child of Sacc is still here!

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-The wedding has been proceeded to Dancing and Drinking to they cant no more-

Joseph: ....Let's take a Picture.
Ripper: A picture?
Joseph: yes. As a Memory from today.
Ripper: Oh, That sounds nice. Naib! Come here!
Merc: -Runs to Jack and Looks at Joseph- what's up?
Joseph: pose in any way you want.
Ripper: -Goes down on one knee and Makes Naib dit on his leg- This is Nice.
Joseph: Allright. Say "I'm gay!"
Merc and Ripper: You're gaaay!~
Joseph: -Takes photo- Wait..! That's not what i..! Tch whatever.
Ripper: Hahaha!! You roasted yourself!
Joseph: Being gay is not a Roast, In fact, I am gay and so are you.
Ripper: Tch.
Merc: Can we take another photo?
Joseph: Sure.
Merc: I want it to be of all the Hunters and all the Survivors together!
Jospeph: That's not a Bad idea. HEY! Everyone gather around!
-Everyone crowds around Joseph-
Joseph: Hunters at the back, Robbie and survivors at the front!
-Everyone poses as Joseph says-
Jossph: Hmmm.. Jack, Can you carry Naib?
Ripper: -Picks up Naib-
Joseph: Great, Robbie, do not Climb on the Prospector
Axe boi: Aww..!! -Sits down normally close to Norton-
Joseph: Hastur, Stand behind the Seer, aaand Make some room next to Aesop.
-Everyone does as Joseph Says and then Joseph puts a Timer on the camera so he can be in the photo-
Joseph: Everyone say "Wu chang!"
Everyone: Wu chaaang!!
Mad eyes: Leeegs!!!
Joseph: ...Nice work everyone. I'll make sure to develope tro copies so we can have one at Phantom Castle and one at the Voice of the manor.

Mech: -Being a DJ of the party and Starts Hitting some beats-
Geisha: -Yeets to the Dancefloor and does some Sike Traditional Dancing-
Minds eye: -Laughs and Dances next to Geisha-
Wu chang: -Hits Rippers back- Hey dude, so You're a Wife now? Haha
Ripper: Husband! Just because I wore a dress, I'm still Husband..!
Wu chang: I know. Hey, when you get back home from you and Naibs Honeymoon, you and be should do some 8 vs 2 like we used to.
Ripper: I would love to.
Mech: -Yeets on a Slowdance- This is for the couple!
Ripper: -Looks around and then walks up to Naib- would you like to Dance?~
Merc: One should never turn down a Lady~ -Biws down and Laughs-
Ripper: I'll Punnish you for calling me a Lady later~ -Starts Dancing with Naib-
Joseph: -Dances with Aesop- When we get married, let's not have a huge cermony like Jack and Naib. We should make it easy and Simple.
Embalmer: Agreed.
Mad eyes: -Chilling at the buffet- Is that a Chocolate fountain?!
Perfumer: Yes, we brought it from the voice of the manor! You like it?
Mad eye: -pours his Whiskey into the Chocolate fountain- Now I like it! Hehehe..!!
Perfumer: -Facepalms-
Mad eyes: Hey! Mask!! He! Hey Makeup!! Heey!!
Embalmer: ...Is he talking to me?
Joseph: Pretend he is not..
Mad eyes: Best man!!
Embalmer: -Sighs and Walks over to Mad eyes- Hello sir.
Mad eyes: Hey! I made this chocolate! You should try it!
Embalmer: I dont know.. I prefere salty things over sweet things so.. -Dips finger in chocolate and tastes it anyway- Wait.. thisbis really good..!
Mad eyes: -Winks at perfumer- Told ya! Hehehe!!
Embalmer: -Starts Binge drinking the Chocolate fountain-
Joseph: What..? H-Hey Aesop, what's wrong..? Its not normal to see you hogging all the.. chocolate?
Embalmer: T-this.. this is good shit..!
Joseph: "Good Shit?" Okay, that's it. You're tired. You need some rest. No more chocolate for you.
Embalmer: N-noo..!!

