Is this it?! It's finally happening!?

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-At Manor-

Prospecc: -Grabs Mikes arm and pulls him into his room-
Acrobat: Woah..! Hey Norton! Whats up?
Prospecc: We need to talk together.
Acrobat: Oh no, did I do something wrong?
Prospecc: No that's the thing. You haven't done anything wrong.
Acrobat: Oh good! You got me worried there!
Prospecc: How are you able to be so optimistic..?
Acrobat: How..? We'll I rather be happy then sad so if I look past the negative things that happen, I can be Posetive!
Prospecc: ...You're new her so I want you to know my True self. I dont want to lie to anyone anymore.
Acrobat: I appreciate your kindness! Buuuut what do you mean lie?
Prospecc: Before I Came to the manor, Me and Luchino were co workers in a cave, and then an accident happened and instead of Saving Luchino, I ran away with the treasure we found. But that were the past me! I would have never done that now..!
Acrobat: -Grabs Nortons Shoulders and Smiles Brighty- Being able to Admit ones Mistake is one of the bravest and Greatest thing one can do! And you admit that you have Changed and being able to change is really hard but you still were able to go through with it! I believe you're a wonderful person!!
Prospecc: R-.. Really?
Acrobat: Yes! Being Positive will inspire the people around you to be positive as well!
Prospecc: Thank you Mike..! Do you want to help me then?
Acrobat: Of course! What do you want my help with?
Prospecc: After the accident, I had so much Guilt that I convinced myself that it weren't my fault and then told everyone that I fought Luchino and Survived. But the Guilt were still there so I always tell everyone that I'm brave and Tough and that I will always protect them, but I know that I'm still a Coward.. I want people to know that Me, and know that me and Luchino are friends.. the only people who knows for now is Luchino, Robbie, Emily, and You...

Acrobat: Norton.. You are no coward! You are so brave who wants to change! And some people already know so you have a start!!
Prospecc: Heh.. you really were the right guy to ask for help.
Acrobat: I think you should start doing one person at a time! And once they accept you, then do the next one!
Prosepcc: Will you be with me when I do that?
Acrobat: I will always be there for my friends!!
Axe boy: -Walks into Nortons Room mubeling and slams the door- Can you believe that Acrobat?! He actually To-... -Spots Mike- Uh.. It is I!! The Demon Child and I have came to Kidnap you!! Wonder if Magnet man can Stop me this time! Hah! Hah! Haa!!
Prospecc: -Smiles- Thank you Robbie, but he knows
Axe boy: Oh..! Well then.. HOW DARE YOU STRIP ME FOR MY POWERS!!
Acrobat: I am Truly sorry! I should have probably warned you about my Abilities before we started, huh? You must have Been very confused! But even tho you didn't know what I did, you still did wonderful!! I bet you get me next time!
Axe boy: Huh..? Y-yeah..! Thank you..!
Prospecc: Mike is Nice, right? You should introduce youself!
Axe boy: huh? S-sure..! -Grabs Acrobats Hand- I'm Axe boy, most survivors Calls me Axe kid or Axe child, b-but I guess you can call me Robbie.. hehe..
Acrobat: -Smiles Brightly and Shakes Robbies hand- Thank you! Does this mean we're friends?! Its truly an Honor! I'm Mike Morton but you can just call me Mike!
Axe boy: Allright Mike! Most of the hunters are Terrified of you! They are panicking at Phantom Castle right now!
Acrobat: Really? Oh no, Maybe I should tell them about my abilities as well so they dont have to be terrified..
Axe boy: Nah! Leave them be, they'll be fine!
Acrobat: -Smiles again and Looks at Norton- He's the first hunter who'll let me Call him by his name..!
Prospecc: I'm happy for you Mike
Acrobat: -Smiles and Hugs Robbie and Norton- I hope we all will get along!!

-In Tokyo-

Merc: -Groans Loudly on the bed-
Ripper: Naib!! What's wrong!?
Merc: The painkillers wore off!!
Ripper: Painkillers!? Where are new Painkillers?!
Merc: In the Bag..!! The bag Nightingale sent with us..!!
Ripper: -Quickly Grabs Bag and finds painkillers- How many?!
Merc: Two!!
Ripper: -Feeds Naib 2 Painkillers-
Merc: -swallows them and Relaxes-
Ripper: Better..?
Merc: Yes.. Thank you Jack.
Ripper: -Sits down in bed-
Merc: -Moves to sit on Jacks lap and then grabs a Map-
Ripper: -Wraps his arms around Naib- What are you looking for?
Merc: A place we can eat tonight! We should go on a nice Resturant!
Ripper: What kind of restuarant?
Merc: I were thinking a Sushi resturant.
Ripper: I'll eat Sushi with you
Merc: Good! Then here! -Points at a Resturant on the map- it's close to the hotel!
Ripper: Allright, when do you want to eat?
Merc: When it gets dark, it's more romantic that way
Ripper: -Snorts-
Merc: What!
Ripper: pfft.. I can be Romantic, I'm a gentleman afterall!~
Merc: ...Yeah! I know that Jack..~
Ripper: -Kisses Naibs Cheeks repeatedly-
Merc: -Laughs- J-Jack stooop..!~ Hahaha..!~
Ripper: Didn't you just say I couldn't be romantic at daytime?~
Merc: This is not Romanntic, This is just wired! -Laughs and then stands up- No more kissies! Wait until tonight!
Ripper: Tonight? Why?
Merc: Well, remeber how I told you that I wanted to take is Slow..? This is our honeymoon so.. I think I'm finally ready! And theres no axe child to Interupt us this time!

