Having fun is not a Competition

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-Palace of Silence-

Seer: -Sits in couch- It sure is peaceful.
Merc: Yeah.. too peaceful..
Embalmer: I bet it has something to do with Jack and Joseph not being here.
Merc: Yeah..! Where do you think they are?
Embalmer: Probably hanging out with their new Friend.
Merc: Friend? Who.
Embalmer: Listen! Someone named Victor the Postman!
Merc: Postman you say? Pft. Who the fuck does this Victor the postman think he is!
Embalmer: Right?!
Merc: Every story with cheating involves a postman who fucks your wife when you're not home!
Embalmer: Let's beat him up.
Merc: Damn right we gonna.
Seer: Guys! Let's not.
Embalmer: ...yeah. I dont want to go to Nightingales shock therapy Jail.
Merc: Hah!!
Seer: That was mean.
Merc: -Pats Elis back- Dude! We're friends, we joke about everything! Even the parts we are sensetive about!
Seer: Really?
Embalmer: -Nods-
Seer: Okay then.. Your husbands are probably getting fucked by Victor the postman anyway.
Embalmer: Ey!
Merc: Woah!
Seer: -Laughs-
Embalmer: Okay, that was good.
Merc: -Sips Tea- Anyway, Eli, how are you feeling?
Seer: Good. It's a little boring around here tho. Is it true that we can never leave..?
Merc and Emb: -Looks at Eachother-
Seer: ...What?
Embalmer: We didn't do anything exciting cause we thought you would like to rest. Besides, we cant play a match cause if you miss a calibration on a Cipher, you will die.
Seer: Come on! I wont miss!
Embalmer: we are not risking it.
Seer: What if I'm really good at Calibrations?
Embalmer: Well everyone is better then Naib! Hah!!
Merc: Hey!
Embalmer: Hah! Norton has the Tiniest calibration ever and even him does it better then Naib! -Wheezes-
Merc: Pfft.
Seer: I want to try!
Wu chang: -Comes through portal- ...? Oh. So this is the couple home. Wish I could live here with Emi-
Merc: Hey! Chungus! Good timing!!
Wu chang: .......
Merc: Haha! Yeah! Come here!
Wu chang: -Walks over to Naib, Aesop and Eli-
Embalmer: Is... uh.. I dont know if I should say it..
Merc: Yeah.. what do we feel about chungus..?
Wu chang: What are you talking about..
Embalmer: ..You know what?! If Jack and Joseph Can fuck Victor the postman, We can fuck Wu chang!!
Merc: Yeah!!
Wu chang: ....-Tries to Run-
Merc: TAKE HIM!!
Embalmer: -Grabs Wu changs Ponytail thing-
Wu chang: I dont want to Lose my Virginity to the two of you!
Embalmer: Calm down. We're not going to take your Virginity.
Seer: ...What's going on.
Embalmer: Just sit down.
Wu chang: -Sits down in couch- ....so.. what does Embalmer, Seer and Mercenary want with me..
Merc: No!
Wu chang: W- .. what?
Merc: You call me Naib!
Embalmer: Aesop here!
Seer: Uh.. I'm Eli..?
Wu chang: Okay.. dont call me C-
Merc: Yes, we are going to call you Fan and Xie!
Embalmer: You're one of us now.
Wu chang: ...I were going to say don't call me Chungus but I guess that works. ....now what do you want.
Merc: We need Fan.
Xie: ...Why.
Embalmer: We need him to check Elis Calibrations.
Xie: Fine. -Witches to Fan-
Seer: Woah. He suddenly turned black.
Fan: What the fuck.
Seer: That was not meant as something racist I promise.
Embalmer: Do a Calibration test on him.
Fan: -Takes out Bell- Be prepared.
Seer: -Waits-
Fan: -Rings Bell-
Seer: Ah! -Falls and Fails Calibration- Ngh?! My head!! It hurts!!
Embalmer: You failed.
Seer: I wasn't prepared!
Fan: I told you to prepare youself.
Merc: Had that been a Cipher machine, you would have died.
Seer: I see..
Embalmer: ...However, we can do other things that's exciting as well!
Seer: Like what.
Merc: Oh no..
Embalmer: Naibs Bachelor party! Hah! It was hilarious.
Seer: What happened?
Embalmer: We all shot paintballs at Naib! And it wasn't even paintball guns but Sniper guns!
Merc: Yeah, The pain was stuck with me for a couple of weeks.
Seer: Woah.
Fan: ...Can I leave?
Merc: No.
Embalmer: I know what we can do. Let's go to Leo's Memory! Fan! Take us there.
Fan: -Sighs-

