Ella spawns

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-Phantom Castle kitchen-

Ripper: Why do they always send us to the kitchen?!
Joseph: Yeah! I dont want to spend time together with you making food!!
Ripper: Tch! -Mixing ingredients In bowl-
Joseph: -Melting stuff over the stove- What cake are we even making!?
Ripper: I thought you knew!
Joseph: You're doing the ingredients i thought you knew!!
Ripper: This is just ordinary ingredients almost all cakes contains!
Joseph: What kind of food do you think he likes!?
Ripper: He probably eats Cherries, right?
Joseph: Great! We are making a Cherry cake.

-Phantom castle hall-

Geisha: -Moving tables around-
Merc: Do you think Jack and Joseph is doing allright?
Embalmer: Nightingale said the only time they get along is when they cook but that's because they spend more time complaining about how they have to be the ones cooking then complaining about eachother.
Merc: Idiots.
Embalmer: Yep.
Mad eyes: You're all too young!!
Merc: Oh Hi.
Mad eyes: I will concider you all adults when you reach 50!!
Embalmer: ...But you call Joseph a Young boy. He Is 60.
Mad eyes: ...WHAT?! Jospeh is 60?! -Starts Coughing-
Embalmer: Well.. kind of..?
Mad eyes: Technology makes you all look young forever! We should all get rid of it!!
Merc: Aren't you someone who like.. makes new technology tho..?
Mad eyes: ...Oh right!!
Prospecc: -Enters Phantom castle- Hey Burke!
Mad eyes: Norton! How is the Gay life?!
Prospecc: Hah! Uh.. Yeah how are you?!
Embalmer: Woah. He just switched topic like that.
Queen: So. Aesop. -Sips tea-
Embalmer: ....B.. Bloodqueen.
Queen: How is it having Joseph making love to you.
Merc: -Wheezes-
Embalmer: Uh..
Merc: Hahah..! Go ahead Aesop! Tell her!
Embalmer: Um.. G-.. Good I guess..?
Queen: I see. Does he have a big dick? -Keeps sipping tea-
Merc: -Lowkey dies from Laughter on the floor-
Embalmer: W- Why do you want to know that..!?
Queen: Just curious. Personally I can check myself but apparently you seem to know best.
Embalmer: He.. uh..! I guess..?! I dont really know what to reply to that..!
Acrobat: Naib, are you okay?
Merc: Hahaha!! Oh my lord! How can BloodQueen ask Aesop about this with a stright face!
Acrobat: Eehehe
Axe boy: -Munching on Snickers in the corner-
Prospecc: He's here!!
Seer: -Enters phantom castle together with Hastur and Fiona-

Everyone: ☆°•~HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI~•°☆

Seer: Ah..! Thank you everyone!!
Owl: -Sits on Elis Head cherping-
Feaster: ...Happy birthday Eli!
Priestess: -Whispers- haha..! Lord Hastur you forgot it was Elis Birthday?
Feaster: -Nods- I thought it was Halloween today.
Priestess: It is that too! We are having a morning party for Eli and later tonight we are having a Halloween party!
Feaster: -Nods-

Merc: -Trying to get his breath back-
Seer: Naib, are you okay..?! Woah, Aesop your face is all red, Are you sick?
Embalmer: -Hides Face- I dont want to talk about it..!
Spawn: Uncle Eli!! -Tackle Hugs Eli-
Seer: Woah! Hi!
Spawn: Woah! Your egg hatched..!
Seer: Yeah! This is Spero! -Holds out Baby owl- Do you want to pet her?
Spawn: -Nods and Pets Spero- Aww..! She's so small and Soft..!
Dreamwitch: -Looks at Eli and Spero and feels a little Guilty-
Seer: Lady Yidhra! You pet Spero too! -Holds owl up to Yidhra-
Dreamwitch: I.. Its okay..?
Seer: Yeah!
Dreamwitch: -Smiles at Eli and then pets Spero- Hello.. Eli will take good care of you, He has a big heart..~
Seer: -Smiles and Laughs a little-
Dreamwitch: -Makes spawns out of Naib, Aesop, Mike, Norton and Elis soul-
Spawns: -All runs and Tacklehugs Eli- Happy Birthdaaaay!!!~
Seer: Woah! Theres more!!
DreamWitch: -Laughs- Behave Girls.
Seer: I need to Give you all names to remeber Who is who..!
Merc: Dont give them Meaningful Latin names.
Seer: Haha, Dont worry! Let's see!
Naibspawn: Me first! Me first!
Seer: Allright! You're.. Subella.
Merc: WHY
Seer: Subedar! Sub! Shes a girl sooo Subella!!
Embalmer: Hahaha, Creative.
Naibspawn: Yay! Subella!! I'm Subella!!
Seer: -Points at AesopSpawn- You're.. Carella.
Merc: I thought you said you be more creative, You're just gonna connect or last names with Ella?
Aesopspawn: I.. I like it..
Merc: Oh, Nevermind then
Prospecc: Do they have similar personalities to us..?
Nortonspawn: Mysterious! This is quite a mystery yes! Stand back girls! I will fight these survivors even if they kill me!!
Seer: That's Campbella.
Spawn: Campbella! Its okay! They are nice!
NortonSpawn: Hm! If you say so but I will keep an eye on them anyway!
DreamWitch: Actually, they get personalities from your unconciousness.
Prospecc: So that's why shes acting like the old me.
Seer: Ooh.. I see! So Subella is Hyper! Carella is selfconcious and Capbella is.. that! Yeah!
Elispawn: Ahah..~ What about me?~
Merc: What is that. Is this Elis unconsciousness?
Seer: You're Elisa!
Merc: So she gets a different name!?
EliSpawn: You can call me anything you want Daddy~
Prospecc: Okay she is clearly dangerous!
Embalmer: Eli! Are you feeling this Kinky inside?!
Seer: I- I am..!? Hastur?!
Feaster: ...I mean, Yeah. You act like that sometimes.
Priestess: -Nods-
Merc: -Wheezes- Eli is Kinky!!
Spawn: What about me? Am I just spawn..?
Seer: Hmm, Is there any special name you want?
Spawn: I want something Cool! But Cute! Or Mysterious!
Seer: What personality does she have?
Dreamwitch: She can have any personality she wants.
Seer: Then she will be.. Infinity!
Merc: -Facepalms-
Spawn: Yay! I'm infinity!!
Campbella: Hey. Theres one left over there. What abou her, hm dude?!
Seer: -Looks at last spawn-
Mikespawn: -Hiding in corner crying-
Merc: Woah! Mike!?
Seer: -Walks up to MikeSpawn- Are you okay..?
Mikespawn: No..! I.. -Ghasps- I didn't mean to worry you..! Look I'm fine..!! -Suddenly smiles and wipes tears Quickly- See! I'm happy..! Y- You smile too! -Puts hands on Elis cheeks trying to make him smile-
Prospecc: -Looks at Mike- ....This.. is how Mike feels..?
Subella: Dude you're a Wreck!
Carella: D-.. Dont be so loud she can hear you..
Seer: Your name is gonna be.. Blue.
Merc: I don't understand How Eli gives these Things names.
Acrobat: -Looks at Blue- ....
Prospecc: Mike..?
Acrobat: -Smiles at Norton- Woah! Its amazing how the dreamwitch can make these spawns huh?
Prospecc: eh..? Y-Yeah but-
Acrobat: Hahaha, don't worry, I'm fine!
Merc: The next chapter probably gonna be about those two, huh?
Nightingale: -Smacks Naib- SHH!!


