OH NO, Surgeries!

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Ripper: -Waiting at Manor Entrance with Joseph and Victor- They're almost Home now..!
Postman: I'm excited to meet your husbands!
Joseph: They're great.
Doc: Excuse me. Move it. Once they're home, I need to do a Checkup.
Ripper: Fiiiine. Can we watch?
Doc: No.
Joseph: -Sighs-
Nightingale: ...? I thought Fiona would come wait for Eli with you Hastur.
Feaster: ...I thought she was already here.
Nightingale: Shes not in your room?
Feaster: -Shakes head-

Prospecc: -Opens door- I'm home!!
Acrobat: -Walks behind Norton-Where is Robbie?
Perfumer: We took ca-
Axe boy: MIIIKE! NORTON!!~ -Tackle hugs-
Cord: -Sighs-

Merc and Embalmer: -Walks in together smiling- Hello.
Ripper: Naib! -Hugs Merc- Did you enjoy your trip?!
Joseph: -Hugs Aesop- Did you have fun?
Merc and Embalmer: Yeah.
Postman: ...Uh, Hi! I'm Victor!
Merc and Embalmer: Yeah.
Postman: Oh. I expected more.
Ripper: Naib? Whata wrong?
Joseph: You never acted this way Aesop?
Doc: Let me have a look at them. -Drags them into her room for checkup-
Seer: -Enters manor- Sup Hastur.
Feaster: -Hugs Eli- Hi, did you enjoy your trip?
Seer: No. Let's go sleep, I'm exhausted.
Postman: They're..  not so nice or..?
Perfumer: ....Norton and Mike seems allright. But There is definetly something wrong with the three others.

-Doc Room-

Doc: Lay down. -Pushes Naib and Aesop down on beds-
Merc and Embalmer: ...Yeah.
Doc: -Puts on Gloves and glasses and starts looking at Naib- Hmmm... -Ghasps-
Merc: -Has teary eyes while smiling brightly at Emily-
Doc: What happened to your stitches?! They have been stitched on way too high...! -Quicky uses Scissors to cut stitches-
Merc: -Stops smiling and goes down to poker face-
Doc: You were forced into smiling by having these way too high up..! I thought I told you that if you needed new ones, you would make me do it..! Dont do it yourselfs..!
Embalmer: W-.. We forgot.
Doc: ...We? -Quickly tugs off Aesops mask- You're forced into smiling too?! -Quits Aesops stitches as well-
Embalmer: Thank you.
Doc: It doesn't surprise me that naib did that wrong but you too Aesop..?
Embalmer: It was an accident. Sorry.
Doc: Let's do X rays.
Merc: That's..  not nessecairy..
Doc: Yes it is!!
Merc: No, please..
Doc: Shut up. -Does X ray on Naib-
Merc: N-.. no..
Doc: ....Naib. want to talk about this?
Merc: -Shakes head-
Doc: Yes. You have three broken ribs and a sprained ankle... and your arm is VERY broken. ....but why cant I see it on the outside..?
Embalmer: he didn't even know it was broken. Let it go.
Doc: -Looks at Aesop and groans- I need to wash the both of you.
Embalmer: Nooo..
Doc: Why are the two so hard to handle right now.. -Grabs wet washcloth and washes Naibs entire body-
Merc: Ngh..! Gentle..!
Doc: What..?! M-.. Makeup?! Aesop did you do this?! Naibs arm is compleatly purple and full of Dry blood and you tried to hide it!!
Merc: -Shakes head- No.. No....
Doc: -Wahses Naibs chest as well-  look at that.. more bruices. Who would have throught.
Merc: Nngh..
Doc: We need to do a Surgery on your ribs and your arm. We can just put a cast on your ankle cord now and I will not give you new stitches because you need some fresh air on scars so it wont get infected.
Embalmer: Mnnh..Z..zz..
Doc: Aesop. Did you just fall asleep.
Merc: He is Tired. He weren't able to sleep on the plane.
Doc: -Sighs and puts mask on Naib- Deep breaths.. 
Merc: Are you making me sleep..?
Doc: Im preparing you for Surgery. -Puts needle thingy into naibs arm with Lots of cords and stuff with Anthesia-
Merc: ..Be careful wi.. with Aesozz.. Zz..zzzz...
Doc: Poor guy.. -Goes over to Aesop and washes his body- ..He has burnmarks from cigarettes in his chest.. Bruices on his face.. -Does X ray and Panicks- What..?! -Runs out Door- Emma!! Emma help!!
Gardener: -Comes running- What's wrong Emily?
Doc: I need your help! I need to do an Inspection neurosurgery on Aesop!
Emily: Huh? Why?!
Doc: He has alot of Brain damages and blood in his head! Hurry up! -Pust surgery equipent on Aesop as well and prepares for surgery with Emma as Assistant-

