We're going to be ok

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Sashas pov

I sighed heavily as I trudged through the empty hallway did the arena my heart weighed done by feeling of a tough decision I have to make.

Lately me and Seth have been in some dark times, after he lost the universal championship and I won the raw women's  title he's been really moody and it's had a major impact on our relationship. We're constant arguing, sleeping in different beds, ignoring eachother for hours at a time and sometimes he'll even go as far as booking a different room in a completely different hotel to me without any notice.

But I still love Seth, he's my husband, my best friend, my lover and my rock but I couldn't carry on like this. The constant heart break and pain I endured every time we saw eachother was becoming all too overwhelming.

I sat down on a nearby crate and let my head fall into my hands as tears began to stream down my face and reality hit me.

Should I get a divorce?

Immediately my head began to spin at the thought, we'd been together for almost six year did I really want to end it. All those sacrifices we made to be together and the memories we had made, the future plans we have still yet to put into action. Did I really want to throw all that away.

But on the other hand if i didn't it might happen sooner or later on his behalf, maybe he would get sick of me and find someone better for him.

That was my biggest fear, one day finishing out he'd found someone new who he cherished more than me.

Sobs scratched the back of my throat as the thoughts swirled throughout my mind like a hurricane if sadness. Until suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, my head shot up and my eyes instantly met another pair staring done at me "roman" I whispered quietly rubbing my eyes and wiping the tears of my cheeks. He sighed looking done at me before sitting next to me on the crate.

"Sash what's going on?" He asked and I looked down at the floor "colbys been more moody lately, he used to talk about you all the time and now he acts as if you don't exist and that Mandy rose has been flirting with him to no extent". My heart instantly dropped  into my stomach at his statement and my chin quivered.

I shook my head swiping my hair back and sighing as the tears once again fell "I have no idea anymore ro" I shrugged taking a deep breath and he frowned. "We're arguing constantly, I can't temper the last time we kissed or did anything physical even hugging" I explained and he sat listening carefully.

"I didn't even know he was talking to Mandy, I just want us to go back to the way we used to be" I exclaimed before breaking out into sobbing again. Immediately I  felt two arms wrap around me and a hand glide up and done my back "calm done sweetheart your getting too worked up" he comforted trying to help but it didn't work.

The nasty thoughts I had dreaded once again flee around my head causing me to cry even more. The thought of him and Mandy popped into my head as Romans arms suddenly left my body but I didn't care I continued to cry keeping my eyes shut and pulling my knees to my chest letting in the emotion I had been holding in for months.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh Babygirl" I heard a voice say suddenly but it couldn't make out who it was, a ringing was piercing my ears and heavy clouds of tears blocked my vision. My body began to shake as I began to hyperventilate obviously worrying the person who had suddenly appeared next to me. "Cam down baby please........... deep breaths in and out" the mysterious  person instructed but it was no use.

More demons haunted my thoughts carrying en off to dark places as the air was plunged from my body and I gasped. It felt as if I had been thrown into a sea of my fears and was slowly drowning in them as they became reality. Until suddenly it all stopped.

I was abruptly pulled into someone's lap as they held me close and rolled me back forth whispering sweet nothings in my ear "b....ba...baby ple....please calm ......down" the voice cried  and only now could I recognise it. It belonged to him.

The person who I needed the most.

My husband


"S..se...Seth" I stuttered still struggling for air and I felt him nod "it's m....me baby....I'm here I've got you.....your safe" he whimpered holding me tighter than he ever had before. Slowly I opened my eyes to see that I was now folded up in his arms situated on his lap and roman and dean stood at the end of the hallway preventing superstars from coming down towards us.

"Are you ok?" I heard him say and I nodded struggling in his grip "let go" I demanded in a weak voice but he shook his head. "Seth let me go now!" I exclaimed violently pushing myself away from him and out of his arms. I stood up from the crate and leaned against the wall furthest away from him catching my breath "babe just....." "NO SETH LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed suddenly turning to face him.

His face showed nothing buts utter sadness as his eyes showed hurt and worry but I was full of rage. How dare he suddenly turn up without hardly speaking to me for weeks and suddenly act like he cared.

"YOU DON'T NEED ME ANYMORE PATHETIC LITTLE SASHA BANKS, WHO COULDN'T EVEN COMPARE TO MANDY ROSE!!" I once again screamed and his eyes widened.  "You....have..haven't need..ed me for......months so just leave" I whimpered moving forward and shoving his chest but he still remained on the crate staring at me with a heart broken look.

He tried to reach out to me but I swatted his hands away rubbing my face with my hands "that's what you think?" I suddenly heard him say and I released a deep breath. "You think you could never compare to her" he continued standing up from the crate "I think she could never compare to you, because your my wife, I need you more than anything. These late few months have been the hardest for me because I've been going through some shirt but worse than that I hurt you".

I looked up as he placed a hand on my cheek making me smile "I hurt my love, my soulmate, my reason for living, my purpose my life and my wife" tears exposed his captivating eyes as he slowly pulled me closer. "Don't ever say I don't need you Babygirl because you my life and I need you more than anything. Please forgive me I know you where thinking about a divorce but I just can't let you go".

I nodded as our faces where only inches apart "I forgive you rollins" I smiled and suddenly he pulled my face towards him and connected our lips. Passion surged between us as he how my body tightly against his and our tongues linked in harmony making me moan.

We were going to be ok

Another chapter up!! Hope you enjoyed!! Please vote and comment!!

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