Gentleman Juice

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-Somewhere in paris-

Acrobat: I cant believe we're doing this!
Prospecc: The food must be exceptional!
Acrobat: I never even dreamt of coming here because I thought it were impossible!!
Prospecc: -Enters resturant-
Lady: Do you have an Reservation?
Acrobat: -Hands over tickets-
Lady: Oh.. I- I apologize sirs! Follow me to the VIP room over here.
Prospecc: -Gently hits Mikes arm- Did you hear that?! VIP Room!!
Acrobat: Not only do we get to eat at this resturant but we also get the VIP room!!
Lady: -Opens door- Here it is. Please take a seat. Heres your menus. I will be right back as I inform the staff that you're here.

Acrobat: -Sits down and opens Menu- look at this room..! We're all alone!
Prospecc: -Opens Menu as well- ...uh. what are all of these foods..?
Acrobat: What do you mean? -Looks at menu as well- ....Paralyzing pasta? The Sweet love steak? The breakup burger?
Prospecc: ....The Gay Granolas..?
Acrobat: -Wheezes-
Prospecc: That's a funny Menu.
Acrobat: Drinks! What do you want to drink?
Prospecc: Let's get some.. champagne I guess.
Acrobat: Allright. And what do you want to eat?
Prospecc: -Ghasps- ...I want Gentlemens Grilled cheese!
Acrobat: What! Hahaha! Then I'll take ... Lusty Lamb?
Prospecc: Dont get humped by your dinner.
Acrobat: What! -Wheeeeze-
Lady: -Comes back and takes orders before leaving again-
Prospecc: I'm excited to taste this!
Acrobat: Its probably very delicious..!
Lady: -Comes back with Champange- Here you go. We will be right back with the food. Please make sure you dont mix up the wine glasses.
Prospecc: ...okay? Oh hey! Look! I have purple icecubes!
Acrobat: I have Pink!
Prospecc: Fancy..~ -Sips Champange-
Acrobat: But woah, I can't believe we're actually here..!
Prospecc: ....I'm out of Champagne.
Acrobat: Dont drink so fast you might get hickups! Hahaha
Prospecc: Pffft, nooo
Lady: -Comes back with food- Enjoy your meal!

-Phantom Castle-

Merc: Are you sure this works..?
Ripper: -Sits down in Phantom castle Couch and eats Popcorn- No way I'm gonna miss this.
Seer: I dont eeally understand the plan. Will this be some kind of Ritual?
Priestess: Its worth a try!
Feaster: .......This is stupid.
Merc: Agreed.
Ripper: I love this idea.
Priestess: You need to Believe lord Hastur! Now Naib! Do your thing!!
Merc: -Sighs and Put in Eagle dance skin-
Priestress: Roar and do a Threatening dance! Spread your wings!!
Merc: C-Craaa..!
Priestress: LOUDER
Merc: CRAAAA!!
Priestress: And Dance!!!
Merc: -Dances while making big wing movements to look more threatening-
Feaster: What is this plan anyway..
Priestess: Naib is an Eagle. Ibis is an Owl. If Naib comes out as big and threatening, Ibus will probably rather view him as a Threat then someone to love.
Ripper: Do the Split! Hahaha!!
Merc: I cant do that!!
Seer: ....
Feaster: ....Eli?
Seer: Hehehe..~
Merc: ...Is that good?
Seer: NAAAIB!!~ -Tackles Naib-
Merc: AHH! ELI NO..!!
Priestess: Why didnt it work..?
Feaster: Ibis is a Female, remeber? A big muscular dominant bird is probably more attractive then threatening.
Ripper: HAHAHA No no! What he did looks like some kind of Mating call for birds!! And Mating Dance! HAAH!!
Merc: Jack help!!
Seer: -Trying to kiss Naib-
Ripper: Dont you love Animals Naib? Give the bird a Smoochie, hahah!!
Merc: That's not something you want to hear from your husband!! Now get him off me!!
Priestess: Eli! Wake up!
Ripper: Fly away Naib! Haha!!~
Seer: -Nuzzles Naib instead-
Merc: Hnnngh.. Nothing works!!
Priestress: -Closes eyes- Aaaaaaa..~
Feaster: ...what is she doing?
Merc: Praying to you to get Eli off me now fulfill her request!
Priestess: Actually, if I can't see or hear what's going on, i can pretend I'm not here. ....but Naib said is also good, take care of him Lord Hastur.
Feaster: -Lifts up Eli with tentacled
Priestess: Okay! Now Naib, I want you to- !!
Feaster: -Picks up Fiona as well- Nooo no. Let's think of something Else Fiona.
Priestess: B-But Lord Hastur..!!
Feaster: No. -Returns to Room carrying Naib and Fiona-
Ripper: ....Do you do Lap Dances as well?
Merc: No jack! We are returning to our room..!
Ripper: And there you'll give me a lap dance?
Merc: No!! ....I'll think about it! -Drags Jack back to Jacks room-

-Back at Resturant in Paris-

Prospecc: Woah! Your Champange is pink!!
Acrobat: I'm drinking Pink Champagne..! -Takes a sip-
Prospecc: But the food.. So delicious..!
Acrobat: aaah.. I'm so full..!
Prospecc: Yeah me too! This is one of the best things I have ever tasted!
Acrobat: Mhmm.. I bet you taste better tho..
Prospecc: Yeaaa Wait WHAT?
Acrobat: -Blushes alot and covers his mouth- W- What did i just say?
Prospecc: You said I probably taste good!
Acrobat: Only one way to figure out..~ Ah!! Why am I saying my thought out loud I dont like that!
Prospecc: A-are you good..?! ...The Order! You ordered.. Lusty lamb?! D.. do you think the food affects us..?
Acrobat: ....What did you order..?
Prospecc: Gentlemens Grilled Cheese?
Acrobat: Then be Gentle with me! No no I mean..! Why hasn't the food affected you..?!
Prospecc: -Looks around- ...T-.. the ice cubes.. they hadn't melted yet when I drank my champagne..
Acrobat: I - I see.. that works..
Prodpecc: Dont worry Mike, I will drink them, but before i do that, we need to steal some or those Ice cubes!
Acrobat: You Naughty boy..
Prospecc: It's wired when you talk like that..!
Acrobat: J-Just tell me the plan..!
Prospecc: ...Put on your Joker skin.
Acrobat: ...from Persona 5..?
Prospecc: If nobody can recognize you, then you can steal the ice cubes!
Acrobat: But what if I get Caught!!
Prospecc: you won't! I'll give you a negative Magnet! Once you got the ice cubes, you store them in your nitro Bombs to hold them cold and then hold out the Magnet and I will use the positive Magnet to attract you to me, allright?
Acrobat: I'm already attracted to you..~ Aah..! Okay let's do it.. -Puts on Joker skin-
Prospecc: -Throws Magnet near door- Pick it up and then run!
Acrobat: Allright..! Okay..! Now..! -Runs into kitchen-
Random guy: AAH! THIEF
-Lots of People runs into kitchen to get Mike-
Acrobat: Ahh..? Ice cubes..! -Snatches a board of Cumbes and quickly stashes them into his nitro Bombs-

-Random People Tackles Mike-
Acrobat: Ah..! Norton help!!
Prospecc: -Activates Magnets and Mike gets Yeeted out of the Kitche and Crases with Norton-
Acrobat: My savior..~
Prospecc: Yeah yeah..! Let's go!! -Quickly Drinks the purple Champange and then Starts running away Carrying Mike-
Acrobat: Are you going to be a Gentleman now?~
Prospecc: Probably..! I dont know..! -Starts running back to Hotel-

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