...Rip Naib

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-Phantom Castle-

Geisha: That Joseph is Such an Idiot. Running off on his own like that.
Cord: I still dont get why he would bring Mike and Norton.
Geisha: -Sips Tea-  All the Hunters around here are Idiots.
Axe boy: -Rund into Room- You cant get me!! You cant get meee!!
Ripper: -Chasing Robbie- Hey! Come back! We cant have bonding time if you keep running away!!
Geisha: ...Talking about Idiots.
Merc: -Runs into Room as well- Oh Hey Martha!
Cord: ...Hello Naib.
Merc: Soo you and Geisha are friends now?
Cord: ..We have fellow Interests.
Merc: -Sits down to drink tea with them-
Mad eyes: This Teaparty were nice before the Winerboys came!!
Ripper: -Sighs and Sits down- Being a parent is Hard.
Merc: It has been 20 minutes.
Ripper: Uuurgh..! Tea..! -Sips tea being Stressed-
Mad eyes: Look at my Little Daughter being all Grown up and Getting her own Kids!
Ripper: I'm not your daughter!
Mad eyes: Hey Kid! Come to Grandpa!
Axe boy: -Runs to mad eyes and Sits-
Ripper: Tch..!
Geisha: ...Mercenary, Why would you marry Someone like Jack?
Cord: I was wondering the same thing.
Geisha: I get Aesop and Joseph but.. Why Jack..?
Merc: What's wrong with Jack?
Cord: Take a look at him, Hes so agressive all the time.
Ripper: I'm gonna kill both You AND the Brat one day!
Mad eyes: Dont talk like that to your son and Father!!
Mad eyes: Lies!! I remeber the day My wife... Wait.. I NEVER HAD CHILDREN! YOU'RE ADOPTED!!!
Ripper: WHAT?!
Merc: ..Hey Jack, Come sit here.
Ripper: -Sits down next to Naib- Grrr..
Merc: -Pats Jacks Head- Its okay Jack, they're just taunting you.
Ripper: -Nods and Sips Tea-
Geisha: ...He is the only one who is able to Calm jack and that's lowkey a Miracle.
Cord: Pathetic.
Geisha: Agreed.

-Outside World-

Joseph: Wheres that Taxi? What does it look like?
Embalmer: We have to Wait for it. It should be here soon.
Prospecc: -Feels Raindrop on his Face- Huh..? Guys it's going to Rain.
Joseph: H-..huh..?!
Acrobat: -Holds out hand to Feel raindrops- You're right.
Joseph: -Panicks and Covers Aesop- Dont worry!! I will protect you?!
Embalmer: Joseph, what are you doing?
Joseph: I wont let the Acid Burn your beautiful skin!!!
Embalmer: Its Just Rain.
Joseph: How Terrifying!!
Embalmer: Joseph. -Grabs Josephs Hand- Its okay, Rain is Just water.
Joseph: I-.. its okay? I wont die from it..?
Embalmer: ...no?
Prospecc: Oh yeah, I overheard that, haha.
Joseph: You should have said something!!
Prospecc: ...nah.
Acrobat: Hey, there it is!

-Taxi stops next to them-

Joseph: What am I looking at..
Embalmer: The Taxi. I'll go Shotgun. -Sits down in the Front-
Prospecc: -Sits down in the Middle in the back-
Acrobat: -Sits next to Norton-
Joseph: ...-Carefully sits next to Norton in the back as well-
Embalmer: To the Airport please.
Taxi driver: -Nods and starts Driving-
Joseph: How far is it to Paris?
Embalmer: A couple of Hours.
Joseph: We are going to sit here a couple of Hours..?
Embalmer: No, we are going to sit on the Plane a couple of Hours.
Joseph: ....
Prospecc: -Holds Mikes hand again- It's going to be a long trip.
Acrobat: -Holds and nods- at least we're together so we can entertain eachother!
Embalmer: -Yawns-
Joseph: Are you tired Aesop?
Embalmer: Yes..
Joseph: Can we sleep on the plane?
Embalmer: Yes, let's do that. ...Ah, theres the Airport. Let's go.

