need alot of time on Mike! Aesop, I hoped you could do the makeup on Eli and Victor.
Embalmer: Sure.
Postman: ...
Perfumer: All right Mike! Want to see the dress i designed for you?
Acrobat: When did you have time for that..?
Perfumer: I'm always prepared!! -Opens closet taking out pastel dress-
Acrobat: Woah!! Vera! That's amazing!
Perfumer: Put it on! We need to do your pastel make up as well!
Acrobat: -Puts dress on- Woah..
Embalmer: Mike and Colors has always been a good combination.
Seer: You look Gorgeous Mike!
Postman: . . . -Smiles and nods-
Perfumer: -Squeals- Allright Maids, we have pastel dresses for you too! Victor, you're blue pastel! Eli, you're green! Aesop, you're pink.
Embalmer: What about you?
Perfumer: I'm purple of course~ -Throws dresses at Brides maids-
Embalmer: -Puts on dress- Pastel pink!
Eli: -Puts on dress as well- Pastel Green!
Postman: -Puts on dress and writes letter-
Eli: -Takes letter- And he's pastel blue!
Perfumer: Dont act like Pastel Power Rangers!
Embalmer: What are we supposed to do now?
Perfumer: The make up of course.
Embalmer: oh right. Come Eli. Victor the postman. -Sits down with makeup kit-
Perfumer: Mike! I'm going to put some eyeshadow underneath your eyes, and then put on some little pink hearts, allright?
Acrobat: You're the expert.
Perfumer: -Starts doing Mike's Makeup-
Embalmer: -Chuckles and Pokes Eli- Check it. I'm going to do something very not pastel to Victor the postman over there.
Seer: Dont put Clown make up on him. It's a wedding.
Embalmer: I wont! I'm doing something else!
Postman: ....?
Embalmer: So.. Victor the postman.. How's it going.
Postman: -Gives Aesop Letter-
Embalmer: ..."I'm sorry." -Looks at Postman- What Is this supposed to mean? You're sorry for messing around with me and Naibs Husband?
Postman: -Writes another letter and gives it to Aesop-
Emablmer: ..."I needed some friends. They invited me to sing with them at the kitchen." You know what? I dont care what they did! I'm upset at what you did! Jack is only Naibs and Joseph is only mine!
Postman: ....
Seer: Aesop, there is more.
Embalmer: I dont care.
Seer: Just read the rest!!
Embalmer: Woah! Allright Eli! -Sighs- ..."I'm in love with Fan. I didn't want to steal your husbands." ...What? Fan? As in black wu chang? The one you killed? Emotion dead? No heart?
Postman: .... -Writes another letter-
Embalmer: Enough with the letters.
Seer: No wait! It's getting good! I want to know!
Embalmer: ..."Why do you keep saying I'm the one who killed him?" You don't know? Fan been dropping Red Hibiscus flowers as he were sliding down the roof at Leos memory with us! It's obvious that he had the Hanahaki for you!!
Postman: -widens eyes and quickly writes a new letter-
Seer: Dont you feel a little bad for him?
Embalmer: No. Eli, if you still had your memory, you'd be mad too.
Seer: How come? He didn't mess around with Hastur?
Embalmer: No but he messed around with your best friends Husbands.
Postman: -Gives Aesop the letter-
Embalmer: -Rolls eyes- I cant finnish your makeup if I have to keep reading letters.. whatever.. "Fan gave me a Red Hibiscus. I didn't know he had Hanahaki. I wish I had known sooner." What is that even supposed to mean?
Postman: -Pokes fingers behind stitches and into his mouth pulling out a Black cat Petunia-
Embalmer: Ew what the Heck.
Seer: Victor has Hanahaki as well..?
Embalmer: -Laughs a little- Now this is a turn of events! You're going to die!
Postman: ....
Embalmer: I'm looking Fow-
Seer: -Punches Aesop-
Embalmer: Ngh.. Eli..? You..
Seer: ...-Quickly realises what he just did- Ah! I'm sorry! But.. at the same time not!
Embalmer: Violence is in your blood..
Seer: So what?! I get it! I cant get my memories back because I were a bad person! And you can all lie as much to me as you want about Ibis but i already figured out that shes Dead! You and Naib keep Saying you're my best friends but I dont want to be your friends!! You're mean! Victor is completly new here and you're all picking on him just because he happened to come here while we were gone!! Stop it!! Victor is nice and he just wanted friends!!
Embalmer: ....
Perfumer: -Rushes in- What's going on here? What's all the yelling about?!
Seer: Aesop is being an ass!
Embalmer: ...I'm sorry..
Seer: What?
Embalmer: I'm so sorry.. Thank you Eli, you made me snap out of it.. I'm sorry Victor the-.... Victor.. I guess I just got too Jealous..
Postman: .....-Tears up-
Embalmer: No no.. dont cry..
Postman: -Writes new letter-
Embalmer: ..."Please be my friend" ...I will.. I'm so sorry about how we treated you.. here.. let me take your stitches off.
Postman: -Stops Aesop and shakes head-
Embalmer: ..You want to keep them on?
Postman: -Nods-
Embalmer: Why..?
Postman: -Shrugs-
Embalmer: ..Okay. I'm sorry about your makeup by the way.. let's call it a prank and not something mean. -Gives Victor mirror-
Postman: -Looks in Mirror seeing Goth paint instead of Pastel-
Embalmer: ..I can make it look better if you want.
Postman: -Smiles a little and shakes head-
Embalmer: Allright. I'll let it stay as it is then.
Postman: -Smiles and Nods-