-Feaster room-

Feaster: ...
Seer: What..
Feaster: Didn't you miss Spero and Fiona?
Seer: Oh yeah. Those excists..
Feaster: Whats wrong with you.
Seer: Nothing.
Feaster: ...Fiona is Missing.
Seer: ....And she has Spero?
Feaster: -Nods-
Seer: -Groans and puts cover over eyes to use Speros eyes-
Feaster: ...What do you see?
Seer: ...Uuh.. Shes.. in a village..? She left the manor!?
Feaster: What?
Seer: Uuuurgh..!! Let's go.. -Leaves room-
Feaster: ...-Follows-

-Ripper room-

Ripper: This is making me nervous.
Joseph: It's been a while since they looked this down.
Postman: It has happened before?
Ripper: Yeah They got abused by The seers dead owl.
Postman: What.
Joseph: -Sighs- Let's go check on them.
Ripper: Yeah!! -Brings Joseph and Victor to Emilys room-
Doc: ..? We are under surgery! We dont have time to.. Urgh.. put on masks and coats if you're going to be in here! No bacterias!
Ripper: -Puts on Coat-
Joesph: -Gives Victor a Coat and puts on coat as well running over to Aesop- What's going on?! WHY CAN I SEE HIS BRAIN?!
Gardener: He is having Surgery!
Doc: We have opened his head to remove all the Blood that has leaked in his head and to fix some dents in his skull.
Joseph: WHAT!? Why did this happen?!
Doc: We dont know. Please let me concentrate on finnishing the surgery!
Ripper: Naib! NAIB! Can you hear me?! What's wrong with him?! What's with all the Bruices?!
Doc: He is under medication! Stop yelling! He needs surgery too.
Ripper: My poor Naib!
Postman: Woah.. Those are some really bad vounds..
Doc: -Finnishes with Aesop and then starts surgery on Naib- Move it Ripper.
Joseph: How.. how did this happen?

-Somewhere outside the manor-

Priestess: -Standing in front of a crowd- I understand that you're all upset but you can't kill the Snoiks!! Octos and Snoiks are supposed to get along! Because of the mess you all have created, I need to pay for it!! .... Let this be a symbol for our side surrendering!! -Holds out knife and points it twoards her stomach-
Crowd: -Mumbling and Panicking while watching Fiona-

Seer: STOP!! STOP IT!!
Priestess: Eli..?
Seer: This war is Ridiculous! Octos and Snoiks are supposed to get along! Stop this war! Lady Yidhra and Lord Hastur are friends, so their followers should be friends as well!!
Priestess: -Smiles- Eli..
Seer: I am Eli the Seer! The Snoik Propht! Me and Fiona are Friends! -Holds out hand to Fiona-
Priestss: -Grabs Elis hand shaking it-
Corwd: -Lots of cheering and Flash from cameras-
Seer: This will probably make the news so.. let's go home Fiona..!
Priestess: -Nods- Thank you Eli..!

-Doc room-

Doc: ...We need to have a serious discussion with Eli.
Perfumer: -Nods-
Nightingale: if Force is needed, We can lock him up.

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