Chapter 33 - I'm Not Leaving

Start from the beginning

Zayn's voice lowered, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

I shook my head, "It's fine. I'm just gonna go shower." I said and got up to go to the bathroom.

I finished showering and put some fresh clothes on. I always kept a bag of clothes at Zayn's considering how much I stay there. I went out into the living room. Zayn was sitting on the couch also dressed watching TV. I went over to him and sat on his lap, placing my legs on either side of his hips.

"Well, hello there," He smiled cheekily

I giggled and put my arms around his neck interlocking my fingers together, "Hi."

Zayn kissed me tenderly. He must have brushed his teeth. We pulled away after a few moments.

"So you're gonna be here for New Years right?" His eyes full of hope.

I nodded, "Yep, and the week after that I start my classes." I grinned excitedly.

Zayn bit his lip, "Hey, I wanted to ask you something."

I wrinkled my eyebrows together, "What is it?"

Zayn rubbed my sides as he thought about what to say.

"Zayn tell me." I shook his shoulders gently.

"Well, I want you to come out on tour with me."

I let my mouth fall open. He was not asking me to go on tour with him. I had to go to school. Does he know how important this was for me?


"I want you-"

"No, no I know what you said. I just can't believe it." I got off his lap and started to pace.

"Why? Don't you think it'd be great?"

"Zayn I have school!" I shouted at him.

"I know. I was thinking maybe you could start after or you could even take online classes." He suggested.

"Zayn! I'm can't take online classes for photography. I'm going to school to become a photographer. Do you know what this means to me?" I questioned.

"Stella, we're gonna be away from each other for a long time. I want you to be with me." He stood up and his voice rose as well.

"What, so I can watch you live your dream out? I have dreams too, Zayn. Dreams I can't achieve unless I go to school. I don't wanna be stuck backstage or stuck at some hotel while you do your job. That doesn't sound like fun. And that won't get me anywhere in life!"

"Stella, I don't think you realize how long we're gonna be away from each other. This tour is 4 months."

"And I don't think you realize how much this hurts right now, Zayn. You're telling me to leave school, leave my dream while I watch you live out yours! I can visit you throughout the tour when I have time. We can Skype, we can call each other. I'm not leaving Zayn."

"Stella, please just think about this. I want you to come. You can go to school afterwards."

"No! Why can't you understand! Zayn, I'm not leaving London. I am going to school. I'm not gonna follow you around like some puppy."

Zayn ran his head through his hair as he tried to think of what to say.

I shook my head in disbelief, "I can't believe what just happened."

Zayn just looked at with me sad eyes.

"I'm leaving." I said and walked towards the door.

Zayn chased after me, "No, Stel stay."

I opened the door and looked at him, "So now you want me stay." I said sarcastically.

"Stella," He sighed.

I waited for him to say something but he didn't. So I did, "Oh, and thanks for telling me that you smoke. Glad we keep secrets in this relationship." I slammed the door behind me and went to get a cab home.


I walked through the door my apartment and shut the door behind me. I rested my forehead on the door and shut my eyes. I felt like crying but no tears came.

"You alright, Stel?" A deep British voice asked me behind me.

I turned around and saw curly head Harry behind me, "Yeah, fine." I replied.

Harry gave me I-know-you-aren't-fine-tell-me-what's-wrong face.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. Harry followed.

"Zayn and I got into a fight because he wants to me go on your with you guys but I need to go to school. He's upset I don't wanna go."

Harry took my hand and put it between his hands. He rubbed it soothingly.

"I'm sorry Stella."

I sat back, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Do what you think you should do. No one else's opinion matters but yours."

"I really think I should stay. I want to stay."

"Then that's what you do."

"Okay, I'm staying." I smiled proudly.

Harry chuckled, "I hope by the time we're back you're a world known photographer."

I laughed, "Yeah, okay. I'll try."

Harry pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks Harry," I said.

Harry pulled away, "Glad I could help."

"Is Emily here?" I asked.

"No, she went to get stuff for dinner."

"Oh, I am I going to ruin some romantic dinner date?" I giggled.

Harry chuckled, "No, you aren't. It's just some dinner and a movie."

"Ohh, maybe I can be the third wheel." I joked.

"Only if you want to."

"Mm, I think I'll pass." I laughed, "I'm gonna go pack for Chicago."

"Fine! We'll have more fun without you!" Harry called jokingly as I went down the short hallway.

I laughed and shouted back, "I'm sure you will!"

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