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-Joseph Room-
Joseph: ......
Merc: ...So.. you like Aesop?
Joseph: Is that wired?
Merc: A little..
Joseph: Do i have to remind you of who you're dating?
Merc: ...Good point. You win.
Joseph: Whats so wired about Liking Aesop anyway.
Merc: I dont know. I mean, I know he's a good guy, he's one of my best friends but he can be really..
Joseph: Really what?
Merc: Quiet. Scary. Mysterious.
Joseph: I like that.
Merc: Well, its like.. when i have a conversion in the hall, Aesop will just pass by us, look at us for a few seconds, and the leave again without saying anying.
Joseph: Maybe that has something to do with his anxiety then. -Uses napkin to clean his sword-
Merc: Maybe, But theres just something with that guy. Way more then his anxiety. He is into dead bodies! You know that?
Joseph: He is not 'into' dead bodies, He just respects them and wants them to have a good time at the end of their journey.
Mech: Dead bodies will have a good time. Well, i get your point. If i had died at war i would have loved having Aesop taking care of my body. But im alive! And i feel like he is already preparing to take care of me!
Joseph: -Laughs-
Merc: What

Joseph: You're a little paranoid, aren't you?
Merc: Paranoid? No way. Its normal being worried about that guy having fantasies of burying me alive.
Joseph: You are worried about your best friend Aesop burying you alive, and not worried about that beast you're dating eating you alive.
Merc: I can see that you won again.
Joseph: Jack has no self control and he enjoys the wiredest things. He's a Sadist.
Merc: Maybe but.. we play Yatzy.
Joseph: Yatzy..? Pathetic.
Merc: And we drink tea and eat biscuits.
Joseph: -Gags-
Merc: What.
Joseph: Disgusting. He's dragging you into his british culture.
Merc: I have always been into british culture..
Joseph: i thought you were an arab.
Merc: Yes but i grew up in England. And before i retired i fought for Engalnd.
Joseph: You went to war against your oen nationality..?
Merc: It doesn't matter where im from. My heart will always be in Engalnd.
Joseph: Tch.
Merc: What about you! You walk around like Napoleon and you seen to think pretty highly of youself.

Joseph:... Napoleon was a war hero of france. Im a photographer. Do i look like a war hero to you?
Merc: Well you walk around with that blue Jacket and a sword so it seems like your trying to be one.
Joseph: You're annoying. You want some Tomatoes?
Merc: ....What?
Joseph: -Hands Naib Tomato-
Merc: ....-Eats it- Why do you have Tomatoes in your room.
Joseph: I'll answear that when you can answear me why Jack, who is a sadist serial killer and loves seeing others in pain, has a fear of needles.
Merc: ....You win. Again.
Joseph: Listen, we are together so i can understand Jack better, but i dont think its wired that he likes you. You're okay and you seem pretty confident.
Merc: ....but?
Joseph: I dont see why you like Jack.
Merc: I dont really know myself.
Joseph: When you first got here you were so resistant of spending time with him but suddenly, you want to be him and live in his room. What did he do to make you change your mind?

Merc: ...Well, when i were resistant i didn't really give him a chance. So when i first did, i saw that he's actually a nice guy.
Joseph: You might want to rephrase that.
Merc: ...Nice guy twoards me.
Joseph: Okay, keep going.
Merc: Jack Cares about me and i sometimes have breakdowns from my trauma. Jack helps me through that and it makes me feel safe.
Joseph: ...Its wired thinking someone like Jack actually cares about someone.
Merc: Well, He also supported me though the whole Eli personality thing..
Joseph: ...You and Aesop were forced to do alot of stuff together. Right?
Merc: Yes. And sometimes Eli was involved in it too.
Joseph: ...but you three are still best friends. Why?
Merc: ...I dont Hate Aesop. Its not his fault. He had the exact same experience as me and went through exactly the same. ...actually, i fealt safe with Aesop. He handled it alot better then me. He knew what were coming so he didn't resist at all. He just waited until it were over before he got his breakdown.
Joseph: .....

Merc: I were scared. And i usually hid behind him because he were alot stronger then me. Mentally. And then he usually told me to just relax and do as Eli said. I started thinking that he actually liked it and thats why he didn't resist. But i walked past his room one day and he had a complete breakdown. He keeps all his feelings inside him. Even when he's alone.
Joseph: ....Thank you for telling me this.
Merc: huh..?
Joseph: So thats how Aesop feels, huh..? He never told me details about Eli. Just that he Abused you guys.
Merc: Well, Jack Helped me, so i hope you can help Aesop. I owe him alot.
Joseph: Now i think i know why you like jack so much.
Merc: What..?
Joseph: You need someone like youself.
Merc: You're saying im like Jack..?
Joseph: You're both physically strong but Mentally weak.
Merc: Jack is Weak mentally?
Joseph: You can tell by just looking at him. He always hides himself behind that mask. And he fights every emotion off with Anger.
Merc: Good point.
Joseph: Look at the time. Lets get you back to your Tall psycopath.
Merc: -Follows Joseph and enters rippers room-

Joseph: -Ghasps and charges at Aesop breaking his teacup- What are you doing to my Aesop?!
Ripper: We are having teatime.
Joseph: Aesop! Are you hurt?
Embalmer: ....no but i got tea all over my lap now.
Joseph: dont worry I'll wash it off! Jack! Jow dare you try fishing Aesop into your british bullshit!
Ripper: Hah! Weak.
Joseph: Scared of needles! -Slams door-
Ripper: You bitch!! Come back here im going to shove that stick down your throat!!
Merc: Jack! Its okay!
Ripper: ....
Merc: Come here, Just ignore him. -Hugs Jack-
Ripper: -Calms down-
Merc: -Smiles- Good..~

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