Ignore the hate

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Sashas pov

Sasha really sucks!

Can't believe Seth even thought of asking her to marry him

Seth can do better

Botcha banks

Just go kill yourself Sasha Seth would be better off without your pathetic ass!

Tears streamed down my face as I read through the countless dms I had received over social media the last few days. I never know exactly why's people hated me so much I hadn't done much to deserve the level of hate I was getting.

I turned my phone off and threw it across my bedroom before bringing my knees up to my chest and began to sob into my lap letting my pain spill out. As I cried I felt something soft rub against my legs and something licked my arm, I immediately knew it was Kevin's Seth's dog. I chuckled sadly moving further back on the bed and bringing the yorkie into my lap and stroking his head as tears still spilt down my face and onto my cheeks.

"Glad to know at least someone in their world still loves me" I said sadly kissing Kevin's head but quickly shook my head after. I knew I was being stupid I had great friends and the most amazing fiancé ever I mean I'm sure there's thousands of girls on this planet who'd kill to have him. He's so handsome and perfect in every way, he treats me like a queen and always takes care of me.

He puts me before anything else he's so precious like when I was hurt in the ring and couldn't walk backstage he ignored vince and hunter and ran out to me. He could've been fired for that.

I chuckled as I thought of the memory of Seth flipping off the referees who scolded him for his actions and kept his attention on me. I kissed Kevin's head again before I heard the front door to the house open and close "baby I'm home" I heard and immediately heard heart jumped in my chest.

Without a single thought I sprinted out of our bedroom and rushed down the stairs, before Seth could even speak I jumped into his body wrapping both my arms and legs around him clutching onto him like a koala. "Jesus baby you ok?" He asked placing his hand under my butt to support me and ran his other hand through my hair but I ignored him burying my head into his neck and taking in his scent.

Why spend time crying when I can love the most amazing life with this man.

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