-Jack and Naib Room-

Joseph: You two have your own Tea corner..?
Ripper: Yeah! And Check the walls! They are Bouncy!
Joseph: -Hits walls and bounces back falling- What the heck?!
Prostman: Uh.. what's the point of that?
Ripper: Naibs Ability are Spring pads. He bounces off walls to dash but it's a little hard for him to controll it sometimes. It requires alot of Balance.
Joseph: Wait! So if we hit the wall, We experience what it feels to use the spring pads..?
Ripper: Yeah, pretty much.
Joseph: But it's impossible to stay standing! -Tries again and flops on the floor-
Ripper: Hah!! You don't have enough muscles to stay standing!
Postman: -Wheezes-
Joseph: Hey! Try it youself if it's so Easy!!
Ripper: -Runs into wall and bounces across the room hitting another wall that bounces him to the floor- Ow! What the fuck!?
Joseph: -wheezes- that Sucked!
Postman: Let me try.. -Hits wall and falls immediately as well- Ow..
Ripper: However, this is strange..
Joseph: Why?
Ripper: I have seen the Minds eye use Naibs Springhands in 8vs2! The MINDS EYE Joseph!!
Joseph: -Ghasps-
Ripper: I'll just ask Naib about it later.
Postman: is there anything else here?
Ripper: Yeah, you see those little holes in the roof?
Joseph: ...Yeah?
Ripper: They release fog.
Postman: So I can become Invisible outside of a match.
Postman: What's the point of that?
Ripper: Well.. maybe I like being invisible?
Joseph: You just made me sad.
Postman: So.. anything else you got here?
Ripper: ...we have.. a scary room..
Joseph: What.
Ripper: Touch the wall over there.
Joseph: No way, I'm just gonna bounce.
Ripper: Just do it.
Joseph: -Rolls eyes and Touches wall-  ...this part isn't Bouncy?
Ripper: Exactly. It's a a secret wall. Naib hasn't discovered it yet. And I hope he never will.
Joseph: ...-Pushes open door-
Postman: ....? Woah! What is this room?!
Ripper: Its Naibs Past.
Joseph: -Walks in- what the hell. Why would Nightingale even do something like this to him? I get the Sniperguns on the wall, He said he had a collection, Right? But... this is taking it too far.
Ripper: ...You're thinking of the pool and the Wallpaper, Right?
Postman: ...I dont get it. This looks awesome. The wallpaper only makes the pool look like a part of the Ocean!
Joseph: You dont know, Huh?
Ripper: This isn't all. The holes in the wall shoots at you.
Joseph: NOPE! -Escapes room- I ain't risking standing in there if the wall can shoot at you!!
Postman: Fill me in please..?
Ripper: When Naib was in the war, He and some of the other mercenaries had to escape an island by swimming. While  they swam, They were shot at by the people still on the island. A couple of them died, while the rest died from Drowning. Naib almost drowned as well after swimming for many hours, But when he finally got too tired to continue, a military boat picked him up. Back at his base he met the Cordinator who had been controlling the ID tracker to the soliders and who had sent the Boat to pick him up.
Postman: What the heck..
Ripper: This room was made to remind him of his trauma..
Postman: That's messed up!
Joseph: yeah.. I remeber Naib refused to go in the pool at Hasturs old room.
Nightingale: Idiots.
Joseph: AH! Dont scare me like that!!
Ripper: Nightingale!! What's the meaning of this room?!
Nightingale: Show it to Naib. See what he says.
Ripper: No! He will have a trauma attack!!
Nightingale: Trust me. -Leaves-
Postman: ...oh.
Joseph: I have had enough of your room!


Joseph: What was that.
Ripper: Wu chang changed his Room picture.
Joseph: Oh. I wanna see.
Ripper: -Opens Wu changs Picture- .....
Joseph: ....
Postman: ...uh?
Postman: A-.. Are they sliding down the roof at Leo's Memory..?
Ripper: Joseph. Lets Kick Wu changs ass later.
Joseph: Yes.
Postman: Looks fun..
Ripper: Hey! We can have fun too! But then we gotta Drop Joseph. He kills fun.
Joseph: Shut up! I'll kick your ass once I'm done with Wu chang!
Ripper: Were about to say the same thing!
Postman: -Sighs-

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