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Seth's pov

I was in a peaceful slumber with my girl wrapped up in my arms when an ear piercing cry echoed throughout the house awakening me, I sighed placing Sasha down on the bed before climbing out of my bed and slipping a shirt on.

I groggily made my way towards the room where the crying came from and opened the door slowly to reveal my daughter crying "Hey princess shhhhhhhhhhh Hey Hey" I cooed picking her up out of her crib. I rocked her in my arms and took her out of the room downstairs into the kitchen where I heated up a bottle of milk and placed it in her mouth. I walked back up into her room and sat on the soft chair that resided in the corner of the room.

She lay in my arms drinking the bottle slowly and I smiled down at her, "that better?" I asked as she finished the bottle but suddenly she began crying again and I sighed. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I begged pacing the room trying to quieten her "your going to wake up mommy and she's not very well" I spoke but she continued to cry.

I looked around the room trying to find something to calm her but had no idea what to do, I'd ask Sasha for help but recently she'd been very ill and tonight was the first night she'd had a full sleep without waking up to be sick which broke my heart. Suddenly my eyes fell to my phone and and idea popped into my head, I opened my phone and pulled up a familiar song which immediately calmed Avery.

I hummed along to the theme and she looked up at me as I pulled funny faces at her, but my heart almost stopped when a noise was heard outside of my daughters room. I looked over to see my beautiful wife leaning up against the door frame watching us in awe "what are you doing here your supposed to be resting" I questioned quietly and she smiled.

She slowly walked over to me and rested her body against mine "I wanted to see what you were doing playing my theme" she giggled and I nodded. "She wouldn't be quite so I thought I'd give it a try" I replied looking down at a sleeping Avery in my arms. I placed her back in her crib and shut off the music before taking my wifes hand and leading her back to our bedroom.

She lay in my arms as I hugged her tight "I love you" "I love you too".

Another one shot up!! Thank you for reading!! Please vote and comment!! 💓💞💘💜💖💚❤️💗💕

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