-Mike and Norton room-

Reptile: This sure is fun Norton! I have to come visit you more often!
Propsecc: Yeah! Just mining in the cave like the old days!!
Axe boy: -Raging around cave with pickaxe not being really sure about what he is doing-
Merc: ...What Is this? Norton! What are we even looking for!
Prospecc: We dont know! Hahah!
Reptile: That's the fun with Mining! You'll never know what you'll find!
Axe boi: -Screaming- I AM THE PICKAXE BOY!!
Merc: He is not safe with a Pickaxe!!
Reptile: Dont worry, he knows how to Handle an axe~
Merc: But not a Pickaxe!!
Prospecc: Dig boys!
Merc: What kind of Bachelor party is this? You should have hired a stripper or something.
Reptile: Good idea! I'll be right back! -Leaves-
Merc: I was ironic!
Prospecc: Luchino knows a Stripper?
Axeboy: What's a Stripper?!
Propsecc: We didn't say Stripper, we said snickers. -Throws axe boy a Snicc-
Axe boy: Thanks! -Eats while Mining-
Merc: How come Eli and Aesop got to go be brides maids?
Prospecc: Do you really want to be a Brides maid? What's better, spending time with Real men like me and Luchino, Or sit in Veras room being a Pastel brides maid with scary makeup?
Merc: Allright being a grooms man is better. Heheh
Reptile: -Jumps down in Cave- I found a stripper!
Priestess: Let me go! I'm not a stripper I'm a Priestess! -Wiggles and tries to get away from luchino-
Merc: -Wheezes-
Reptile: Hehehe..~ Show Norton your moves!
Priestess: I don't have any moves! Leave me alone!
Reptile: Nah.
Priestess: BOOMBOOM!
Reptile: What the heck?
Guard 26: -Comes running and jumps down in cave- . . . F I O N A . . . !
Prospecc: Oh god it's the Penguin!
Merc: Not the penguin!!
Priestess: Get me out of here!!
Guard 26: -Smacks Luchino, throws bomb, and climbs out of cave carrying Fiona-
Prospecc: He left a bomb!!
Reptile: Take cover!!!
Merc: Oh lord..

Prospecc: Holy Moly that bomb blew up the cave!!
Reptile: Watch out for falling rocks..
Merc: What the heck! That could have killed us!
Prospecc: Where?! -Runs to Axe boi-
Reptile: Woah..
Prospecc: What the.. That's a Peridot! -Picks up stone-
Merc: Nerd.
Prospecc: Its perfect!
Merc: For what.
Prospecc: A ring for Mike! A green beautiful peridot will match Mikes Mr. Swift skin! -Gives Peridot to Luchino-
Reptile: You want me to attach the Peridot to his wedding ring?
Propsecc: Yes.
Reptile: What about you? Wont it be a little plain giving him a gem stone while you have a blank ring?
Prospecc: No, Mike deserves something good. -Smiles-
Reptile: -Nods and Leaves cave to fix the rings-
Merc: Well that was unexpected.
Merc: No more Pickaxe boy!
Prospecc: -Still smiling-
Merc: -Notices and then smiles a little as well- You're excited, yes? Dont worry Norton, You're going to be happy the rest of your life like this. You and Mike are Perfect for eachother.
Prospecc: Heh, Thanks Naib.
Merc: Let's go get your Suit ready, huh? You cant show up In Overalls Miningpants, or what?
Prospecc: You're right, Let's go Get ready Robbie!
Axe boy: -Runs out of Cave-
Merc: Only a few minutes left, huh?
Propsecc: Yeah.. This wedding is going to be perfect.
Merc: Oh god.
Prospecc: What?
Merc: Dont Jinx it!
Prospecc: What? I didnt jinx it!
Merc: Yeah you did!
Prospecc: pfft. Theres no such thing as Jinx.
Merc: I have a bad Feeling about this..

Whoop! A little heads up, after Mike and Nortons wedding, I'm going to plan something I like to call "Season 2" of this ficc. To me, most of the fic up until now has been problem after problem, But now, almost everything has been fixed! Theres no lose ends. (I think-) We have fixed Eli, We have made Vera and Martha Happy, We have gotten rid of the Abuse (most of it) and Jack and Joseph are finally able to get along. At least a little bit.

I want to Prepare you for What I'm planning my "Season 2" to contain. There will be new Problems in the manor of course and I will still write mostly about the Twinks. The girl i wrote alot about is Vera, Martha, Emily and Fiona, but now I'm going to put Helena into a little more focus as well.

It's going to start with a disease I like to call the Survivors Virus. Only survivors can catch it and the Symptoms are very.. special.
The only one who can Cure it will be Emily, However, she has caught it as well.

I have lots of plans for the upcoming "season" and I hope yall can be excited for it. I'm not going to reveal all my Plans, but like I did with This season, The problems can last for a long time and cause new problems.

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