Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Liar!" I shouted back.

"I am not!"

"Are so!"

"We're not kids Sophie! I thought you would know that!" He snarled

"We're mates. I thought you would know that. Mr. big bad Wolf." I snarled back walking over to him.

He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms then looked at the ground. For like the fifth time in this relationship I could picture him as a toddler having a fit. He worked that attitude so well. But what was he hiding? I personally can't think of him doing anything suspicious, I've never seen him sneak out, I've never heard him talking about anyone. Then again he's been avoiding me for days. I know it was only three but it felt like forever. He hasn't been sleeping. Is he.... Cheating? No, I would have felt it.

"What can't you tell me?" I asked him, pulling his chin up so he would look at me.

"Don't." He mumbled, avoiding my eyes.

"Ian, how can we beat her if she keep taring us apart?" I whined almost, dropping my hand.

"I don't even think I'm thinking along the same lines she is, I don't know if you'll take offence to it or if you'll be fine." He admitted.

"Tell me?" I begged.

"I don't want you to think of me any differently." He swallowed.

"I'll close my eyes, see it from your point of view. No biased opinions I swear." I assured him, smiling a little cause I was getting my way.

He nodded but got up off the love seat and walked over to the balcony. He leaned against the frame of the door and looked out of the window. It was a very romantic movie pose. I was half expecting him to pop out a ring or tell me about another love that failed. I wanted to laugh but remembered my promise, I really wanted to hear this from him. So instead I closed my eyes and stretched out on the seat, taking a deep breath and clearing my mind.

Ian took a breath too, "Keep in mind she might not even know this. My parents died when my brother and I were young. He was six and I was four. It sounds like we were too young to understand anything but in my parents minds it was best to teach us about ourselves when we were young. Traditionally, a werewolf first changes at five. My brother was just finishing his first transformations and I was getting ready for my first."

I could picture little Ian running around his home, which resembled a cottage, panicked about turning into a puppy. Hs brother, who I imagine looks like him, laughs.

"But of course Matt always liked being the first, first to be wolf, first to be Alpha. It didn't matter what as long as he went first. So anyways, he was out with my mom one night. Training for the next moon. You see until sixteen you can't control your shifts. It happens every full moon like in the stories. My dad stayed home with me to teach me more about the first transformation. We never even finished that lesson. Something weird happened, my dad was teaching me and then he just stopped. He just fell to the ground right there," Ian swallowed

"At first I didn't know what was going on. Then I saw the blood. It just oozed out of him, out of the long scratches across his back. I cried for my mom and heard laughter behind me. Turning around I could see two strangers in the kitchen. One of them had blood running down his hand and his fangs bared the other just laughed. Then said 'cat got your tongue?' The other laughed just a cruelly, 'no John, but we have his mothers.' Then I heard a terrible shrieking sound, my mom crawled out of the kitchen, her face was- It was gruesome."

Ian stopped to take a shaky breath, "Matt just sat in the doorway. I looked up to him for some stupid reason, I thought he would save them. But he just sat there. He watched as the vampires left, he watched as our parents died! I'll never know why the vampires didn't kill us too, maybe they were sent by someone. Maybe they were bored. All I could do was sit in the corner and whimper like an idiot! Matt just watched, I just whimpered. Soon after that my uncle took us in. He had no household rules and was the only one in my fathers family who didn't get the werewolf gene. So my brother and I went out every full moon and killed everything. We killed humans, we even killed werewolves. But our main objective was to kill vampires. I'm ashamed of what I did, I massacred hundreds if not thousands of innocent people."

He stopped talking, ended the story but I sat there waiting for more. He cleared his throat and moved my feet to sit down, then gently placed them back on his lap. I opened my eyes slowly to look at his sad face.

"Vivian couldn't know that." I assured him, "that was your past. She doesn't put that much effort into her work. It was never your fault anyways. I would do the same."

He nodded, "Are you sure?"

"Positive." I smiled.

He looked up at me and smiled back. God I've missed that smile, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled himself into me. Hugging me close. Then he fell asleep almost instantly, snoring in my arms. I couldn't bare to let him go or move, what if he stopped talking to me again? I couldn't stop picturing him attacking my family, killing my parents. But that's not possible. It couldn't be. So what did Vivian have on him then? What else didn't I know?

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