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-Phantom Castle, Morning-

-Silence at Breakfast table-
Geisha: ...So. Why isn't Mike here today?
Reptile: Michiko! ..Shh..!
Prospecc: ...I'm here today because I slept over at Luchinos Room. Mike is at the manor..
Ripper: ...Sooo.. Ehats up with the Seer?
Feaster: He is sleeping. He seems very confused and has a serious Memory loss. He can't even remember the day he came to the Manor or ever getting invited by Nightingale.
Merc: Its that bad, huh..?
Embalmer: .....
Joseph: Its Just to do what we all did with Naib. Recreate Events that happened.
Priestess: You think that would work?
Prospecc: -Stand up and Slams hands down on Table- No. Do not recreate anything! This is a Blessing in disguise.
Ripper: What's that supposed to mean?
Prospsecc: Has any of you seen the shit Eli has been through?! He was mental and full of sorrow from his past mistakes and Accidents! Some isn't even his fault! Life gave Eli a new Chance to be Happy!!
Embalmer: He's right.. We should all start over with Eli..
Prospecc: Yes! Naib and Aesop! Never EVER doubt him! Be his best friends again! Octobeast! Act like you care for once! Fiona! Give them privacy when they need it! And everyone watch out for the owl!
Reptile: Nice way to make the story of you shocking Eli to a good thing.
Prospecc: We dont talk about that.
Merc: ...I'll to hang with Eli.
Embalmer: yeah.. me too.. -Leaves table with Naib-
Feaster: Oh, by the way boys, the Doctor is at my room with him.
Embalmer: Allright.

-Hastur room-

Seer: Can you tell me about me?
Doc: No. I was told not to.
Seer: But I don't know anything. I dont even know where I am.
Doctor: What did The feaster tell you?
Seer: Lord Hastur..! Uh, he said something about me being Invited to the manor and that i have lived here for a long time.
Doctor: Yes. Anything else?
Seer: No.
Doctor: Well, it will be Naib and Aesops Job to tell you about that.
Seer: ...Naib and Aesop?
Doc: They'll be here any moment. -Packs stuff together and prepares to leave-
Seer: ...Was I a bad person..?
Doc: ....What do you think youself?
Seer: Well just since.. nobody wants to tell me about myself..
Merc: -Walks in With Aesop- Hey Eli. Hi Emily.
Doc: I have to Go. Keep him away from Ciphers.
Embalmer: Wait, why?
Doc: .... if.. If he miss a Calibration, he will die.
Merc: What?!
Doc: ...He Can't handle any more shocks.   Maybe some time in the future but there has been running too much electricity through his body that he needs a rest. Yeah.. -Leaves-
Merc: ...Wow.
Seer: You two.. please tell me about myself.
Embalmer: -Looks at Naib-
Merc: -Smiles- Eli. Let's go for a walk. -Smiles-
Embalmer: Yeah. You can always come to us for help!
Seer: -Looks at Naib and Aesop and then sits up from bed- Yes please.

-Bois goes to Manor-
Merc: This is where all the Survivors have been living, But you, me and Aesop live at Phantom castle!
Seer: Why..?
Embalmer: Hkw do we say this without making you doubt us... You kinda.. Date The feaster..
Seer: -Chokes- Lord Hastur!?
Merc: Yes.
Seer: Why!
Embalmer: Trust me, we all wanna know why.
Seer: Lord Hastur is a God!
Merc: We know but you two pull it off somehow.
Seer: I.. see.. And what about this owl..?
Embalmer: That's Spero.
Seer: Okay, He's cute..!
Merc: ...Yeah.
Seer: And what about Ibis..?
Merc: ...
Embalmer: ...
Seer: What? Where is My owl? Ibis? For some reson I cant connect with her.
Merc: Eli.. Ibis is one of the things we were told to not tell you about..
Embalmer: ...You went through alot before you lost your Memory.
Seer: Was I a bad person..?
Merc: No..! No..! But alot of stuff happened at it made you depressed and gave you several.. disorders..
Seer: Oh..
Embalmer: You were just unlucky..
Merc: However, Dont worry about Ibis! She's great where she is now. However, Spero Is Ibis Child.
Seer: Spero..?! This Spero?! -Points at Owl-
Embalmer: Yepp. That's the one.
Seer: -Smiles Happily- Ibis laid an egg!
Merc: Anyway. Er are best friends Eli!
Seer: We are?
Embalmer: Yes, we have  een through everything together.
Merc: I were among the first people at the Manor, when you first came, Fiona were really chatty with you. Probably because of the whole Prophet thing. You and me worked good together in many matches so we became good friends. The, Aesop came and he didn't talk to anyone! Except you because he thought you were blind. Hah!
Embalmer: He had his eyes covered, no way I could have known that "oh that guy uses his owls Eyes!"
Seer: -Laughs a little-
Merc: Then all three of us started hanging out! You made me and Aesop friends! And we have been best friends ever since!
Prospecc: STAY BACK!
Seer: ..What was that?!
Embalmer: That was Norton making some kind of Ruckus somewhere. He can be loud sometimes.
Merc: Yeah, He is also out friend. He used to be a Pain but after Mike came, he turned out to be allright.
Seer: ....uh
Embalmer: That was Mike.
Merc: We shod have maybe mentioned that they recently broke up..
Seer: Oh no.. how sad..
Embalmer: ...However! Talking about Mike and Norton, We should have a sleepover Eli.
Seer: Sleepover..?
Merc: Yeah! Its fun! We used to do Camping but then Jack, Joseph and Feaster started crashing it.
Seer: Allright. Where are we doing Sleepover then?
Merc: Your room!
Seer: I have a room?
Embalmer: Everyone has a room at the manor! -Takes Eli to Hall with Rooms- Yours Is over there.
Merc: Hey Aesop. Look over there. -Points futher down in hall-
Embalmer: -Looks where Naib is Pointing-
Seer: What's going on..?
Acrobat: -Tackeling Norton-
Merc: Oh no it's a fight. Quick! Into Elis room! -Pushes Eli and Aesop in-
Seer: T-They're fighting?!
Embalmer: I have never seen Mike do a Violemt action. This can't be good.
Merc: Oh yeah, by the way Eli, you should be nice to Norton. He really cares about you and did all he could to protect you from the shocks.
Seer: Yeah...
Embalmer: Whats wrong?
Seer: This is why I thought I were a bad person..
Merc: What do you mean?
Seer: I woke up in an Electric chair.. I were supposed to be Executed, right..?
Embalmer: No! No! You just went though Shock therapy to.. remove a Violent side of your Brai-
Seer: I knew it! I were Violent! Naib! You have two casts on and you have stings on your chest! Aesop, You have stings on your head!! I did that, Right?! -Panicks-
Embalmer: No no no..!
Merc: You didnt! That's the point! You were shocked innocent. They thought you did it because of something they misheard on a recorder.
Seer: Then who did it.. if you're not Lying then prove it..
Embalmer: ....Eli, Do you smoke?
Seer: No. Its against snoik Prophecy.
Embalmer: And that's proof enough. -Pulls down shirt showing Cigarette burns-
Seer: So.. someone who smokes..?
Merc: -Laughs- Yep! Me! My lungs are as black as Coal, if you dont believe me, then just ask Emily! -Smiles-
Seer: You..!? You're crazy..!
Embalmer: Technically, I did the vounds on Naib. We agreed to do it together.
Seer: But why...
Embalmer: We're not allowed to tell you that either..