-Feaster room-

Seer: -Having some kind of Mental breakdown on the bed-
Feaster: Eli, I'm here. Everything Is okay.
Seer: What if I hurt someone else..!
Feaster: I will make sure that wont happen. Go into the Bathroom and wash your your face, okay? Or just take a Shower.
Seer: -Nods and Locks himself into the Bathroom-
Owl: -Sits on Feaster tentacle-
Feaster: Hey Ibis. Are you doing okay?
Owl: -Opens one eye and Look at Hastur and then closes it again trying to sleep-
Merc: -Knocks on Door-
Feaster: -Opens Door- ...Can I help you?
Merc: Is Eli there?
Feater: -Lets Naib In- Yes. He is just on the bathroom taking a Shower.
Merc: -Looks at Ibis- ...He went without Ibis..?
Feaster: Yes, why?
Merc: That means he is using his own Eyes..
Fester: ..Yes?
Merc: ..And then he cant see what Ibis sees..
Feaster: You're Confusing me.
Merc: ...-Qickly Tackles the Owl and Holds it tightly so it cant escape- GOT YOU!!
Owl: -Screams-
Feaster: What are you doing to Elis Owl?!
Merc: Hear me Out! Ibis I wont Hurt you! Just listen!!
Owl: -Tries to Fly away but Naib is holding its feet-
Merc: Ibis! It's fine! It's just me! It's just Naib! I will just talk to you without Eli being here for a while..!
Owl: -Calms Down and Stares at Naib-
Merc: Listen to me.. Me and Aesop Knows that you're the one taking over Elis Body when he switches to Abusive.
Feaster: Wait what?
Merc: Yeah, Ibis can take over Eli..
Feaster: What about the two other Personalities?
Merc: That's Just Eli going mental!
Feaster: Oh no..
Owl: -Screams again-
Merc: No no..! Listen..! I'm not angry..!
Owl: -Glares at Naib again-
Merc: ...Between you and me, I want to.. Apologize..
Feaster: Does Eli know about this..?
Merc: Ibis.. we have been apologizing to Eli alot for Betraying him in that Match. But we never apologized to you. You saved me and Aesop alot that day.. you took so many hits for us.. it must have been painful for you..
Owl: .....
Merc: You are the only reason me and Aesop were able to Escape and for that we're grateful. And dont worry, we wont tell Eli that you're the one behind him being abusive. You two are best friends afterall, right..?
Owl: ......-Nods-
Merc: Thank you.. will you stop Abusing The others then..?
Owl: -Nods again-
Merc: ..Thank you. You are helping me Fulfill my Wish..
Feaster: ...Wish?
Merc: ...In Tokyo, me and Jack Visited a Shrine where we made a Wish.. Mine were that Eli would be Cured..
Feaster: ...You dont want me to tell Eli about Ibis, right.
Merc: No. Just pretend I weren't here, allright?
Feaster: ..Allright. Thank you.

-A bit Later, on Plane-

Embalmer: -Leans on Joseph- We're going to be here for a while..
Joseph: At least we can relax.
Prospecc: -Sitting with Mike on the seats across for Joseph and Aesop- So, Mike, do you have any ideas of what we can do on an Airplane?
Acrobat: I dont know, Probably just play games, sleep and talk.
Prospecc: Let's talk then..!
Acrobat: Talk about what?
Prospecc: ...Have you been to Paris before?
Acrobat: Yeah but that was... Very long ago. My circus travelled around the world and we once had a Show in Paris! Margaretha were there as well!
Prospecc: You travelled alot huh? That must have been pretty amazing.
Acrobat: Yeah, I miss it alot. But I'm also fine with the life I have at the manor now together with you guys!
Prospecc: I see.

Stewardess: Hello, my I offer you something to Drink?
Embalmer: Some Water.
Joseph: ...water for me too.
Stewardess: -Gives Joseph and Aesop water- Enjoy your flight! -Looks at Mike and Norton- Hello, may I offer you something to drink?
Acrobat: Orange Juice please!
Prospecc: Apple Juice for me.
Stewardess: -Gives Mike and Norton Apple Juice and Orange Juice- Enjoy your flight!

