Twinks in the Forest 3 / Halloween

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-Phantom Castle-

Axe boy: -Sneaking around in the hallway wondering what door he should enter-
Queen: Having trouble there?
Axe boy: Yeah..!! I want to play with someone and Mike and Norton is still at the Manor!!
Queen: Hahaha..~ But isn't it Obvious? You go into Jossphs room~
Axe boy: I thought about it But Joseph and Mister makeup always does something weird every time I enter!!
Queen: It'll be fine! Now open the door!
Axe boy: ...-Opens door-
Joseph: Bend your knees.
Embalmer: they are bend.
Joseph: Then strighten them up.
Embalmer: Are you calling me Stright?
Joseph: No, I'm just saying that you're doing it wrong!
Axe boy: ...What are you doing?
Joseph: We are trying to dance but Aesops legs are too long!
Embalmer: Your Hair is too long.
Joseph: What?!
Ripper: HAH!!
Queen: -Turns around seeing Jack and Naib Walking in-
Ripper: You got Roasted by the emo guy.
Joseph: What are you doing here.
Ripper: What I'm doing here? It's that time of the year you know!!
Joseph: It's no fun now since the hunters and survivors established peace.
Ripper: Hear me out! Nightingale said we could leave the Manor for 1 night and do it in the closest town!
Joseph: Why would she let us do that. The outside world is prohibited you know.
Merc: Jack started Crying and Nightingale couldn't handle the embarrassment.
Ripper: hey! It was manly tears.
Joseph: You criend to Nightingale?
Ripper: I didn't cry! I just got a little upset okay! Tradition were about to be broken!!
Joseph: ....fine. Did you tell Hastur and Eu chang?
Ripper: Yeah. I told Luchino as well cause he is one if the bois now.
Joseph: Fine by me.
Aesop: ...So, Naib.
Merc: What?
Aesop: We can't come on this, so want to go twinking in the forest again?
Merc: Sure.
Ripper: Great! Take Robbie with you!
Axe boy: Wait!! I want to come with you guys!!
Ripper: The outside world is too scary for you!
Joseph: You're also a child so you'll probably do something reckless as well.
Axe boy: Hmph..
Embalmer: Its okay Robbie, Mike and Norton is going to come Camping with us!
Axe boy: ...fine.

-A little bit later at the Manor-

Prospecc: Did you pack everything?
Acrobat: Yeah yeah, dont worry
Barmaid: Uh..
Merc: Demi! did you get your stuff?
Barmaid: Yeah but..
Cord: Naib! Why is Demi coming with you?!
Merc: What do you mean why? Shes cool!
Cord: Every time I asked to come with you guys, you always said it's only for Boys!! Demi is a girl! So how come she can come and not i?!
Merc: Well even tho shes a girl, She still one of the guys you know!
Barmaid: I came here 2 days ago and you're already treating me like.. "one if the guys"
Merc: That's the spirit! -Pats Demis back and grabs his bags-
Barmaid: ....That wasn't meant as a positive thing.
Prospecc: Nothing screams more Man but Camping in the forest!!
Cord: Dont you mean Arms Factory..?
Prospecc: Yeah!!
Barmaid: Yet again, I'm not a man.
Prospecc: Hey, dont be so hard on youself!
Barmaid: ....I'm not.
Acrobat: Let's go!
Seer: Ibis, Please stay home, this time it's really only for dudes..!
Cord: So Demi can go but not Ibis?!
Seer: ...Yeah?
Cord: Why!
Seer: Why what? I dont see the problem
Embalmer: ...Me either.
Cord: Urgh..! Males are such... Aargh!! Dorks!!
Acrobat: Hahaha!
Cord: That wasn't supposed to be funny!!!
Acrobat: oh.
Merc: Martha.. um.. -Pulls cord to the side and Whispers- are you like.. you know.. having that.. time if the-
Cord: DONT finnish that sentence!
Merc: Okay okay, Remeber to take a painkiller, allright? -Pats Martha's stomach and then quickly runs through portal-
Cord: Naib.. NAIB WHAT THE
Prospecc: RUN -Grabs Mike and Demis arms and Runs through Portal-
Embalmer: ......-Yeets through portal-
Cord: ELI
Seer: uh..! Domt kill me..! -Activates owl protection and runs through portal as well-

Cord: -Mumbling-
Doc: Woah. That was kinda mean of them.
Perfumer: They're guys, what do you expect.
Doc: Eli brought Ibis afterall.
Cord: Emily. Help me get back at Naib.
Doc: What?
Cord: We'll prank him good.

-Outside of Manor-

Joseph: This is stupid.
Ripper: This way!!
Feaster: -Looks around-'s been a while.
Reptile: we are going to the nearest village?
Wu chang: Yep. It's the first time we do this outside of the manor tho.
Axe boy: What are we even going to do?
Ripper: Its Halloweena!! We're going to spook someone of course!!!
Joseph: Why is Robbie here.
Ripper: ...ROBBIE!! You were supposed to go camping with the boys!!
Axe boy: But I wanted to come with you guys!
Ripper: -Groans-
Feaster: it's too late to send him back now. We should hurry before everyone in the town goes to sleep.
Lizzard: Just hang him up in a three or something.
Wu chang: That's not a bad idea. People probably scream seeing a Hanged Child.
Ripper: ...Yeah YEAH Good!! Robbie! Scream and cry alot and if someone helps you down, Twll them your head hurts!!!
Joseph: Looks like he's Useful afterall.
Feaster: ...Theres the town.
Joseph: ...Is that Children..?
Ripper: What?!
Wu chang: ...Why are they all awake this late..?
Reptile: ...Let's go see.
-Walks into town-
Ripper: Hastur! Use your human form for now!!
Feaster: Why.
Ripper: We need to fit in!
Joseph: Fit in you say. Look at Luchino, does he look like he'll fit In?
Wu chan: They're all wearing Costumes, we'll be fine.
Ripper: okay lets do what the kids do and see what happens.. Hastur, Luchino, Wu chang, Robbie.. go hide behind that corner. Me and Joseph check it out.
Joseph: -walks up to door with Jack-
Ripper: -Knocks on door- ....
Lady: -Opens- .....
Joseph: .....
Ripper: .....
Lady: ...Aren't you two a little old for trick or treating?
Ripper: ...What?
Lady: A Vampire and Napoleon, right?
Joseph: NaPoLeoN?!
Ripper: VAMPIRE?!
Lady: How old are you?
Joseph: 27.
Ripper: Hes lying. he Is 60.
Lady: ... You're a little too old anyway..
Ripper: wait wait! Robbie! Come here and talk to the lady!!!
Axe boy: -Comes forth-
Lady: Oooh..! We had a shy one who had to send his daddys huh? It's okay sweetie! I'm nice! I'll give you some candy!
Axe boy: Candy?!
Ripper: DADDYS?!
Joseph: Step aside, I'm going to kill her.
Ripper: Wait.. Nightingale said no deaths..
Joseph: Tch..
Lady: -Gives axe boy candy- What a scary costume..~ Have a nice day! -Closes door-

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