-Manor a little while ago-

Prospecc: ...Nngh.. Mike..
Perfumer: You can do it Norton..
Prospecc: But what if it doesn't work.. What if I dont love Mike enough..?
Perfumer: ...Norton. keep your smile up! When doing this I want you to smile and use your normal show off attitude! Be confident!!
Prospecc: -Looks at Vera and Smiles a little- Thank you Vera. Fine.. I'm going to do it!
Perfumer: Good..!
Prospecc: -Takes a Deep breath and smiles- Okay..! -Knocks on Mikes room-
Acrobat: -Opens Up- .... Norton..?
Prospecc: Stay back bois! -Throws magnet at Mike, switches magnet and attracts Mike out of room-
Acrobat: Ah! What are you doing Norton!
Prospecc: -Throws a new Magnet on Mike Pushing Mike away from the room while he gets pushed into the room-
Acrobat: Norton! -Tries to go into room-
Prospecc: STAY BACK!
Perfumer: oh boy..
Prospecc: -Looks through Mike's drawer and picks up a Nitro bomb, then Takes a Green ice cube out of it-
Acrobat: Y-.. You wanted the Disgust cube..?
Prospecc: -Swallows It-
Acrobat: No! I dont want to hear you say Disgusting things about me..! -Covers ears-
Prospecc: -Takes a deep breath and Looks at Mike, then smiles brightly- ...You love smiles right..?
Acrobat: -Uncovers ears- .....Y.. yeah..
Prospecc: ...Even with the disgust cube I'm able to smile!! You know why?!
Acrobat: I-.. I dont know, maybe it's a fluke or something..
Prospecc: Wrong! I'm smiling cause theres nothing disgusting to say about you!!
Acrobat: ...Norton.. -Tears up-
Prospecc: I dont care what other say about us! You are perfect to me! Which is why I never want to lose you..
Acrobat: -Nods while covering mouth-
Prospecc: I Got some help.. Campella!!
Spawn: -Enters room standing next to Norton- ...Hi.. I.. I am okay.. J- Just keep Acting.. yeah.. yeah.. he is.. going to accept... right..? He has to.. what can I do..  what if he hates me... yeah...
Acrobat: Norton..? Is this how you feel inside..? And.. uh.. accept what..? You want to be Boyfriends again..?
Prospecc: Yes!
Campella: No.. I dont want to be Boyfriends..
Acrobat: ....You dont, huh..?
Prospecc: C- Campella..! You're my unconciousness, you know I do want to be boyfriends..!!
Campella: No.. Stop lying.. You dont want to be B-.. Boyfriends with Mike..
Perfumer: -Groans- Norton! Why?! I thought you loved Mike!!
Prospecc: I DO!! Campella! Why are you saying this?!
Campella: -Looks at Norton- .....You know.. Why..
Prospecc: .....Yeah.. you're right.. I dont want to be boyfriends...
Acrobat: -Wipes tears- You came all the way here only to tell me you're happy we broke up?!
Prospecc: Mike!! I dont want to be Boyfriends!!! -Grabs Mikes hands and kneels Down- .....I want to Be Finances.
Marry me Mike.

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