Joseph: Hm hmm hmm hmm..~
Ripper: Hm hmm hmm hmm..~
-Decorating cake together-
Ripper: Oh you never made me Decent~
Joseph: Oh you never made me strong~
Ripper: Oh you never let me finish~
Joseph: No you ne-.....
-Silence while Jack and Joseph Looks at eachother-


Joseph: Okay shut up, the cake is finnished.
Ripper: Finally! Put on your hat little Ram skin!
Joseoh: Do you mean my Azrael skin.
Ripper: Whatever.
Joseph: Tch! -Puts on Azrael-
Ripper: -Puts on Soul Emissary skin- I'm cooler.
Joseph: Shut up. -Carries cake into Phantom castle hall-
Ripper and Joseph: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~
Seer: A cake! Thank you!
Nightingale: Dont pretend that you didn't get along, I could hear you two singing together.
Joseph: it's a one time thing.
Ripper: He started it. I just happened to like the song.
Joseph: Tch.
Ripper: Tch.

Subella: Jack!~ -Tackle hugs Jack- Play with me!! Plah with me!! YOU CANT CATCH ME OLD MAN!!
Ripper: What the-?!
Merc: CHASE HER!!!
Ripper: What?! -Gets up and Tries to Catch Naibspawn-
Carella: Joseph..
Joseph: Is this Aesops spawn?
Embalmer: -Nods-
Joseph: -Sits down and Pats Carellas Head- Don't worry, you're perfect. -Smiles-
Carella: Thank you..
Seer: -Takes a Piece of cake- This is really good! You two losers made this!?
Joseph: ILL KILL YOU!!
Seer: Hahahaha. Hey! Come taste spawns!
-all spawns grabs a piece of cake-
Blue: It's good.. I like it! -Keeps crying- Its so good..! I'm so happy!! Yes!
Seer: -Puts hand on Blues shoulder- Its fine~ Calm down and dont worry about anything, allright?~
Blue: -Nods and keeps wiping tears-
Campbella: Stop! Dont eat it yet!! -Eats Cake Quickly- Okay girls! It's fine! You can eat!! It's not poisonous!!
Elisa: Mnnh~ Cake..~ It feels just as mushy in my mouth as.. -Ghasps Looks over at Hastur-
Feaster: ...Shes unstable.
Queen: Joseph!~ What a good cake you made!!~ I wish I could eat you i mean the cake Every day~
Joseph: Jack made it.
Queen: -Spits cake out- Twu! Ew! Disgusting!
Joseph: That's not very nice, and here I did my best to Help.
Queen: I mean..! The you part was very good!! But Jack leaves a bad aftertaste!! Yeah!!
Ripper: Fuck you
Embalmer: Joseph, I dont think you should mess with BloodQueen, She's just as unstable as Elispawn.
Joseph: Hehehe..~
Nightingale: Jack. Joseph. Back in the kitchen. You have to make all the food for the Halloween party later tonight. Michiko, Burke, Mary. You prepare Eversleeping town for Halloween. The rest of you.. you do you. -leaves-

Ripper and Joseph: -Groans while returning to the kitchen-
Dreamwitch: Come back girls. -Removes curse from survivors so only Infinity is left-
Spawn: I'll see you later Uncle Eli!! -Hugs Eli and Leaves with Yidhra-
Prospecc: Mike, You come with me back to the manor.

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