-Phantom Castle-

Joseph: Aesop..~ Come here..~
Embalmer: I am Painting on a box.
Joseph: But weren't you so hyped up about having fun with me yesterday?~
Embalmer: I were drugged by Chocolate Whiskey, so I'm Calming my nerves by Painting flower.
Jossph: You can do that Later..~ Come here!~ -Pulls Aesops Arm so he'll fall on top of him-
Embalmer: ...Fine. I guess we can kiss..
Joseph: -Kisses Aesop- You know, I saw Robbie Leaving earlier..~ He went to the manor..~
Embalmer: So that means we won't get cockblocked..?
Joseph: Nope!~
Embalmer: ...Fine, But if Axe boy comes in and Sees my dick, I will hit you.
Joseph: Heh, deal..~ -Undresses Aesop-
Embalmer: You have to Undress as well Joseph..
Joseph: Of Course.. -Takes off his Jacket and shirt-
Embalmer: -Gets a Little Nervous and clings to Joseph- Okay you can continue.
Joseph: -Removes Aesops Boxers and Throws them on the floor-
Embalmer: okay, your turn..
Joseph: -Removes pants and Boxers and Throws it at the floor as well- Okay ready..?
Embalmer: Wait..! Put the covers over us, I want to at least be a little covered..
Joseph: Of course.. -Climbs over Aesop and then pulls the covers over them- Okay.. all preparations are done. Can I put it in?
Embalmer: Wait..! ......Okay now.
Axe boy: -Slams open door- Hey Joseph we nee- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Embalmer: AAAAAAAAAAA -KiCkS jOsEpH aWaY- I KNEW IT..!!!
Joseph: -Falls back and lands on the floor- Owie..!!
-Norton and Mike walks in-
Acrobat: Oh Lord!! M-maybe we should come back later..?! It seems to be a bad time..!
Joseph: YES! GET OUT!!!
Prospecc: No, Its fine, Aesop!! I need to speak with you!!
Geisha: -Dashes in and Grabs Robbie- WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!? -Spots Embalmer and Joseph- Oh my god.. Oh my god.. oh my God.. ROBBIE IS JUST A CHILD HOW DARE YOU SHOW HIM SOMETHING SO UNSPEAKABLE!!!
Joseph: Wait..!! Michiko..!! We didn't get that far to actually Show him anything..!!!
Geisha: -Smecks the Fucc out of Joseph and Leaves- Get dressed you pig.
Joseph: WHAT?! Damn it..
Embalmer: -Quickly puts his boxers on and then gets dressed while Blushing madly- Give me a Moment..
Prospecc: Take your time!
Acrobat: I-.. I really think we should have done this another time..!
Embalmer: So do I..! -Leaves room with Mike and Norton-
Acrobat: Wow Aesop..! I didn't expect you to be the kind of guy who like.. would get physical with-... Y-You know what I will just stay quiet..!
Embalmer: ....What did you come here for?
Prospecc: Aesop.. i want you to know the real me..
Embalmer: How come you're not talking like a Lunatic anymore.
Prospecc: L-Lunatic..?! Is that really how you all saw me..? Haha.. Well, this is.. me. I'm a Coward. I never fought Luchino in the Cave. I left him there like the Coward I am and now me and Luchino are friends again..
Embalmer: ....I'm sorry but... So what..?
Prospecc: Huh?
Embalmer: Dude it's fine..  I dont care, I never really paied attention to your story anyway..  is this all you guys came to tell me..?
Prospecc: Mike!! He Isn't mad!!
Embalmer: Oh yes I'm mad. But for a different reason.
Acrobat: Norton I'm so Proud of you!! You told him!!
Prospecc: I did, huh!? Thank you Mike! Now let's go tell Eli! He is in Feasters room!
Axe boy: -Comes out of Josephs Room- Okay! I made sure he put his pants back on properly!!
Prospecc: Good job Robbie! Can you take us to Feaster?
Axe boy: Sure! Follow me!
Embalmer: ....-Walks back into Joseph-
Joseph: So Close..
Embalmer: So Close..
Joseph: Hey, Aesop, are we destined to fail..?
Embalmer: No Joseph.. one day we will make it..

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