-A while later-

Joseph: ...Aesop, are you awake?
Embalmer: Yeah.. I cant sleep..
Joseph: Looks like they are able to sleep.
Embalmer: -Looks at Mike and Norton sleeping on top of eachother- They shouldn't sleep like that..
Joseph: Why not?
Embalmer: If there comes Turbulence, the stewartess will wake them up and make sure they put their belts back on.
Joseph: I see.
Embalmer: They turned the lights off in the plane.. that means its past midnight.
Joseph: Do you want to try to sleep again?
Embalmer: Dont you want to sleep?
Joseph: I dont want to fall asleep as long as you're awake. That would make you lonly.
Embalmer: ...Thank you Joseph. -Gives Joseph a Kissy-
Joseph: -Smiles and Relaxes in his seat- Just a few more hours, huh..?

-Next Morning phantom Castle-

Ripper: Naib, I'm going to play Duo Hunters with Wu Chang today, I promised him we were going to play before we left for Tokyo.
Merc: Do you want me to Join?
Ripper: Nah. Only Girls. Wu chang calls it Wingmaning.
Merc: ....good luck.
Ripper: Thanks. -Leaves-
Merc: -Rests on the bed-
Seer: -Walks in to Ripper Room- Hey Naib!
Merc: Oh, Hi Eli, you look surprisingly happy today!
Seer: I am! -Hugs Naib-
Merc: Oh..! Hehe..~ I'm glad you're okay! -Hugs Back-
Seer: -Nuzzles against Naibs Chest- I'm very very happy..~
Merc: o- okay Eli, but now it's getting a little wired. Back off a little plea-
Seer: -Grabs Naibs arms and Kisses him deeply-
Merc: -Quickly Panicks and Pushes Eli away- Hey..! What are you doing?!
Seer: I love you Naib!~ -Keeps trying to Kiss Naib-
Merc: Uh..! Right, I love you too bro but not like this..! I'm Married..!
Seer: We can be Together in Secret!!
Merc: Like cheating?! Eli, I appreciate that you love me but This isn't okay..! Dont you love the Feaster?!
Seer: B-but Naib..!~
Merc: ...You're not Eli, are you..?

-In Paris-

Joseph: Finally! Is this our Hotel?
Embalmer: Looks like it.
Prospecc: -Carrying all of Aesop and Joseph's Things together with Mike- I just want to clarify that We came with you to get you married, Not as your servants..!
-Phone Rings-
Embalmer: ...That's Mine. -Picks up Phone- Hey Naib.
Merc: ...There is an.. situation.
Embalmer: Oh, what happened?
Merc: At this Very Moment, Eli is Nuzzeling against my chest and kissing my neck and Is talking nonsense about Me Divorcing Jack.
Embalmer: ....Why, is Eli sick or something?
Merc: ...Yesterday I talked to Ibis while Eli Were showering and I started apologizing about that match because we hadn't really apologized to Ibis yet you know.
Embalmer: Yeah..?
Merc: ...I think Ibis Fell in love with me.
Embalmer: ....Elis Owl.
Merc: ...yes.
Embalmer: ...Fell in love.
Merc: ...Yes.
Embalmer: ...With you.
Merc: .............Yes.
Embalmer: -Sighs- Oh boy.. did you talk with Jack?
Merc: No, He is Playing Duo Hunters with Wu chang..
Embalmer: ..Let me talk with Her.
Merc: Hey, Ibis! Its Aesop, you want to talk with him?
Seer: -Grabs phone- Hello?
Embalmer: Eli. Ibis.. I know you're a little confused but Naib is Married and you can't just-
Seer: -Hisses and Hangs up-
Embalmer: ...Yep. everything at home is fine.!
Joseph: If you say so. Anyway, we checked in. We have room 307. The Acrobat and The Prospector already went to their rook on 306.
Embalmer: -Nods and walks to Room with Joseph-
Joseph: We're sleeping here for a Week, huh?
Embalmer: It's going to be Nice.

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