The truth

949 33 11

This Chapter is a little Violent-


Perfumer: -Finally gets to Asylum- Mike!! Miiike!!
Doc: Hey Vera. Mike just left. The only people we have here are... these two braindead guys.
Perfumer: What? Norton!
Prospecc: -Stares into space- ....
Perfumer: Oh no.. what did Mike tell you?!
Prospecc: ....
Doc: It's no use. He hasn't moved or said anything in a while.
Perfumer: Oh no.. this might be my fault..
Doc: Why, what happened?
Perfumer: I dont know but I think Mike said something about my feelings for Norton..
Doc: I see. But why would Norton react like this then?
Perfumer: ...I dont kno- .....oh no.. Mike must have broken up with him!!
Doc: What. Why.
Perfumer: Because of Guilt!
Doc: ...I would love to help, but I can't leave Eli. Go find Mike and fix things.
Perfumer: Yes.. of course.. -Leaves-
Doc: -Sighs and Pats Nortons shoulder- Dont worry. He'll come back.
Prospecc: .....
Seer: Mnn.. Ibis..
Doc: ...Eli? You're awake?
Seer: ...Ibis.. where are you..
Doc: Eli. Look at me. Can you hear me?
Seer: Who..
Doc: Its me. Emily Dyer, can you hear my voice?
Seer: -Slowly nods- Yes.. yes..
Doc: How are you feeling? Any pain anywhere?
Seer: I'm.. Dizzy.. Doctor..
Doc: -Takes Notes-
Seer: Is.. is he dead..? -Looks at Norton-
Doc: No, Only heartbroken.
Seer: Ah.. I see.. Why am I here..
Doc: Remeber we did some shock therapy? You passed out because Norton gave you too many Volts.
Seer: ...Who..?
Doc: Get some rest, you're still a little fryed.
Seer: Okay...
Ripper and Jospeh: -Comes running through Portal-
Joseph: Stop the Shock therapy!!
Ripper: Dont hurt him anymore!!
Doc: What's wrong?
Ripper: ....Naib and Aesop told us everything after we told them Eli was locked up!
Joseph: You wont like this..
Doc: Naib and Aesop woke up?
Ripper: ...Yes..

-Flashback to Vegas-

Merc: -Panting- Hello? Is this on..? Jack..? Its me.. Naib..! Right know I'm hiding under the bed..! I'm scared..! He just killed a bunch and now.. he has become a monster..!
Embalmer: Is that for Jack..? Say hi to Joseph for me..
Merc: Yeah.. Aesop is here too.. if we dont make it, I love you Jack..! Oh shit he is coming..! Aah!!
Embalmer: ...?
Merc: ....? The.. the recorder just disappeared out of my hands.
Embalmer: What the..
Merc: Shh..!
Seer: -Walks slowly around Room-
Merc: -Covers mouth and holds breath-
Embalmer: -Holds breath as well- ...
Seer: ...Hey. I thought I told you to meet me at the bathroom. I guess if you two are going to be cowards, I'll go talk with Mike and Norton instead.
Merc: -Ghasps and looks at Aesop-
Embalmer: -Nods slowly and Crawls out from bed- ....Let's go to the bathroom.
Merc: Yeah.. let's go..
Seer: ...Good. -Walks to Bathroom with Naib and Aesop-
Embalmer: ...Eli, if you're going to abuse us, you should really reconsider for the sake of la-
Seer: ...Why would I abuse you..?
Merc: ...Why? After you killed a bunch you smiled creepily at us, called us twinks, and told us to meet you here..!
Seer: I was making a joke.. I tried to seem cheerful... but I'm actually dying inside..
Embammer: Eli...
Seer: ...I killed so many of Lady Yidhras followers.. I'm supposed to make her Gain followers, not lose them.. if I'm not a good prophet, then what did Ibis die for...
Merc: Eli.. we didn't know you felt this way...
Seer: I just hoped the two of you would support me in times like this.. We're best friends. We go through thick and thin so I hoped we could suffer through this together.. but you ran away.. that's why I thought I ask Mike and Norton for help instead..
Embalmer: ...Eli..
Seer: .....-Leaves-

Merc: ....Aesop... are we bad friends..?
Embalmer: ....Yes.. We didn't trust Eli. And we weren't there for him when he needed us the most..
Merc: ....-Pulls bottle out of Pocket and Drinks-
Embalmer: What are you doing..
Merc: Drinking my guilt away.
Embalmer: ...Coward... give me some...

-Acrobat and Norton Room-

Seer: Hey guys..
Prospecc: Bro. You good?
Acrobat: .....
Seer: I'm... not...
Acrobat: ...You didn't really mean to kill those guys, right..?
Seer: ...No..
Prospecc: Bro! Stuff like that happens. It's hard being a prophet, I know! And I have seen you go through alot of shit! The entire multipersona, the Ibis Incident, The war and now this!! I admire you Eli! You have a strong heart for being able to go through so much without going insane!!
Seer: .....
Acrobat: ...dont worry Eli! We don't think you're evil or anything! We are friends afterall!!
Prospecc: Eli! I swear that I'm not going to let you go through any more terrifying shit! I will protect you no matter what!! You dont deserve anymore Pain!!
Seer: Thank you Guys..

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