Nightingale: Jack. Naib. Come here.
Ripper: Yes..?
Nightingale: Here is your Tickets for your honeymoon. It's in a Big city and it a few hours eith airplane from here. You two need to Pack your bags and then you need to go 800 meters north from the manor and there will stay a taxi there waiting. We can not risk anyone finding the manor so Naib, I want you to make sure Jack Behaves. He is very tall compared to normal Humans but besides that, theres nothing else that would Bring attention to him as long as he uses Normal Clothes and dont make a scene. Even tho thou think it's a good Idea, No invisibility and Absolutely no fog blades, allright?
Merc: -Gets a Little Nervous- Uh.. okay, we can do that, right Jack?
Ripper: Theres nothing I cant do! This will be fine!
Nightingale: Good. Now I think you two should inform your Guests that you're leaving and thank them for Heloing with your wedding.
Ripper: -Nods and Takes a deep breath- Everyone..!! We thank you alot for being here for me and Naib today. It has been a wonderful day and Now me and Naib are leaving for our Honeymoon. But before that I want all th ladies to gather on the floor! Including Maid of Honor and the Bridesmaids.

-All Females + Bridesmaids does as Jack says being a little Confused-
Joseph: This better be good.
Ripper: -Smirks and Turns around and then Throws his Flowers bouquet-
Girls: -Freaks out and tries to Grab it-
Joseph: -Widens eyes and Pushes everyone aside- MOVE!!

Ripper: -Just Laughs and then leaves to pack his stuff with Naib-
Merc: A city, huh? It's been a while since I were in the outside world..~
Ripper: -Removes the Dress and puts on a Normal Suit instead- It'll be wired being gone from the manor.
Merc: I will miss Aesop.
Ripper: I will not Miss Joseph.
Merc: I knooow. Heh..~ -Packs a Deck of cards-
Ripper: Did you get everything? Are you ready to leave?
Merc: Yes. Let's go. -Grabs his bag and then holds Jack's hand as Jack Opens Portal to the Enteance of The Manor-
Ripper: The door Is unlocked..
Merc: Wow..
Ripper: -Tries to open it- It works..! We're outside..!
Merc: -Walks out With ripper and Inhales-  fresh air..
Ripper: -Lets go of the door and it automatically locks behind them-
Merc: Well, if you forgot something, it's too late now.
Ripper: Yepp! Now 800 meter north.. Let's go! -Starts walking through forest with Naib-

-Josephs Room-

Jospeh: Look Aseop! I got it..!! -Shakes bouquet-
Embalmer: -Clings to Joseph- I'm so proud of you!~
Joseph: Seriously, what was in that Chocolate..
Embalmer: -Kisses Josephs Face repeatedly- Mwah! Mwah!! Come on..! Come on! Give me some Love..!!
Joseph: -Lays down in bed and relaxes- Hey Aesop, Think about it, No jack for a week~
Embalmer: -Peaks underneath Josephs dress-
Joseph: -Quickly covers himself- What are you doing!!
Embalmer: Nice reflexes..~
Joseph: -Kisses Aesop- I knew it. You reek Alcohol!
Emablmer: It doesn't matter. -Starts undressing-
Joseph: Wow, are you for real? We actually gonna..? Right now?!
Emablmer: Why not?~
Joseph: Come here! -Pins Aesop down and kisses his neck-
Embalmer: -Relaxes- You suddenly got alot more Energy
Joseph: Of course! -Rips off his dress- I never want to see that dress ever again!
Embalmer: Hurry up and do something to me.
Joseph: I will! -Strokes is hand up against Aesops leg- Finally..
Axe boy: -Breaks in- Nightingale told me to give everyone Jack and Mercenarys Thank you cards so.. HEY!! PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON MISTER MAKEUP!!
Axe boy: -Slams Door-
Joseph: Okay let's continue!
Embalmer: Zzz...
Joseph: No..! NO! Damn it..

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